[ Maverickso @ 26.01.2010. 03:17 ] @
pozdrav, jel zna neko kako dodam sve clanove neke grupe u svoje prijatelje odjednom znaci npr. grupa ima 1000 ljudi pa da ne moram jednog po jednog send request jel zna neko neki brzi nacin. Jel postoji mozda takva skripta?
[ boxxter @ 26.01.2010. 06:20 ] @
OMG: brains can’t handle all our Facebook friends

WE may be able to amass 5,000 friends on Facebook but humans’ brains are capable of managing a maximum of only 150 friendships, a study has found.

Robin Dunbar, professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at Oxford University, has conducted research revealing that while social networking sites allow us to maintain more relationships, the number of meaningful friendships is the same as it has been throughout history.

Dunbar developed a theory known as “Dunbar’s number” in the 1990s which claimed that the size of our neocortex — the part of the brain used for conscious thought and language — limits us to managing social circles of around 150 friends, no matter how sociable we are.

Dunbar is now studying social networking websites to see if the “Facebook effect” has stretched the size of social groupings. Preliminary results suggest it has not.

“The interesting thing is that you can have 1,500 friends but when you actually look at traffic on sites, you see people maintain the same inner circle of around 150 people that we observe in the real world,” said Dunbar.

“People obviously like the kudos of having hundreds of friends but the reality is that they’re unlikely to be bigger than anyone else’s."

[ mmix @ 26.01.2010. 09:06 ] @
boxxter: OMG: brains can’t handle all our Facebook friends


Kao sto kaze moj potpis: I don't use cocaine, heroin, facebook nor twitter. You can be strong too, just say NO to mind altering drugs
[ boxxter @ 26.01.2010. 09:26 ] @
Faceboocaine hh

Nisam znao da ovde jos neko cita "prince of paradox" :).
[ Maverickso @ 26.01.2010. 18:47 ] @
bas ste mi odgovorili na ono sto sam pitao , prijatelju meni treba da dodam toliko prijatelja cisto da ih ubacim u Mafia Wars i nista vise necu se ja sa njima dopisivati
[ Srđan Pavlović @ 26.01.2010. 18:48 ] @
Mislim da ne moze to sto ti zelis.
[ žutokljunac @ 26.01.2010. 20:39 ] @

Kao sto kaze moj potpis: I don't use cocaine, heroin, facebook nor twitter. You can be strong too, just say NO to mind altering drugs

Ali zato koristiš Forum i Blog.
[ Shadowed @ 26.01.2010. 21:52 ] @
A mogao bi bas malo cesce i da pise na tom blogu...
[ Miroslav Jeftić @ 26.01.2010. 22:24 ] @
Može naravno... nađeš neku mass email listu za MW i onda ideš na Friends > Invite friends i nalepiš listu adresa u "To" polje, a ispod napišeš ogovarajuću poruku, "MW add me" ili šta već hoćeš i to ti je to
[ BluesRocker @ 26.01.2010. 22:50 ] @
Maverickso: bas ste mi odgovorili na ono sto sam pitao :), prijatelju meni treba da dodam toliko prijatelja cisto da ih ubacim u Mafia Wars i nista vise necu se ja sa njima dopisivati

Ne znam za mafia wars, ali za mob wars postoji nacin da se dodaju clanovi bande bez da ih dodajes kao facebook prijatelje. Koristi se greasemonkey addon za firefox. Pogledaj ovaj link http://www.facebook-mafiawars.com/downloads.html ili proguglaj malo.
[ Miroslav Jeftić @ 26.01.2010. 23:03 ] @
Ako dobro vidim, to je neka starija verzija mwap-a; prvo nisam siguran da uopšte više radi, a drugo ne sećam se da je mwap ikad imao funkcionalnost dodavanja prijatelja.
[ Maverickso @ 27.01.2010. 22:00 ] @
a autoplayer vec koristim, imam zadnju verziju ok probacu to sa mail listom hvala