[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 21.09.2009. 18:22 ] @
Elem... Ludi Arapin je pokusao novu inovativnu metodu sakrivanja bombi... bombu je ugurao u dupe iliti tamo gde sunce nikad ne sija. Sa takvom efikasnom kamuflazom je uspeo doci do svoje mete, ali nije racunao na to da ce njegova bulja biti dobar prigusivac detonacije :-) Citat: A SUICIDE bomber tried to kill a Saudi prince by detonating TNT hidden up his BACKSIDE. Fanatic Abdullah Hassan Tali al-Asiri, 23, blew himself up - but his intended victim escaped with minor injuries. Last night astonished experts admitted: "We've never heard of anything quite like this before." The target was the head of the security service in Saudi Arabia, Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef. Extremist Al-Asiri, who was on a local "Most Wanted" list, tricked his way into a meeting with him by saying he was turning his back on terror. But the hiding place of his explosive fooled security checks as he went inside the prince's office in Jeddah. It is believed to have been detonated electronically. Weapons expert and former soldier Mike Yardley said: "Hiding it in a body cavity was obviously an attempt to defeat scanners and detectors. Thankfully on this occasion the victim escaped because the bomber's body appears to have suppressed the force of the blast." Prince Nayef, who had led an anti-terror crackdown in Saudi Arabia, injured his hand. He admitted: "He surprised me by blowing himself up." Citat: Al-Qaeda then named the bomber and released his photograph together with a statement claiming responsibility for the attack. HAHAHAH ja ipak ne bih "preuzimao odgovornost" da sam na njihovom mestu - ovo je medjunarodna teroristicka blamaza :) I... na kraju, ostatak al-Asirijeve bulje i ostalog tkiva koje je bilo prikaceno na istu: |