[ KittyKat @ 03.02.2010. 03:00 ] @
Ako je neko zainteresovan da zaradi milion dolara, evo može, veoma lako: http://www.randi.org/site/index.php/1m-challenge.html Samo snimiš duha, i eto... |
[ KittyKat @ 03.02.2010. 03:00 ] @
[ Ankalagon the Black @ 03.02.2010. 18:30 ] @
Mozda ce nekome ovo biti zanimljivo. Mali izvod samo, napisan od Pierre Curiea (Pjer Kiri, u to vreme buduci dobitnik Nobeleove nagrade) Citat: On July 24, 1905, Pierre Curie reported to his friend Gouy: "We have had a series of séances with Eusapia Palladino at the [Society for Psychical Research]." It was very interesting, and really the phenomena that we saw appeared inexplicable as trickery—tables raised from all four legs, movement of objects from a distance, hands that pinch or caress you, luminous apparitions. All in a [setting] prepared by us with a small number of spectators all known to us and without a possible accomplice. The only trick possible is that which could result from an extraordinary facility of the medium as a magician. But how do you explain the phenomena when one is holding her hands and feet and when the light is sufficient so that one can see everything that happens?[13] Citat: On April 14, 1906, just five days before his accidental death, Pierre Curie wrote Gouy about his last séance with Palladino: "There is here, in my opinion, a whole domain of entirely new facts and physical states in space of which we have no conception."[16] Pozdrav [ Ivan Dimkovic @ 03.02.2010. 18:40 ] @
Citat: In France, the United Kingdom and the USA, she had been caught using tricks. Palladino was expert at freeing a hand or foot to produce phenomena. She chose to sit at the short side of the table so that her controllers on each side must sit closer together, making it easier to deceive them. Her shoes were gimmicked and unbuttoned in such a way that she could remove her feet without disturbing a "control." Her levitation of a table began by freeing one foot, rocking the table, and then slipping her toe under one leg. Since she sat at the narrow end of the table, this was made possible. She lifted the table by rocking back on the heel of this foot. A total levitation was produced by now switching the support of the table to her knees. She made light spirit rappings by pressing the tips of her fingers on the table top and moving them. Louder raps were made by striking a leg of the table with a free foot. She could do these tricks in full light and not be caught. All the sitters at the table viewed her from different angles. Where one might catch her trick, another could not. This confusion greatly aided her. (W.S. Davis, 1910.) A photograph, taken in the dark, of a small stool behind her, that moved and levitated, revealed the stool to be sitting on Palladino's head. After she saw this photo, the stool remained, immobile, on the floor. A plaster impression taken of a spirit hand matched Palladino's hand. She was caught using a hair to perform "controlled" scientific experiments. In the dim light, her fist, wrapped in a handkerchief, became a materialized spirit. (Podmore, 1910.) Hugo Münsterberg, who succeeded Professor William James at Harvard University, attended some sittings later on and explained the blowing out of the cabinet curtains when all the windows were closed and doors were locked was accomplished by a rubber bulb Palladino had in her hand.[24] Novi zakoni fizike... Yeah, right :-) Ali dok je curana bice i podvarka, kaze stara izreka... doduse, cisto sumnjam da ce neko skoro maknuti $1M od Randijeve fondacije :-) [ 3way @ 04.02.2010. 19:33 ] @
Citat: KittyKat: Samo snimiš duha, i eto... Vish kako si neiskusan...pa i da ga snimi, CIA, FBI i KGB ce taj snimak da proglase laznim i nista od miliona. Ovo je NAMERNO napravljeno kako bi se ljudi drzali u zabludi mislili da duhovi ne postoje i umesto cucavaca koristili solje. [ KittyKat @ 05.02.2010. 18:41 ] @
Citat: 3way: Vish kako si neiskusan...pa i da ga snimi, CIA, FBI i KGB ce taj snimak da proglase laznim i nista od miliona. Ovo je NAMERNO napravljeno kako bi se ljudi drzali u zabludi mislili da duhovi ne postoje i umesto cucavaca koristili solje. Ne kaže se "neiskusan" nego "neiskusna", kad se meni obraćaš :P A.... to sa wc šoljama je vrlo, vrlo interesantno... i FBI, CIA, KBG, NSA... i wc šolje... ima logike. [ Srđan Pavlović @ 05.02.2010. 19:07 ] @
Citat: to sa wc šoljama je vrlo, vrlo interesantno... i FBI, CIA, KBG, NSA... i wc šolje... ima logike. Hehe, ima tu itekako logike, samo je potrebno da poznajes istoriju nekih diskusija ovde i odmah ces pohvatati logicke veze izmedju FBI i wc solje [ zrachko @ 06.02.2010. 09:55 ] @
Citat: 3way: Vish kako si neiskusan...pa i da ga snimi, CIA, FBI i KGB ce taj snimak da proglase laznim i nista od miliona. Ovo je NAMERNO napravljeno kako bi se ljudi drzali u zabludi mislili da duhovi ne postoje i umesto cucavaca koristili solje. Nije bash tako. Ne daje ti CIA taj milion, niti CIA radi testove, sve organizuju Randi i njegovi saradnici. Prvo se prijavish da mozesh da uradish neshto paranormalno. Onda radish preliminarni test. Mislim da ne morash ici u Ameriku, vec mozesh taj test uraditi u Italiji gde imaju ispostavu. Ako prodjesh preliminarni test idesh u Ameriku i tamo radish pravi test. Do sad niko nije proshao preliminarni test. [ 3way @ 06.02.2010. 12:08 ] @
Pa Randy je CIA covek koji je ubacen tamo.
[ zrachko @ 06.02.2010. 13:51 ] @
Citat: 3way: Pa Randy je CIA covek koji je ubacen tamo. A to znash kako? [ 3way @ 06.02.2010. 13:58 ] @
Randy je covek koji (da hoce), moze da dokaze postojanje vise sile koja upravlja nasim zivotima. Medjutim, posto to nije u interesu svetskih mocnika, imamo coveka koji tvrdi da do sada niko nije ostvario uslove za ovu nagradu. Nikad je niko nece ni dobiti. [ zrachko @ 06.02.2010. 14:02 ] @
Neshto si ti pomeshao... Argumentacija nije nagadjanje i wishful thinking.
[ 3way @ 06.02.2010. 14:10 ] @
Sva sreca da ja to znam, pa da ne mislim stvarno ovo sto pisem :):)
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