[ ironman @ 05.02.2009. 08:49 ] @
Šta mislite o ovome? Da li koristi i da li može da šteti samoj mašini (kiselina)?
Ovo sam našao na netu
U mašinu sipajte litar do dva sirćeta (ne esencije!) i uključite program za pranje na 30 stepeni. Pustite mašinu da taj program istera do kraja, zajedno s ispiranjem. Tako će svi delovi mašine, zajedno s crevom, biti dobro oprani i delimično čak i dezinfikovani. Sirće je dobro za čišćenje takvih stvari

Starting with an empty washing machine, run HOT water up to the highest washing level your washer offers. When the water is full and the washer begins agitating, add 3 cups of distilled white vinegar (2 cups of lemon juice can be substituted) and 1/2 cup of baking soda to the water. Allow the cycle to run almost completely, advancing it to 'spin' right as the water starts to drain. By doing this, the washer will spin and drain at the same time. Follow by wiping down the inner tub, removing any residue that has been loosened by the cleansing process. To remove all remaining residue, follow this with a complete COLD water cycle. Adjust your washer's agitation to high (where you would place it for heavily soiled clothing). This technique should remedy any lingering soap scum or mineral deposits both in the drums of your washing machine and the hoses

Baking Soda lifts residue effectively from the inner tub of a washing machine to dissolve easily in the wash water, flushing out the pipes/hoses on the way. Because it is so very water soluble, it dissolves before its soft crystalline molecules can scratch or damage a surface. Baking Soda has the power to neutralize odors, instead of just covering them up. It deodorizes by bringing both acidic and basic odor molecules into a neutral state"]

Vinegar is mildly acidic in nature, which makes it ideal for cleaning. It has the ability to eliminate soap residue and build-up on any given surface while neutralizing odors

If hard water minerals build up a deposit inside washer, do not use a vinegar rinse unless you contact washer manufacturer or dealer & get their OK. Porcelain enamel washer inner tubs are made to resist alkalis (in detergent & laundry additives) not acids. Long exposure to acids can etch & roughen porcelain enamel tubs so they damage fabrics & may also rust metal parts of the washer

Znaci, ono što me interesuje, da li se sirće (9%) može koristiti u Gorenje veš mašini (model WA543) i da li može da se tokom rada mašine, na silu pokreće centifuga ?
[ Pajapatak @ 06.02.2009. 00:17 ] @
[ netman @ 06.02.2009. 20:19 ] @
Pa kad može tako da se očisti električni bokal za zagrevanje vode, onda sigurno može i veš mašina!
[ Goran Mijailovic @ 07.02.2009. 07:09 ] @
Porcelain enamel washer inner tubs are made to resist alkalis (in detergent & laundry additives) not acids.

Ako je emajlirana kada onda ne moze kiselina, kao sto i pise u citatu
[ test1234 @ 07.02.2009. 10:01 ] @
Treba se pridrzavati uputstva proizvodjaca date ves-masine i sva je prilika da ce sve biti kako treba pa i sa kamencem. Moze i da se budzi i exsperimentise ali onda...?