[ AMD guy @ 13.11.2009. 14:07 ] @

WASHINGTON, Nov. 12, 2009 (Reuters) — Not sure what to give Uncle Sam this Christmas? How about a nice, fat check to help whittle away at the $7.6 trillion national debt?
James Bowers, dressed as Uncle Sam, asks people if they can "spare a trillion", as they walk past him in the rain outside the front of Federal Hall, near the New York Stock Exchange, October 28, 2009. REUTERS/Chip East

The U.S. Treasury Department accepts gifts, payable to the Bureau of the Public Debt. Just mail them to the attention of Department G, Post Office Box 2188, Parkersburg, West Virginia, 26106-2188. Make a note in the memo section that it is a gift to reduce the debt held by the public.

Yes, really.

[ burex @ 13.11.2009. 19:33 ] @
Butthurt republikanac...
[ a1200 @ 13.11.2009. 19:38 ] @
Zanimljiv "sat":
[ NicholasMetropolis @ 13.11.2009. 21:04 ] @
Što bi se ja brinuo za US debt kada mi ovaj naš popunjava slobodno vreme?