[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 21.10.2009. 15:32 ] @

Izgleda je izraz "sta si se uplasio k'o 3.14ckica" donekle naucno tacan :-)



Republican men hormonally emasculated by US election

American neuroscientists say that men who voted for Republican candidate John McCain in the recent presidential elections suffered a serious loss of testosterone as a result of the Obama victory. The hormone, produced by one's wedding-tackle, is considered essential for basic manliness.

The revelation of US rightwingers' sudden emasculation following the 2008 election comes from Duke University neuroscientist Kevin LaBar. LaBar and his colleagues carried out a study on election night in which saliva samples were taken from both men and women both prior to the election and then at intervals after. Participants also filled in a questionnaire.

The results were clear-cut. Men who had voted for McCain - or the libertarian candidate Robert Barr - experienced a 28 per cent loss of testosterone almost as soon as the contest was over. LaBar notes that levels of testosterone, produced by both male and female gonads but in much larger amounts in men, are directly linked to important masculine behaviours such as "aggression, risk-taking and response to threats".

Hahahaha, izgleda da je ovo neki matori evolutivni mehanizam - da kada "grupa" izgubi, testosteron pada kako ne bi dolazilo do daljih povredjivanja. Ono sto je fascinantno je da se ljudi toliko identifikuju sa svojim "partijama" i sl... da im nivo testosterona zaista pada ako im njihov izbor izgubi na izborima


According to some theories, men are programmed to cut their testosterone headbanger hormone automatically after a group or individual contest is clearly lost. This is thought to have evolved as a mechanism for avoiding damaging injuries or killings following tribe or group pissing-matches long ago in humanity's distant past. By contrast those on the winning side retain standard levels of aggression and risk-taking.

I graf...



Republicans, especially the Christian fundamentalist nutbars who claim to be guided by religion and morality, are actually guided by their dicks....

Hahahaha - so true so true :-)

[ vladd @ 22.10.2009. 08:53 ] @
HA ha, jeste da je politika, ali svaka cast.
Sveli su vrhunsku politiku na coporativo ponasanje.

Pobeda je cudo
