[ djyova @ 27.02.2012. 11:01 ] @
Naisao sam netu na neke tekstove o Deep Web-u pa me zanima da li je sve to stvarno tacno? U tim tekstovima se tvrdi kako je Deep Web visestruko opsezniji od vidljivog web-a, da je to steciste raznoraznog kriminalnog sadrzaja, da postoje marketi na kojima se mogu naruciti pljacke, ubistva, spijunaze, da je prepun pedofilije i slicnih gadosti, da je mesto gde se droga prodaje na kilo, ali i da ima sadrzaja koji su normalni u odnosu na predhodne, i da se neke od informacija godinama nalaze na deep web-u pre nego se pojave na vidljivom web-u. Na primer informacije koje je objavio WikiLeaks, kazu da su se godinama pre toga mogle procitati na Deep Web-u.

Ja licno sam za Deep Web cuo na jednom warez forumu, kada je jedan clan napisao kako je zabrinut da nece moci vise nista da skida nakon cele ove price sa MegaUpload-om i lancane reakcije sa gasenjem sajtova poput BTJunkie i slicnih, da bi mu jedan drugi clan odgovorio kako ce sve najnovije stvari kao sto su filmovi, muzika i slicno uvek da mogu da se skinu sa Deep Web-a, tj jest web-a skrivenog od ociju pretrazivaca odnosno hidden web-a.

Meni je prosto neverovatno da je tolika kolicina podataka jednostavno "nevidljiva", a da toliko mnogo premasuje kolicinu podataka koja se nalazi na vidljivom web-u! Takodje mi je nejasno ako je stvarno istina ono oko stecista kriminala, kako onda da ti kriminalci tamo nisu pohapseni i slicno?

Mene licno interesuje ova prica oko skidanja filmova ako sajtovi poput Pirate Bay-a budu pogaseni, ali se nisam usudio da isprobam bas zbog onih navedenih kriminalnih radnji u koje kako tvrde oni koji su pisali o deep web-u obican korisnik vrlo lako moze biti uvucen.

Jos jedna od stvari koja mi zvuci neverovatno je i ta da je Bitcoin pusten u opticaj upravo zbog Deep Web-a, i da se preko njega peru ogromne prljave pare ostvarene od kriminalnih radnji na Deep Web-u.

Da li neko zna nesto vise o ovome, i sta je istina a sta laz o Deep Web-u?


For those who don't know, the deep web represents a gargantuan part of the internet which is not accessible through regular searches via google or other search engines.

Searching on the Internet today can be compared to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean. While a great deal may be caught in the net, there is still a wealth of information that is deep, and therefore, missed. The reason is simple: Most of the Web's information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites, and standard search engines never find it.

Here are some facts on The Deep Web:

· Public information on the deep Web is currently 400 to 550 times larger than the commonly defined World Wide Web.

· The deep Web contains 7,500 terabytes of information compared to 19 terabytes of information in the surface Web.

· The deep Web contains nearly 550 billion individual documents compared to the 1 billion of the surface Web.

· More than 200,000 deep Web sites presently exist.

· Sixty of the largest deep-Web sites collectively contain about 750 terabytes of information — sufficient by themselves to exceed the size of the surface Web forty times.

· The deep Web is the largest growing category of new information on the Internet.

· Deep Web sites tend to be narrower, with deeper content, than conventional surface sites.

· Total quality content of the deep Web is 1,000 to 2,000 times greater than that of the surface Web.

· Deep Web content is highly relevant to every information need, market, and domain.

· More than half of the deep Web content resides in topic-specific databases.

· A full ninety-five per cent of the deep Web is publicly accessible information — not subject to fees or subscriptions.

What lies beneath the surface is a who's who of hackers, scientists, drug dealers, astronomers, assassins, physicists, revolutionaries, Government officials, Police, Feds, terrorists, perverts, data miners, kidnappers, sociologists, etc. As you can tell, the party goes across the entire moral spectrum.

I find this subject to be utterly fascinating which needs to be studied further. Whilst there are tons of bad seeds who inhabit this deep web, there's also good seeds who wish to spread their information quickly and most often anonymously, to avoid legal or ethical ramifications.

