[ combuster @ 10.09.2009. 11:32 ] @

Broadband promised to unite the world with super-fast data delivery - but in South Africa it seems the web is still no faster than a humble pigeon.

A Durban IT company pitted an 11-month-old bird armed with a 4GB memory stick against the ADSL service from the country's biggest web firm, Telkom.

Winston the pigeon took two hours to carry the data 60 miles - in the same time the ADSL had sent 4% of the data.


Da otvorimo golubarnik pa da ustedimo 1400din mesecno? :D

Ludnica, provajderu je potrebno 2 sata da uploaduje 160MB :D
[ maksvel @ 10.09.2009. 11:37 ] @
Lepo reče čovek: "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a truck full of tapes hurling down the highway" Andrew S. Tanenbaum
...nor a flashed pidgin
[ combuster @ 10.09.2009. 11:39 ] @
LOL, pa oni kao da su stvarno upload-ovali podatke sa mt-ova :D

Flashed pidgin, n1 ;-)
[ Flash411 @ 10.09.2009. 12:05 ] @
Ne znam bas,mislim da "pigeon" ima preveliku latenciju. :)
Isto tako mislim da je moguce da tokom rada zaboravi svoje
ip postavke i rute,pa mozda necija privatna porno kolekcija
zavrsi kod krivog korisnika. Doduse,iako je lag ogroman,
brzina je apsolutno neosporna. :D
[ combuster @ 10.09.2009. 12:09 ] @
Da a i ako se u transferu nesto zezne ili izgubi paket imas problem da vidis na kome node-u je otisao, ne mozes da ping-ujes pidgeon-a :D

Jos jedan downside je taj sto u toku transfera pidgeon moze da isprazni buffer ili da dump-uje deo svog internog storage-a sto se moze negativno odraziti na spoljnu memoriju koja sadrzi podatke :D

Samo carrieri ne smeju imati ovakvu dokumentaciju...

A ovako se moze traceroute-ovati saobracaj :D

[ night-shift @ 10.09.2009. 12:09 ] @
A i lako je sniffovati saobraćaj :)
[ combuster @ 10.09.2009. 12:24 ] @
Uf, morace ovaj metod da se patch-uje, nasao sam jos par bug-ova...

Ovom paketu nedostaje header


A ovde je doslo do DoS napada...

[ Laki_Gen @ 10.09.2009. 12:32 ] @

[ combuster @ 10.09.2009. 12:37 ] @
Firewall :)

[ combuster @ 10.09.2009. 12:40 ] @
Zarad svega onda ovde receno and for the love of God koristite pidgin :D

[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 10.09.2009. 13:13 ] @
Nadajmo se da je golub prenosio podatke u saglasnosti sa IETF RFC 2549



The following quality of service levels are available: Concorde,
First, Business, and Coach. Concorde class offers expedited data
delivery. One major benefit to using Avian Carriers is that this is
the only networking technology that earns frequent flyer miles, plus
the Concorde and First classes of service earn 50% bonus miles per
packet. Ostriches are an alternate carrier that have much greater
bulk transfer capability but provide slower delivery, and require the
use of bridges between domains.

[ combuster @ 10.09.2009. 13:21 ] @

Security Considerations

There are privacy issues with stool pigeons.

Agoraphobic carriers are very insecure in operation.

Ako su ova dva ispostovana bice ok...

1. Nadam se da niko nece otkucati goluba mackama
2. Nadam se da se golub ne plasi visine, otvorenog prostora ili napada macki...

[ Laki_Gen @ 10.09.2009. 13:56 ] @
A i ovo bi moglo da bude security issue:

A ovo bi vec bio ozbiljan napad na infrastrukturu:

[ combuster @ 10.09.2009. 14:01 ] @
U, ovima je bio TTL=0 i odmah su paketi drop-ovani a destination host unreachable... Mora da su ih slali preko UDP-a posto nismo dobili konfirmaciju da je paket primljen u celosti :D
[ pantic68 @ 10.09.2009. 14:10 ] @
Laki_Gen: A i ovo bi moglo da bude security issue:

A ovo bi vec bio ozbiljan napad na infrastrukturu:

Ove je angažovala RIAA.
[ Tyler Durden @ 10.09.2009. 14:15 ] @
Koje ste vi geekčine :D
[ Horvat @ 12.09.2009. 20:32 ] @
Homing pigeon email

Yes, you read that correctly: electronic mail carried by birds. [Ferdinand] tipped us off to this story, which involves combining new and old methods in transferring data. The Unlimited Group, a firm in a remote section of South Africa, transfers loads of encrypted documents to a second office 50 miles away. A pricey broadband connection would take between 6 hours and two days to transfer a standard load (4GB) of data between these locations. On the other hand, Winston (seen above) can complete an equivalent flight within 45 minutes. A memory card is strapped to his leg, and using his wit and instinct, Winston finds his way home. For those without their calculators on hand, Winston’s bandwidth is between 7x and 63x faster than what they had before. If his flash card were to be upgraded to 16GB, that would be an instant fourfold increase on top of current gains. As [Mark] pointed out on the Daily Mail website, homing pigeons still need to be taken back to their departure point.

This solution still has its advantages over a courier: they are lower in cost, they work over longer hours, and have potentially faster delivery speeds. Multiple pigeons can be transported back at once, and released with data as needed.

[ Srđan Pavlović @ 12.09.2009. 20:44 ] @
TCP/IP connection reset:

[ mr_pingvin @ 13.09.2009. 03:17 ] @
Ovo sa golubom je tako dobro da je čak i moćni MS promenio reklamu :P

kako dobre slike :))) gde to sve nalazite?