[ Gojko Vujovic @ 04.10.2002. 02:40 ] @
The Sun Will Explode In Less Than Six Years!
Wednesday September 18, 2002


The Sun is overheating and will soon blow up . . . taking Earth and the rest of the solar system with it, scientists warn.

The alert was issued after an international satellite photographed a massive explosion on the surface of the Sun that sent a plume of fire 30 times longer than the diameter of Earth blasting into space.

"It's a sign that the Sun is ready to blow . . . I don't know if I can put it any more plainly than that," says Dutch astrophysicist Dr. Piers Van der Meer, a top expert affiliated with the European Space Agency.

"It will be like a nuclear bomb trillions of times more powerful than the one dropped on Hiroshima going off at the center of our solar system.

"When that happens Earth will be instantly incinerated along with all life on it. It's like when a marshmallow falls into a fire, blackens and melts."

Scientists say the problem is the Sun is literally getting too hot.

The core temperature of the Sun is normally 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. But in recent years it's climbed to an alarming 49 million degrees, says Dr. Van der Meer, leader of a team of Amsterdam-based space scientists who've been tracking the changes in the Sun.

"It's quite similar to when a star goes supernova at the end of its life," Dr. Van der Meer explains. "Over the past 11 years, we've seen our Sun go through changes frighteningly like those that took place in Kepler's Star right before it was observed going supernova in 1604."

Temperatures on the surface of the Sun have been steadily climbing over the past decade, the scientists say.

"This, we believe, not man-made pollution, is responsible for global warming and the alarming effects that we've seen take place on Earth such as the melt-down of the Antarctic ice shelves," asserted Dr. Van der Meer.

The July 1 images were taken by the space-based Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), a satellite designed to study the internal structure of the Sun and operated jointly by NASA and the European Space Agency.

"The explosion . . . known technically as an eruptive prominence . . . was colossal," said Dr. Van der Meer. "This is the final warning sign we've all been dreading."

The Dutch scientists calculate that if temperatures keep climbing at the current rate the Sun will be unable to sustain itself.

"It will blow apart like an out-of-control nuclear reactor within six years," predicts Dr. Van der Meer.

NASA refuses to confirm the Euro-pean scientists' assertions and a White House source said, "We don't need anyone spreading more panic now."

[ preki @ 04.10.2002. 14:31 ] @
Polako ljudi ne panicite, polako u sklonista i slusajte centar za obavestavanje.
E, Gojko, gde nalazis ovakve stvari majke ti? Prvo naselja na Marsu, a onda da smo ga pukli za max. 6 godina.
Zaista ne verujem u ovo, ali moram priznati da me od same pomisli na tako nesto prodje jezza.
Ma, da ja batalim fax za svaki slucaj, a?
[ random @ 04.10.2002. 14:44 ] @
Ovo je sjajna vest! Evo ja sam već počeo da trošim sve pare na alkohol i kurve (nije da se tu nešto promenilo, ali sad konačno imam dobar izgovor). Oduvek sam želeo da poginem pre tridesete na krajnje nasilan način, a ovo je još ponajbolja varijanta, jer si ovako siguran da nećeš ništa propustiti ako umreš mlad.
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 04.10.2002. 15:13 ] @
Mnogo duvaju ovi holandjani...
[ Mihailo @ 04.10.2002. 16:47 ] @
Wauuuu ! Daj da vratimo Slobu iz Haga da se zezamo još koju godinu.

[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 04.10.2002. 18:32 ] @
Da li su oni svesni koliko kultova ce sada izvrsiti masovna samoubistva... ccc :)
[ Predrag Damnjanovic @ 04.10.2002. 20:17 ] @
Ja sutra prodajem komp i bacam se na LSD
[ Mikky @ 04.10.2002. 23:25 ] @
cekaj a sto ste svi u fazonu da neverujete
pa ko zna mozda svakog casa moze da nestane cela nasa galaksija zajedno sa nama a da toga ni nebudemo svesni i nemamo pojma kako se to desilo.... sad si tu sad vise nema nicega...
npr. teorija o multiverzumu da se univerzum sastoji od beskonacno pod univerzuma i kad dodje do sudara 2 pod univerzuma dolazi do potpune anihilacije oba i nastaje novi poduniverzum.... mislim ako bi to bila dokazana teorija i da se to desi ne bismo ni bili svesni unistenja, samo od jednom nebi bilo vise nicega

mislim i ja se jezim od takvih pomisli ali nisu uvek optimisticka misljenja u isto vreme i objektivna
a ovu vest treba proveriti i preko organa zakona te zemlje i ako je lazna na*ebati se familije tim lozacima... makar dozivotna za takvo nesto ja bi dao
[ ventura @ 05.10.2002. 00:25 ] @

Mujo, sta bi ti radio da je sutra smak sveta?
- Pa nista. Spakovo bi kofere i otiso za Nemacku.

