[ AMD guy @ 17.12.2010. 20:38 ] @

We are over the Halloween period for this year but it doesn't mean to say we can't make anymore strange posts.

Have you ever seen anything like this before? A fish with real human teeth! OMG!!!!

We are not the only people unsure of it's origin. Scientists are yet to find out which species of fish this is. They believe this strange fish most probably orignated in South America.

Jel ovo stvarno ili samo dobar fotoshop, odlucite sami.
[ deki77 @ 17.12.2010. 20:56 ] @
mutacija..doslo vreme
[ Devanagari @ 20.12.2010. 10:07 ] @
Dubravko Mataković to uvek lepo objasni :)
