[ Ankalagon the Black @ 25.01.2010. 09:24 ] @
What Is Reverse Speech

It has been called the discovery of the 7th sense. The research into this phenomenon has been described as being of "Nobel calibre". It has been featured in numerous publications around the world, and in the United States it became a household name in the late 90s. It is called Reverse Speech, the phenomenon of hidden backward messages in speech. It initially gained worldwide fame in the early 80s as those strange backward messages in rock and roll. Since that time, research has progressed significantly and it is now known to exist in all forms of human speech.

If human speech is recorded and played backwards, mixed amongst the gibberish at regular intervals can be heard very clear statements. These statements usually appear in short sentence form and are nearly always related to the forward speech. It appears constantly throughout language, so much so in fact, that it is believed to be a natural part of our speech processes.

The pioneer and 20 year veteran of this field, Australian David John Oates, describes Reverse Speech as another form of human communication. He states that language is bi-level, forward and reverse. As the human brain constructs the sounds of speech, it forms those sounds in such a way that two messages are delivered simultaneously. One forwards, which is the conscious mind speaking, and the other in reverse, which is the unconscious mind speaking.

The applications of this discovery are exciting. On the surface level, it can act as a sort of Truth Detector as Reverse Speech will usually correct the inconsistencies of forward speech. If a lie is spoken forwards, the truth may be communicated in reverse. If pertinent facts are left out of forward speech these may also be spoken in reverse. It can reveal hidden motive and agenda and other conscious thought processes. At deeper levels, Reverse Speech can reveal thought patterns that are unconscious, including reasons behind behaviour and disease. This information can be used to greatly enhance the therapeutic and healing processes.

Although still a new and emerging field, Reverse Speech is already making its mark felt in many areas. It has been used successfully in business negotiations and corporate mergers as means of providing extra information. In the state of Oregon, it has been used in criminal investigation and its results independently verified by DNA testing in one case.

Reverse Speech has now come back to Australia, where it was initially discovered. If you are looking for a new and challenging career, you might want to consider training and becoming one of the pioneers of this field. If you have an important decision to make or behavioural issue you want address, Reverse Speech may be able to help you too.


Naisao sam na ovaj sajt i deluje mi dosta interesantno sto se tehnologije tice i mogucnosti njene primene. Verujem da ce jos nekome biti zanimljivo.

[ Ankalagon the Black @ 09.02.2010. 22:24 ] @
Ne bi bilo lose da ovde postujemo primere primene Reverse Speech tehnologije. I one ozbiljne i one neozbiljne. Cisto da se stekne neki osecaj ima li ova tehnologija nekog smisla ili ne. Evo par primera:

Primeri sa sajta.
