[ majce1984kg @ 26.10.2010. 20:40 ] @
| Krenula sam u Madjarsku i nisam mogla da udjem u zemlju. Imam zabranu za sve zemlje Sengena jer sam 1995. radila u Grckoj na crno, naravno, i tad su me deportovali iz Grcke. S` obzirom da je proslo dosta vremena, mislila sam da je zabrana ukinuta. Ako je neko imao isti problem neka napise sta treba dalje raditi? |
[ Izvoljski @ 26.10.2010. 20:53 ] @
Obrati se nadleznima u SIS-u (Schengen Information System) Bruxelles i kulturno ih zamoli da ti objasne koliko dugo ce vaziti zabrana posto bi ti opet htela da ides.
Mislim da je to prava adressa i nista ne kosta da pitas.
[ bttp @ 28.10.2010. 21:33 ] @
Data on persons may be stored for a maximum of 10 years and must result from a decision taken by the competent authorities in the Schengen State issuing the alert. Such a decision may arise in the case of a person who was subject to measures based on a violation of national regulations on the entry or residence of aliens or in the case of a person who committed a serious offence in the alerting State.
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