[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 25.03.2010. 21:00 ] @
http://www.tsa.gov/travelers/a...ialneeds/editorial_1056.shtm#2 USA radi sve na cuvanju vase sigurnosti! Od sada, i majmuni podlezu pregledu... nikad se ne zna da li je neki majmun mozda indoktriniran teroristickim ucenjima... Ne... ovo nije zezanje... Nije prvi april... Citat: Monkey Helpers * When a service monkey is being transported in a carrier, the monkey must be removed from the carrier by the handler prior to screening, * The service monkey must be controlled by the handler throughout the screening process. * The service monkey handler should carry the monkey through the walk through metal detector while the monkey remains on a leash. * When the handler and service monkey go through the walk through metal detector and the detector alarms, both the handler and the monkey must undergo additional screening. * Since service monkeys may likely draw attention, the handler will be escorted to the physical inspection area where a table is available for the monkey to sit on. Only the handler will touch or interact with the service monkey. * Security Officers have been trained to not touch the service monkey during the screening process. * Security Officers will conduct a visual inspection on the service monkey and will coach the handler on how to hold the monkey during the visual inspection. * The inspection process may require that the handler to take off the monkey’s diaper as part of the visual inspection. |