[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 03.03.2010. 16:14 ] @
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8547875.stm Citat: US officials are investigating how a child was apparently allowed to direct planes at New York's JFK airport - one of the country's busiest. The probe comes after an audiotape caught the boy directing several pilots preparing for take-off last month. In one exchange, the boy is heard saying: "JetBlue 171 contact departure." The pilot responds: "Over to departure JetBlue 171, awesome job." The child was reportedly under adult supervision on 17 February. The adult was apparently his father - a certified air traffic controller. The Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement: "Pending the outcome of our investigation, the employees involved in this incident are not controlling air traffic. "This behaviour is not acceptable and does not demonstrate the kind of professionalism expected from all FAA employees." The agency did not give any further details. Kretenizam samo takav.... ni manje ni vise nego na JFK aerodromu #)&*@# Nista gore od "ponosnog tate" koji klincu skida zvezde sa neba, pa i daje da izigrava kontrolora leta na jednom od najzauzetijih aerodroma.. Tako je jedan drugi ponosni tata dao detetu da pilotira Airbusom A310 (Aeroflot 593) i cela stvar se zavrsila totalnom katastofom sa 75 mrtvih #@)*&@# |