[ Ankalagon the Black @ 09.02.2012. 12:19 ] @


Fascinanto predavanje Dr. Michael Persinger-a o modernim dostignućima u oblasti kognitivne neuro nauke. Govori o implikacijama ekperimenata koji su potvrdili postojanje telepatije i razvoju novih tehnologija koje će u velikoj meri uticati na budućnost ljudske rase.
[ Ankalagon the Black @ 22.02.2012. 09:26 ] @

I.R.V.A. 2006 - "International Remote Viewing Association" - Conference, Keynote Address.


Certain surprising mainstream scientific discoveries during the last twenty years are forcing shifts in dismissive attitudes toward the parapsychological and other forms of exceptional human experiencing. These discoveries - including the discovery of dark matter interpenetrating dark energy, of subtle and exotic energies, of multiple dimensions, and, most suggestively, of empathic-telepathic cells in the brain that function to "mind-read" or detect motives and intentions of others - all appear to be based on processes that are not rooted in physical matter. While information about these discoveries can be found on the Internet, few have used them to project future developments.

Since 1970, Ingo Swann has worked with nearly forty cutting-edge researchers in the fields of parapsychology, psychoenergetics, and super sensitivity perception. He is best known for his long-term association with Dr. H.E. Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute between 1972 and 1988 in the field of remote viewing, work sponsored by intelligence and military agencies. Swann's work carries two consistent hallmarks: high degrees of both statistical and qualitative success, and signifigant theoretical contributions in the area of super sensitivity knowledge that proved amenable to research and development. Discussions of his work concerning the human species can be found in his extensive website at: http://biomindsuperpowers.com/