[ bigvlada @ 20.06.2010. 09:19 ] @
| Photosynthetic Concept Car is Powered Completely by Plants
by Brit Liggett, 06/07/10
Skirting the boundaries of blue-sky design, designers Michal Vlcek and Klavir have dreamed up a futuristic eco car that is propelled entirely by photosynthesis. The car’s dome-shaped interior is home to a mini-jungle of plants, and their energy powers the motor. Although we think it would be awesome for the world’s transportation to be powered by teeny tiny forests, we’re not sure (and for that matter the designers aren’t either) how it is actually going to work.
The auto world looks to concept cars for the bursts of inspiration that they provide. From the all-electric shape-shifting “Cell” to the adorably urban “Bug”, we’ve covered our fair share of futuristic eco vehicles here on Inhabitat. Most of these “concepts” have technological plans for their implementation, however if Michal Vlcek and Klavir have a feasible schematic for their totally plant-powered auto, they are keeping it under pretty tight wraps.
The designers note in their description that the car has a special kind of solar panel which assists the plants in their photosynthesis process. The plant’s photosynthesis then somehow powers an electric motor. The super sexy design is completely made of plastic — we’re hoping it is recycled — and the control system is made up of a joystick instead of a wheel. All questions aside, we’d love zipping around the streets of the city — or rolling country hills — surrounded by a leafy green interior.
Izvor: Inhabitat
[Ovu poruku je menjao mmix dana 20.06.2010. u 14:13 GMT+1] |
[ maliradojca @ 20.06.2010. 11:19 ] @
Citat: The plant’s photosynthesis then somehow powers an electric motor.
[ mmix @ 20.06.2010. 13:13 ] @
Ajoj, prvo onaj zero energy gel frizider, sad auto na rotkvice. Kako je njima lepo covece. Vidim da nema ni tockove, ta silna energija od rotkvicinog lista moze i gravitaciju da savlada.
[ vladd @ 20.06.2010. 13:37 ] @
Pa fotosinteza indijske konoplje, "somehow", proizvodi dovoljno goriva za vehicle
[ Srđan Pavlović @ 20.06.2010. 14:35 ] @
Jeste, jeste, zasadim jednu ljubicicu u njega i picim do Dizeldorfa, posle sa visibabom imam do Pariza. Ako zasadis mak, mozes i dalje...
[ mmix @ 20.06.2010. 14:42 ] @
A tek na "konoplju", trip moze da ide i do meseca Samo je masta granica
Koji idioti, ne dobacuju dalje od djaka prvaka. Da fotosinteza moze da generise toliko energije evolucija bi vec obezbedila da drvece trckara po livadama.
[ maksvel @ 20.06.2010. 14:56 ] @
^Ovo je za tržište Middle-Earth-a, tamo je drugo...
[ Onaj @ 20.06.2010. 23:15 ] @
Citat: automobil na paradajz,luk, šargarepu i rotkvice
To znaci da ce paradajz, luk, sargarepa i rotkvice nenormalno da poskuplju svakog meseca kao sad benzin?
[ 3way @ 20.06.2010. 23:16 ] @
I to genetski nemodifikovane rotkvice. Ove modifikovane imaju manje oktana, sto je sve deo zavere protiv jeftine energije.
[ Odin D. @ 20.06.2010. 23:59 ] @
A ima li neki na cevape, raznjice, vesalice?
Mislim da bi se taj mnogo bolje prodavao....
[ mmix @ 21.06.2010. 07:21 ] @
Na cevap bi se nekako jos i pokrenuo :)
A inace nece da poskupe rotkvice, moras ti da posadis svoje u auto. Ovaj auto ne jede rotkvice on izvlaci ATP iz listova i trosi da pokrene kola, fotosinteza bato, ne samo da je zeleno nego jos ni ne ubija rotkvice u kolima, samo uzima visak koji rotkvici ne treba "v sodelovanju z naravo" ;)
[ flighter_022 @ 21.06.2010. 10:19 ] @
A ubrzanje od 0 do 1 km/h... sitnica. 2 dana.
[ bigvlada @ 23.06.2010. 08:23 ] @
Najgrđe je što ne pominju da li to cveće treba da se zaliva, đubri, okopava,itd... Ili misle da će večno ostati mlado i zeleno.
Razgovor sa devojkom: Idem da okopam automobil pa možemo u bioskop.
[ mmix @ 23.06.2010. 08:32 ] @
Haha, ovde ce pre biti: "Idi okopaj auto da te vodim u bioskop" :D
[ stewuss je @ 04.07.2010. 20:32 ] @
Jesi zakinuo zaperke? Nemoj da bude kao prosli put pa da ne mozemo da se zaustavimo!
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