Ha ha ha, sad sam procitao temu sa linka. Jbg, ne mogu svi da budu hakeri :)
A ni hakeri nisu sto su nekad bili :) (po principu: ko ce koga nego svoj svoga)
Defcon crowd have also grown into an entire industry, a specialism of modern policing, with highly trained and computer literate FBI and secret service agents running an army of informants who now pervade the hacker community.
Neki interesantni linkovi:
SOFTWAR: What is the mission of the NSA?
McConnell: Signals Intelligence. SIGINT is NSA's mission. The NSA is either talking to someone (wtf?! :)) or listening to someone talk. The mission is to exploit human intelligence. However, the NSA's mission does NOT include domestic surveillance, which is patently against the law. Domestic surveillance is the FBI's job.
SOFTWAR: Documents obtained by Freedom of Information requests show that Vince Foster attended a meeting at the NSA headquarters on May 2, 1993. What role did Mr. Foster have in Clipper or at the NSA?
McConnell: Foster had NO NO NO NO role in Clipper. He never went to NSA headquarters to meet on Clipper. The May 2, 1993 meeting at Ft. Meade is an annual event called "Law Day". It is a dog and pony show for the power elite. I doubt that Foster even knew what crypto meant. John Podesta was our contact inside the White House.
John Podesta, negde sam vec cuo to ime. On znaci zna sta crypto znaci. Cini mi se da se Podesta pojavljivao na nekakvim konferencijama iznoseci nekakve stavove u vezi slobode informisanja ili tako nesto slicno ?
SOFTWAR: Does this lack of awareness reflect a general ignorance about encryption technology in the public and at the highest levels?
McConnell: 99% of the American public has no idea what crypto is.
SOFTWAR: The recent Presidential report on US Computer Security released by General Marsh made NO mention of encryption as a defensive tool against hackers and terrorists. Why did the General omit such an important issue?
McConnell: When I found out that General Marsh was tasked to write the President's report on information security I went to Admiral Studeman, the previous Director of the NSA. We decided we owed it to Marsh to explain the crypto problem. We spoke to him for about two hours until his eyes glazed over. Marsh declared the encryption issue too difficult a problem for him to tackle in his report. He simply said he was going to answer the President's questions on computer security. No more. No less.
[Ovu poruku je menjao Ankalagon the Black dana 31.07.2011. u 13:36 GMT+1]