[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 21.09.2009. 18:22 ] @
Elem... Ludi Arapin je pokusao novu inovativnu metodu sakrivanja bombi... bombu je ugurao u dupe iliti tamo gde sunce nikad ne sija. Sa takvom efikasnom kamuflazom je uspeo doci do svoje mete, ali nije racunao na to da ce njegova bulja biti dobar prigusivac detonacije :-)


A SUICIDE bomber tried to kill a Saudi prince by detonating TNT hidden up his BACKSIDE.

Fanatic Abdullah Hassan Tali al-Asiri, 23, blew himself up - but his intended victim escaped with minor injuries.

Last night astonished experts admitted: "We've never heard of anything quite like this before." The target was the head of the security service in Saudi Arabia, Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef.

Extremist Al-Asiri, who was on a local "Most Wanted" list, tricked his way into a meeting with him by saying he was turning his back on terror.

But the hiding place of his explosive fooled security checks as he went inside the prince's office in Jeddah.

It is believed to have been detonated electronically. Weapons expert and former soldier Mike Yardley said: "Hiding it in a body cavity was obviously an attempt to defeat scanners and detectors. Thankfully on this occasion the victim escaped because the bomber's body appears to have suppressed the force of the blast."

Prince Nayef, who had led an anti-terror crackdown in Saudi Arabia, injured his hand. He admitted: "He surprised me by blowing himself up."


Al-Qaeda then named the bomber and released his photograph together with a statement claiming responsibility for the attack.

HAHAHAH ja ipak ne bih "preuzimao odgovornost" da sam na njihovom mestu - ovo je medjunarodna teroristicka blamaza :)

I... na kraju, ostatak al-Asirijeve bulje i ostalog tkiva koje je bilo prikaceno na istu:
[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 21.09.2009. 18:28 ] @

Prince Nayef, who had led an anti-terror crackdown in Saudi Arabia, injured his hand. He admitted: "He surprised me by blowing himself up."

Ostace misterija i to... kako li je princ Nayef uspeo ozlediti svoju ruku pri guz-eksploziji doticnog teroriste :-)
[ AMD guy @ 21.09.2009. 18:36 ] @
Old ways = best way

Anyway back to the drawing board

[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 21.09.2009. 18:42 ] @
Bogme, meni se cini da ovo moze znaciti pocetak rektalnih pregleda na aerodromima... zli teroristi mogu preneti ko zna koliko eksploziva u svom debelom crevu - i, kako bi zastitili bezbednost ljudi moraju se uvesti pregledi sa rukavicama :)

Inace interesantna stvar koja je testament Ajnstajnovoj tvrdnji da je ljudska glupost beskonacna.

- Treba biti vrlo glup pa verovati da si "bozji ratnik" i slepo slusati ono sto ti samo-proklamovani "bozji predstavnici na zemlji" kazu

- Treba biti JOS gluplji pa da prihvatis da se dignes u vazduh zbog toga sto ti je to rekao samozvani "bozji predstavnik na zemlji" jer mislis da ce te na nekom nebu cekati neke device kada izvrsis svoj "sveti zadatak"

- A koliko treba biti glup da to uradis na ovaj nacin, gde je jedini rezultat gubitak tvog zivota i opsta zabava i smeh miliona ljudi sirom sveta citanjem tvoje tuzne zivotne price... znaci taj lik se rodio i 23 godine trosio kiseonik, rastao, jeo, ucio nesto... da bi na kraju uludo izginuo raznosenjem svoje pozadine "po zadatku" u maniru skeca iz Crne Guje :)

Mislim da je al-Asiri upravo dotakao nove dubine ljudske gluposti - ako nista drugo, nadam se da ce dobiti Darvinovu nagradu ove godine :)
[ AMD guy @ 21.09.2009. 18:59 ] @
Steta sto su se muslimani ovako iskvarili, malo sam trazio po netu(Citaj: google ) i nasao sam ovo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Golden_Age , nekad je srednji istok bio popriste ucenog sveta.
Causes of decline

"The achievements of the Arabic speaking peoples between the ninth and twelfth centuries are so great as to baffle our understanding. The decadence of Islam and of Arabic is almost as puzzling in its speed and completeness as their phenomenal rise. Scholars will forever try to explain it as they try to explain the decadence and fall of Rome. Such questions are exceedingly complex and it is impossible to answer them in a simple way."
— George Sarton , The Incubation of Western Culture in the Middle East'[230]

Islamic civilization, which had at the outset been creative and dynamic in dealing with issues, began to struggle to respond to the challenges and rapid changes it faced from the 12th century onwards, towards the end of the Abbassid rule. Despite a brief respite with the new Ottoman rule, the decline continued until its eventual collapse and subsequent stagnation in the 20th century.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ghazali i njegova knjiga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Incoherence_of_the_Philosophers
The Incoherence of the Philosophers marked a turning point in Islamic philosophy in its vehement rejections of Aristotle and Plato. The book took aim at the falsafa, a loosely defined group of Islamic philosophers from the 8th through the 11th centuries (most notable among them Avicenna and Al-Farabi) who drew intellectually upon the Ancient Greeks. Ghazali bitterly denounced Aristotle, Socrates and other Greek writers as non-believers and labeled those who employed their methods and ideas as corrupters of the Islamic faith.

The Incoherence of the Philosophers is famous for proposing and defending the Asharite theory of occasionalism. Ghazali famously claimed that when fire and cotton are placed in contact, the cotton is burned directly by God rather than by the fire, a claim which he defended using logic. He argued that because God is usually seen as rational, rather than arbitrary, his behaviour in normally causing events in the same sequence (ie, what appears to us to be efficient causation) can be understood as a natural outworking of that principle of reason, which we then describe as the laws of nature. Properly speaking, however, these are not laws of nature but laws by which God chooses to govern his own behaviour (his autonomy, in the strict sense) - in other words, his rational will.

Nadam se da USA nece tako zavrisiti ako padne pod uticaj kreacionista.

[Ovu poruku je menjao AMD guy dana 21.09.2009. u 20:13 GMT+1]
[ AMD guy @ 21.09.2009. 19:06 ] @
Ivan Dimkovic: Mislim da je al-Asiri upravo dotakao nove dubine ljudske gluposti - ako nista drugo, nadam se da ce dobiti Darvinovu nagradu ove godine

Mogu samo da kazem, bravo Darvine bio si upravu. Evolucija kroz prirodnu selekciju je istina
Ali ja nikad nisam ni sumnjao.
[ .sasa. @ 22.09.2009. 10:44 ] @
Podseca me na achmeda the dead terrorist :)