[ EagleOne @ 05.10.2002. 00:33 ] @
Jao teorije , nista protiv njih opste , ali , anihilacija poduniverzuma, priznajem nisam josh cuo za takvu teoriju ,ali zar ne mislish da bi bilo dokaza posmatrackih o nestanku nekih "poduniverzuma" ili su u pitanju tako velkiki blokovi prostora koji nemaju veze sa "nasim" un. , da ta svetlost jos nije dosla do nas , ha , ali morala je , sem ako se tako nesto nije desavalo u samom pocetku, mnogo pre coveka i planeta(ako je bilo pocetak ... huh long story ...), u svakom slucaju sto se uzbudjujesh pa znash koji je filing legnesh vecerash u krevet i zaspesh , to je to , a sada da li ces se probuditi i kada (nemoj ovo pogresni da shvatis:)) ... Izgleda da su resili da prospu sadrzaj nase epruvete i zavrse experiment :) ...

p.s. da imaju takve podatke sigurno ih ne bi objavljivali , sem ako bi se do njih stizalo na neki jednostavan nacin tipa video sam kroz teleskop na zvezdari ...

p.s.s. Zamislite stvarno situaciju da je info tacan i sa vise strana potvrdjen, a da ga je svestan ceo svet, sta bi ste radili .. huh koja jezzza ...

vec vidim na RTS-u "gradjani ne uzbudjujte se samo postupite po objasnjenoj proceduri, sedite u kucama i zamracite prostorije roletnama ili jacim zavesama i sacekajte minut dva zatim sigurno mozete izaci iz iz vasih domova...oni koji s nadju na otvorenom neka legnu u najblizi zaklon licem ka zemlji..."
[ EagleOne @ 05.10.2002. 00:36 ] @
Mujo, sta bi ti radio da je sutra smak sveta?
- Pa nista. Spakovo bi kofere i otiso za Nemacku.

Ja sam stavrno pre neku godinu na tv-u u nekoj od onih zeleni venac anketa video cigana , ok roma:), koji izjavljuje , "Kako sta cu, pa u Austriju !" ...
[ Somebody @ 17.10.2002. 19:53 ] @
Evo sta o tome kazu astrofizicari na jednom sajtu,


I hadn't seen this article before, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. You're right to be skeptical, for several reasons!

First, the sun is too small to ever go supernova, so the basic premise of the article is incorrect. There just isn't enough mass in our sun to cause it to explode and collapse to form a neutron star or black hole.

Also, I haven't been able to find out any information on this guy "Dr. Piers Van der Meer". There's an online database, called the Astrophysics Data System, that keeps records of Journal articles published in astronomy/astrophysics/planetary science. Even beginning graduate students will show up in the records because they've usually been to at least one conference, and as soon as you have a couple papers about your reaserch it's easy to find out what you're doing and where you work. But this person doesn't show up in the system at all! I looked him up using a search engine and he doesn't seem to have a web page affiliated with any organization. So if he's a serious astrophysicist, he hasn't published papers or appeared at conferences before, and isn't part of a major organization.

Also, the article claims he's associated with the European Space Agency (ESA) (which is a real, credible organization), but when you look at their website there's no mention of this press release at all. So it's not endorsed by them, apparently.

The article was also written for "Weekly World News", which is one of those papers that tends to publish half-truths, or distort the truth to get a sensationalistic story. And there are some truths to the story. For example, SOHO is a satellite that is run jointly by ESA and NASA, and it does take images of giant flares and prominences, which are like giant explosions on the sun. Flares and prominences happen all the time, and although they may cause aurorae or interfere with communications, they're really not a big deal. SOHO has lots of cool images; you can check them out at the SOHO website. Notice they don't say anything about the sun exploding either.

It's also true that the temperature at the center of the sun is about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit, but the sun is not increasing in temperature over the long term; it's actually decreasing a bit as it ages. Also, the article claims that they measured trends "in recent years", which (besides being vague) is a very short time in the life of the sun. Temperature measurements over a few years really won't tell you anything about the long term behavior of the sun.

So, I think what happened is that Weekly World News pieced together some truths and found some person willing to add a few extra things to make the story exciting. It's certainly not credible astrophysics!

