[ combuster @ 18.06.2010. 01:19 ] @

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is being investigated by Pakistani police under a section of the penal code that makes blasphemy against Muhammad publishable by death.

BBC Urdu reports — according to a Google Translation — that Pakistan's Deputy Attorney General has launched a criminal investigation against Zuckerberg and others in response to Facebook hosting a "Draw Muhammad" contest on its site late last month. On May 19, Pakistani authorities blocked access to Facebook over the contest, and this ban was lifted on May 31 after Facebook removed the page in Pakistan and other countries.


Ajd, vreme je da trazite novi social networking servis :)
[ maliradojca @ 18.06.2010. 01:34 ] @
Jel neki korisnik na FB kreirao to takmicenje ili je to bilo zvanicno FB takmicenje? Ne koristim bas FAceBook..
[ combuster @ 18.06.2010. 01:41 ] @
Ne koristim ga ni ja - ali naci ce se neko da nam pojasni :)
[ Shadowed @ 18.06.2010. 02:35 ] @
Koliko mi je poznato, neko je organizovao a FB je samo medijum. Medjutim, objasni ti to fanaticima :) On je kriv sto nije sprecio.
Mada, mozda nekad i neka korisna stvar od tog njihovog fanatizma :P
[ maliradojca @ 18.06.2010. 02:56 ] @
Taj fazon.
[ vlada131 @ 18.06.2010. 04:21 ] @
BBC Urdu reports — according to a Google Translation — that Pakistan's Deputy Attorney General has launched a criminal investigation against Zuckerberg and others in response to Facebook hosting a "Draw Muhammad" contest on its site late last month

WTF?!? Sad li je pa Google Translator pouzdan izvor vesti?? Blago si ga njima...

Ne verujem da ovo ima neki veći značaj, verovatno je više za "unutrašnju" upotrebu. Ipak je Pakistan glavni saveznik SAD u tom regionu, ne bi se oni kačili sa Amerima bez nekog boljeg razloga