[ Ankalagon the Black @ 10.10.2011. 23:12 ] @
Vidim da mnogi imaju problema kako da vode konverzaciju na temama u kojima ucestvuju doticna dva gospodina. Evo resenja u najkracem a posle moze da se povede i diskusija sirih razmera. Znaci, kad vidite da uporno nastavljaju sa trolovanjem i maltretiranjem jednostavno ih nadalje ignorisete. A to znaci, procitate sta su napisali ako hocete ali im nista nikada ne odgovarate. Oni ce nastaviti i dalje nesto da komentarisu ali nema potrebe da se vi nervirate oko toga.

Jedna stvar koju treba da razumete jeste da njih dvojca nikada nece prestati sa svojim ponasanjem i da su im bilo kakvi odgovori samo gorivo na koje se pokrecu. Zar nikada niste sreli takve ljude, sa kojima kada pricate izgleda kao da pricate sa zidom ?! Ili u IT terminologiji oni su READ ONLY. Znaci, imaju neko svoje misljenje koje je nepromenjivo i apsolutno tacno nezavisno od bilo cega drugog i tu nema mesta fleksibilnosti za potencijalne mogucnosti niti osnovne uctivosti pri konverzaciji.

Zamisli recimo nekog od njih dvojce na nekom skupu/zurci da krenu tako da omalovazavaju sagovornike. U najmanju ruku niko ne bi hteo da prica sa njima a veoma verovatno da bi se neko i poprilicno naljutio i hteo nesporazum da resi na neki drugi nacin osim verbalnog. E, al zato na forumu mozes da budes bezobrazan i bezobzirno da se izivljavas nad bilo kim (osim onima koji mogu da te banuju :) ) bez nekih vecih posledica.

Ima ona cuvena recenica: Don't feed the troll. Dobra je i treba je primenjivati.


Procitajte ovaj link i razumece bolje problem sa kojim se suocavate.

[ 3way @ 10.10.2011. 23:16 ] @
Vidim da mnogi imaju problema...

Koji mnogi?
Ne videh da se neko buni osim tebe i sada daks990 :)
[ plus_minus @ 10.10.2011. 23:17 ] @
Možda te kuliraju pa ti se čini da se ne bune. Primenjuju ljudi taktiku, šta ga znaš...
[ Ankalagon the Black @ 10.10.2011. 23:21 ] @
Jel vidite kako su srecni kad dobiju malo paznje? Sto bi rekao Radovan III , "E, evo ide drug clan hebote!!! " Pa citava tema o njima.

A vas odgovor treba da bude onaj drugi deo recenice: " A mene bole mnogo..."

"Poginu 6 ljudi tog dana, poginu 6 ljudi..." :)))
[ Ankalagon the Black @ 10.10.2011. 23:29 ] @
What is a troll? What is a flamer? What is a kook? What is a shill? You'll find a detailed explanation of the various terms reading gandalf's trollfaq (always retrievable through "Archive-name: net-abuse-faq/troll-faq Posting-Frequency: monthly"). Also, in order to understand this lore, you better have already acquired an adequate knowledge of usenet.

As a matter of fact, on any virtual meeting point (usenet newsgroups, http:// messageboards, maillists) you may register "attacks" by individuals interested in disrupting the flow of messages.
There are MANY kinds of such individuals, see for instance the wondrous descriptions of usenet people at [Flame Warriors]

A troll is basically one who posts messages intended to insult and provoke per fas et nefas (see [Trolls and Schopenhauer] below).
For each person who responds, the poster (the troll as a person) will consider that person "caught". The troll (the troll as an action) is considered to have been a complete success if it disrupts beyond repair the normal traffic on a newsgroup or on a messageboard. In extreme cases, trolls are posted by groups of trollers and crossposted to unrelated newsgroups in an attempt to destroy those groups by flooding them with flames and off-topic ranting.
1.spamming troll, one who posts -or crossposts on many newsgroups- the same, exact post, multiple times (mostly one liners: "cascade"). Some of these 'listings' with all answers and counter-answers, can grow into huge files.

2. kook: a regular poster who continually posts messages with no apparent grounding in reality. The kook trademark is paranoia and grandiosity. Kooks will often build up elaborate imaginary support structures, fake corporations and the like, and continue to act as if those things are real even after their falsity has been documented in public. While they may appear harmless, and are usually filtered out by the other regular participants in a newsgroup or mailing list, they can still cause problems because the necessity for these measures is not immediately apparent to newcomers; there are several instances, for example, of journalists writing stories with quotes from kooks who caught them unaware. See http://www.crank.net/usenet.html for more info.
Some people have dedicated their lifes to expose kooks, and they will warn you that 'It is important to note the subtle distinction between a net.kook, a net.cretin, a clueless newbie, troll, or garden-variety @$$hole. The newbie, one hopes, can acquire a clue on the installment plan even if he can't afford to buy one for cash; the cretin is merely stupid and/or irritating; the troll is purposely pulling your leg like it got caught in some heavy machinery, the @$$hole is, well, simply that. But a TRUE net.kook has a special fascination derived from his/her/its utter ineffability. Their behavior is irrational, if not downright weird, but they are seldom merely boring'
A very interesting Kookologists' Manifesto is "The way of the Kook", this makes very good reading and it is much more informative as it may seem at first.

3. A flamer is one who contributes nothing but uninformative "ad hominem" bickering. His inventivity in names-calling and "hurting tooth poking" fears no matches. Even a good troll will never win against a good flamer. Yet flaming is an art that many, many, try, few master, and nearly all think -wrongly- they are good at. So since you (reader) are most probably not a good flamer, heed the (sound) advice: never answer to a troll (not even in order to flame him, see below).

4. A shill is one who posts messages as a spokesperson or "front" for an unseen group or organization, usually at odds to the topics being discussed.
[ Ankalagon the Black @ 10.10.2011. 23:35 ] @
Trolls' characteristicae

1) They have a lot of free time, they are mostly lonely people.
2) They often ingratiate themselves to a person or two on the group and use them to stay in the group. They may protest with these "friends" that their right to free speech is being curtailed.
3) They sometimes use "socketpuppets", i.e. fake identities that may be used to sustain, or to inflame the troll's position or theory or attack. At times the socket puppets' names are anagrams or similar to the troll name. Thus a troll may engage in artificial conversations with himself. However impersonating multiple people is frowned upon by the more able trolls and is considered the lowest of the possible troll tactics.

[ daksi990 @ 10.10.2011. 23:39 ] @
Mislim da je ovaj forum jedan od najjacih foruma u Srbiji u smislu da je forum obilan i ima puno tema sto dobrih sto losih a i puno posetioca i clanova.Ali shodno tome ima i mnogo clanova koji se ne ponasaju korektno.Ja sam postavio temu sto se tice tog nekorektnog ponasanja ali izgleda da Administratore boli ona stvar sto se toga tice.I ne znam po koji put trebam da napisem ako u nesto sumnjam da je tacno i imam suprotno misljenje zasto bih ja uopste morao da ucestvujem u toj temi? To je kao kad bih ja isao redom po linux temama i pocnem da smaram ljude zasto koriste linux kad je on komplikovaniji tezi i dr... Ne razumem taj negativni stav da li je taj inat samo u srbiji rasprostranjen ili i sire ne znam ali bih rekao da su mnogo kulturniji barem na forumima nego ovde.
[ Goran Mijailovic @ 10.10.2011. 23:50 ] @
Ako imate neku zalbu na pomenute clanove postavite temu u za to predvidjenom forumu Predlozi i pitanja, pa ce administratori procitati/odgovoriti/resavati sta vec. Ova tema ide u lock.