October 2002, Lynn Carter (more by Lynn Carter)


[ saggitarius @ 18.10.2002. 17:57 ] @
Ej ljudi, ma nema razloga da panicite, koji vam je k***c :))))) Idite, lepo se provedite, i ako ne bude smaka za sest godina, svejedno, makar ste se proveli kao KING hahahahahahahha
[ Mikky @ 23.10.2002. 22:10 ] @
nego znate sta je najcudnije od svega ovoga...to da ova prica jos uvek nije izasla u trecem 0k0-u
[ Illiron @ 25.10.2002. 14:42 ] @
pa nije jer u ovu pricu na prvi pogled mozes i da poverujes, a oni to ne zele :-)
[ Deep Watcher @ 24.12.2002. 12:47 ] @

npr. teorija o multiverzumu da se univerzum sastoji od beskonacno pod univerzuma i kad dodje do sudara 2 pod univerzuma dolazi do potpune anihilacije oba i nastaje novi poduniverzum.... mislim ako bi to bila dokazana teorija i da se to desi ne bismo ni bili svesni unistenja, samo od jednom nebi bilo vise nicega

Ne moze da dodje dosudara 2 "poduniverzuma" kako si ih nazvao, oni su povezani mozda samo Ajstajn-Rozenovim mostovima tj, wormholes a to su anomalna zakrivljenja prostor-vremena.
A i sto bi doslo do potpune anhilacije?????
[ Mikky @ 28.12.2002. 01:12 ] @
ne pitaj mene :D nego ovog ciku http://www.mkaku.org/
[ the.kum @ 28.12.2002. 03:09 ] @
a ovu vest treba proveriti i preko organa zakona te zemlje i ako je lazna na*ebati se familije tim lozacima... makar dozivotna za takvo nesto ja bi dao

pa naravno da je lazna! takvih hoax-a je bilo jedno milion u poslednjih par godina => da je pravde, bas bismo se najebali familije svim tim lozacima ;)
[ Gojko Vujovic @ 29.04.2003. 14:27 ] @
Ne, već smo dokazali da tako nešto ne postoji. Pogledaj ostale poruke na ovom forumu, da ne počinjemo to opet ovde. :)
[ nadine b @ 19.09.2007. 09:39 ] @
ja nesnam perfektno srbski jesiku, ja sam nemica a imam velika problem, nisam sigurno da pase u vasi forum, ali nesnam bi de ga da u pitam onda.......evo moj problem, ja drasim sa mog muza jedan knjiga, on pre citao nikola kavaja, ja drasim slicno tako nesto ili koji srbski istorija ili bijografiju... i treba brso, sad u 29.septembar je nasu 7 vencani dan. u 29.09.2000 on me venco. molim vas puno pomocite me brso, puno vam hvala
[ Black_eyed @ 19.09.2007. 13:16 ] @

Mujo, sta bi ti radio da je sutra smak sveta?
- Pa nista. Spakovo bi kofere i otiso za Nemacku.

Eto, covek otisao pre 5 godina u nemacku, ozenio nemicu i sada ona hoce da mu kupi knjigu o Nikoli Kavaji. ;))))))

Sta rade ti smakovi sveta....
[ Nedeljko @ 19.09.2007. 14:32 ] @
Samo se vi zezajte. Juče je isteklo 5 godina.
[ ad0lf @ 22.09.2007. 22:54 ] @
a i verovatno poslednja godisnjica, jer sudeci po naslovu teme, imamo jos godinu :-)
[ Herkul @ 22.09.2007. 23:59 ] @

All one need know about this article is that it originated with the Weekly World News, an entertainment tabloid with its tongue firmly embedded in its
cheek to a depth not measurable by any instrument known to man. Unfortunately Yahoo!, a primary news source for many people on the Internet, reprints some Weekly World News articles in their TV News section under a heading of "Entertainment News & Gossip," a title that doesn't convey a strong "bogus" warning to readers who don't notice the original source is the Weekly World News (or don't know what the Weekly World News is). So, after Yahoo! picked up this alarming WWN about scientists' predicting that the sun would blow up within six years, it was forwarded on and circulated by people who knew only that it came from a "real news source." (For the record, although the http://www.esa.int/export/esaCP/index.html European Space Agency is a real and respected scientific organization, no "Dr. Piers Van der Meer" turns up as anyone who has ever had his name attached to a scientific journal article about astronomy, astrophysics, or planetary science, a rather odd circumstance for someone claimed to be "a top expert affiliated with the European Space Agency.")


Gojko nemoj ovo vise da radis, molim te.
[ Mrki brk @ 18.07.2008. 12:30 ] @
Boooooom!! Odosmo svi u....

Šalim se, evo sa Soho-vog sajta nešto:

If we compare both the current Sun and the Sun in 2002 in extreme UV light from SOHO, we can quickly see what a difference half a solar cycle makes. Back then (August 4-7, 2002), the sun was near its maximum level of activity. At any period in this time frame, it was usually very dynamic with many active regions producing a number of solar storms. (We could have chosen an extremely busy period but this one was more representative.) Six years later, the sun (July 4-7, 2008), is very quiet with no active regions at all and neatly organized polar areas (these appear darker). This is all part of the normal 11-year solar cycle. We are wondering when the next rise of solar activity will start to occur.