[ Isak666 @ 07.09.2009. 20:56 ] @
Evo citam jedan clanak Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung-a o jednom slucaju svinjske gripe kod jedne devojcice iz Engleske.

Zarazenost je utvrdjena telefonskim razgovorom sa osobom iz National pandemic helpline.

Pocinje ovako
„Bacite Tamiflu!“ – naslov je koji neodoljivo privlači pažnju u Frankfurter algemajne cajtungu. Priča je to koja nas pomalo upoznaje sa mehanizmom svinjskog gripa.

Otišla majka Engleskinja sa kćerčicom na letovanje u Tunis, i tamo počne devojčica da se žali da je boli grlo, pa da kašlje, pa joj je lokalni lekar prepisao antibiotik zbog upale grla. Dva dana kasnije, ponovo u Londonu, kod drugog lekara, koji ponovo konstatuje upalu grla i daje drugi antibiotik. Malo kasnije, devojčicu počinju da bole zglobovi i otiču joj kapci.

Majka, sada već krajnje uznemirena, telefonom poziva britanski dežurni telefon za pandemije, „National pandemic helpline“. Tamo joj se javlja mlad muški glas, koji postavlja sledeća pitanja: da li je kćerka poplavela? Da li se guši? Da li je u delirijumu? Da li je njen kardiovaskularni sistem u kolapsu? Da li su joj upale grudi? Da li ne može da izgovori rečenice do kraja? Majka odgovara odrečno...

Procitajte kako se zavrsilo http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,4642063,00.html

Nije obimno ;)

Zvucni neverovatno, ali istinito - Tamiflu bez doktora, preko telefona :)
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 07.09.2009. 21:10 ] @


I just deleted my mom's number from my cell phone. That's because she called me in a panic after seeing a special on CNN about swine flu asking me what she should do. How about getting a clue, mom? Idiot.

You're all idiots. If you've spent more than a few minutes worrying about swine flu, you are an idiot. That's because it only takes a few minutes to look up the symptoms, mortality rate, and treatment to realize that it's no different from the common flu (which kills way more people and by extension is way more awesome), and going back to whatever it is you were doing, which was probably turning off CNN and canceling your cable subscription. In fact, worrying at all makes you an idiot. Why worry? Cowards worry and there is a 100% overlap between people who worry and people who regularly make cowardly decisions. That's why natural disasters kick so much ass. You never really know when they're going to hit, so you might as well let go and stop being such a scared pussy all the time. You'll cross the bridge of death when you get to it. Time to start taking risks, asshole! Quit your job. Quit answering your boss' calls during your time off. Go do something with your life. Jesus!

Which leads me to why swine flu is stupid. If I were to worry about anything—and I don't—swine flu would be pretty near the bottom of the list. Here's a list of things that are a higher priority of things to worry about:

# Dying alone.
# Not getting recognized for your genius.
# Settling for a shitty job.
# Getting married.

Just to be clear, not getting married isn't a problem, getting married is. Most people, due to fears of dying alone, will marry some jackass because they think nothing better will come along. They're usually right. But even if you find someone who isn't a total cock, marrying them will ruin everything because marriage is a false institution, and a waste of time and money. Cancel that big wedding party and buy a house, dipshits! Nobody wants to go to wedding parties. Besides, big gatherings lend themselves to communicable diseases. Holy shit that was a sweet transition. For those of you still not convinced that swine flu is bullshit, here's a list of symptoms for swine flu versus the regular flu:


See no difference? That's because there is no difference. Quit closing schools down every time someone gets swine flu, morons!

The problem isn't swine flu, but people talking about it (this article withstanding, because I'm the exception to every rule, that rule withstanding). Remember SARS? More bullshit. Fewer than 800 people died from it world wide. Yet the news networks prattled on about it for months. Now the slow news cycle lends itself to talking about swine flu ad nauseum even though there's already a vaccine for it. Oh, didn't know there was a vaccine? Yeah there has been a vaccine for it in the works almost since the beginning, rendering this non-issue even more irrelevant.

I will never take the swine flu vaccine because I already have it; it's called my immune system, and it's badass. I have never gotten sick in my life. My immune system is so strong that I have to get AIDS just to be normal. Your best defense against getting swine flu is to be me. Your second best defense is to have me cough in your face.
[ a1200 @ 07.09.2009. 21:24 ] @
Treba ljude naterati da troshe, kako bi se ublazila SEKA... i privreda pocela da funkcionishe.
[ Tyler Durden @ 07.09.2009. 21:54 ] @
I just deleted my mom's number from my cell phone. That's because she called me in a panic after seeing a special on CNN about swine flu asking me what she should do. How about getting a clue, mom? Idiot.

Hahahahhaha, znaci, madox je