[ vlada131 @ 29.06.2010. 08:03 ] @

Pas pregazio vlasnika

Jednog Amerikanca sa Floride vozilom je pregazio njegov pas, nakon što je uskočio u kamionet i pokrenuo ga, prenosi agencija AP.

Kristofer Bišop (43) je ležao ispod svog kamioneta i proveravao da li negde curi ulje, ostavivši pri tom otvorena prednja vrata kamioneta i motor u leru.

Odjednom je njegov pas, buldog po imenu Tesi, uskočio u vozilo, pravo na vozačevo sedište i ubacio menjač u brzinu.

Kamionet je krenuo nizbrdo i pregazio Bišopovu levu stranu, ali je on uspeo da se izvuče bez težih povreda.

Bišop je ustao i ušao u vozilo, koje je uspeo da zaustavi pre nego što je udarilo u ogradu pored njegove kuće.

On je zatim ušao u kuću, gde je sačekao oko šest sati pre nego što je zatražio medicinsku pomoć, jer mu se činilo da nije ozbiljno povređen i zato što "ne voli doktore".

[ Igor Gajic @ 29.06.2010. 08:10 ] @

Man bites dog biting dog

It's a true-to-life case of man bites dog.

A Saskatoon man says he unleashed his inner canine in order to stop a wandering pit bull terrier from attacking his neighbour's dog about two weeks ago.

In a Sept. 24 interview, Jonathon Schacher said he heard a scream outside his home and looked outside to see the pit bull and the other dog entangled.

He said he ran outside and tried to pull the aggressive dog off the other, but the pit bull had its jaw locked around his neighbour dog's muzzle.

He tried yanking the pit bull off, but Schacher said that didn't work.

Trying to pry its jaw open didn't work either.

"I could just feel I needed to do something, and so I bit the dog right on the nose," he said.

He said the pit bull yelped in pain and he was able to pull on its jowls to give up his attack on the other animal.

Amazingly, the pit bull turned meek, Schacher said.

"He just sat down and his tail started wagging, and then I let go of him." But that's not all. Schacher said the dog licked him on the face, seemingly in supplication.

Schacher's neighbour told CBC News the pit bull left the neighbourhood following the incident.

Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/saska...n-bites-dog.html#ixzz0sDvX4ESF