[ Laki_Gen @ 23.08.2009. 10:35 ] @


A man who threatened to commit suicide by jumping on to a railway line is being prosecuted by the police.

In what is thought to be the first case of its kind, Michael Finnegan, 26, has been charged with trespassing on railway property, causing a public nuisance and obstructing a train, a charge that carries a maximum prison sentence of two years.

[ Shadowed @ 23.08.2009. 10:43 ] @
I treba.
[ barakuda111 @ 23.08.2009. 13:24 ] @
hehe. Coveku dosta zivota i jedini izlaz vidi u samoubistvu, onda dodju rodjaci i drugi ljudi i nekako ga ubede da ipak nije sve tako crno. Onda podignu optuznicu protiv njega da ga stave u zatvor. Siguran sam da ce ga to oraspoloziti.
[ Horvat @ 23.08.2009. 13:53 ] @
Shadowed: I treba.