[ filip_caca @ 06.06.2009. 21:31 ] @
[ vidan kv @ 06.06.2009. 22:30 ] @
Ajde nam pojasni šta si hteo da kažeš..............
[ filip_caca @ 06.06.2009. 22:40 ] @
zar je moguce da ne provaljujes?
[ commissar @ 06.06.2009. 22:57 ] @
[ nick2 @ 06.06.2009. 23:11 ] @
e bmg ga ni ja ne provaljujem, sta slovna greska,tekst???
[ sasa022 @ 06.06.2009. 23:14 ] @
Ma sta je danas normalno - a sta ne ???

A komentar - ni to me ne cudi ( mada se mozda neko i zeza ).
[ a1200 @ 07.06.2009. 00:20 ] @
...pra deda i deda
su radili u zastavi...


mada da ne gresim dusu
The ancestor of the factory was a cannon-casting plant, founded in 1853.

The automaking branch of Zastava began as a Kragujevac-based gun factory named the Vojno-Tehnicki Zavod (Army Technical Institute). Its first vehicles were Ford trucks, assembled exclusively for the Yugoslavian Army in the late 1930s. A small number of vehicles was made through 1941.

Samo sto to tada nije bila Zastava...