[ mima_cool @ 01.06.2007. 19:13 ] @
Ako je neko raspolozen za mali prevod bicu mu vecno zahvalna. Drugarica je dobila neki aparat protiv bolova, sve sam uspela da prevedem osim nekih reci. Recenice u prevodu koje su ostale na engleskom kao sto vidite nisam uspela. Ako imate nesto da promenite, slobodno mi to ispravite, jer nisam bas dobra za medicinske prevode. Hvala unapred.

There are two kinds of infrared for medical treatment, i.e. near-infrared (760nM-1.5µM) and far infrared (1.5-15µm). The former is stronger in penetration. Since it can reach the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue which are 1-10mm under the muscle, it is suitable for the in-depth spot treatment.
Our device combines both near infrared ray and visible red light together. It can generate mild heat evenly from the skin to the blood vein, the lymphatic vessel, the nerve ending and other subcutaneous tissues. It can then enhance the blood circulation, reduce tumefaction and help alleviate the inflammation. It may also cut down the excessive sensitivity of the nerve system, accelerate the growth of tissues and speed up the healing process of cuts of the skin.

Ja sam prevela ovako :

There are two kinds of infrared for medical treatment, i.e. near-infrared (760nM-1.5µM) and far infrared (1.5-15µm). The former is stronger in penetration.
Buduci da infracrveni zraci dopiru do koze i do potkoznih tkiva koja se nalaze 1-10 mm ispod misica, imaju duboko dejstvo na njih.
Our device combines both near infrared ray and visible red light together.
On stvara blagu toplotu ravnomerno od koze prema krvnim i limfnim sudovima, nervnim zavrsecima i ostalim potkoznim tkivima. Takodje poboljsava cirkulaciju krvi, umanjuje otekline i pomaze ublazavanju upala.
It may also cut down the excessive sensitivity of the nerve system, accelerate the growth of tissues and speed up the healing process of cuts of the skin.
[ biotech @ 01.06.2007. 20:46 ] @
There are two kinds of infrared for medical treatment, i.e. near-infrared (760nM-1.5µM) and far infrared (1.5-15µm). The former is stronger in penetration.
Postoje dve oblasti infracrvenog zracenja koje se koriste u medicinske svrhe, bliska-IC i daleka IC oblast. Dublje prodire svetlost iz bliske-IC oblast.

Our device combines both near infrared ray and visible red light together.
Nas uredjaj kombinuje svetlost iz bliske-IC i vidljive crvene oblsti spektra.

It may also cut down the excessive sensitivity of the nerve system, accelerate the growth of tissues and speed up the healing process of cuts of the skin.
Takodje moze smanjiti osetljivost nervnog sistema, ubrza razvoj tkiva i obnavljanje posekotina na kozi.

(malo slobodniji prevod)
[ mima_cool @ 02.06.2007. 16:41 ] @
Hvala puno.