In order to access the deep web you use the Tor browser in addition to the Tor extension for Firefox. This is a good starting point.

And then access the Hidden Wiki which is a small but useful reference point to start on your journey of the deep web. kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion

They got folks who literally can go toe to toe with Anon on there. Dudes who are really dangerous in the sense they are near omnipotent. This is where the serious computer viruses are made and where plots are made. They have security viruses and everything.

SCREENSHOT OF THE HIDDEN WIKI: http://i.imgur.com/Xq7ih.png

The reason the "Deep Web" is the way it is is because only about 10 percent of what's on the internet is generally/commercially interesting. Sure you could dig deep into the annals of the information superhighway but most if it is raw information. It's not packaged and easily digestible like stumbleupon or tumblr. They are websites that purposely don't get pinged to search engines so they are harder to find.

To sum it up, it's basically a private section of server space to share data off record. All that wiki leaks stuffed that leaked a couple months back? That's been on deep web for years. Ever seen a movie and see the bad guy or hacker loggin' into some weird looking private server? that's all real. Generally, terrorist networks, spy agencies, drug dealers, assassins-for-hire, and those looking for child porn lurk around those parts. There's a Hidden Wiki, there, and on the wiki they're categories of links. There are things like blogs, forums (from normal to revolutionary to blatantly illegal), Tor-enabled instant messaging and chat, anonymous file hosting, anonymous financing, anonymous tipping and information exchanges, information on computer security/anonymity, info on warez/cracks/hacking, all the books, music, movies you can possibly imagine, even links to sports betting and trade information, links to international drug markets, prostitution rings, assassin markets, black market products, child pornography, Some of societies most deviant people use this network. Not just those that browse the sites on there but also those who create it and manage them..and it's almost impossible to find either of the offenders.

Even underground fighting tournaments to the death (I'm not joking very real very organized). Very Real trained professional fighters. It may seem surreal but they are guys that train with the best and want no part of UFC or any fight league. Dudes who really enjoy fighting to the death. It's just crazy explaining it it's not some barroom brawl. These things happen and alot of millionaires pay big money to see them. Modern Gladiator battles. I heard there are some with humans vs animals.

However, 0.00000001% of all data on the dark web is stuff normal people will be able to access, understand and use. And even a small fraction of that is illegal stuff.. its not like some hardcore underground network of spies, killers, pedos and criminals. The rest % is used by their respected authorities.

Don't be an idiot and start clicking on links you see on the hiddenwiki, but poke your head in the door you'll see its not modern anarchy in there.

While the information on the deep web is vastly overwhelming, it should not be feared. In most aspects, the information is just there, it's what you choose to do with the information that can lead you to trouble and imprisonment. Producing, storing, exchanging, transferring information.

Before you begin I suggest learning how the deep web works and what you can do to better protect yourself against intruders and anything that can compromise your true anonymity

I'll post how to get on the Hidden Wiki next.

Here is a screenshot of a typical source in the Deep Web: http://i56.tinypic.com/241wnj5.png.

This is like some post apacolyptic world where they only accept the bizarre currency bitcoins and all the websites look like they are from 1990's era geocities.

BTC's are the deep web's form of currency.. bitcoins.
This **** is hilarious, bizarre, and terrifying..
half the time the sites dont work and result in the most cryptic jargon filled errors. the other half, you wait ten minutes for it to load only to see something which shocks you because of how serious it is. this is where the hackers hang out. The can use your own webcam to spy on you. (srs)

I know what you're thinking some of the best hackers around and the server is slow as. The servers are probably used to a pretty small amount of traffic. With the attention deep web has got from niketalk and anon. in the last few days they are probably struggling a bit I reckon. Could be wrong on that but basically patience is a necessity in the deep web.

Now I'm just a cog in the machine. A really big machine. And really just relaying information found on other fora as mentioned already. I'm just trying to find people that are in it already. I want to know what they're saying on current events, Libya, Nasa investigation on that metorite, higher alien life forms, where Adrian Wojnarowski gets his trade information from etc

While the information on the deep web is vastly overwhelming, it should not be feared. In most aspects, the information is just there, it's what you choose to do with the information that can lead you to trouble and imprisonment. Producing, storing, exchanging, transferring information.

Before you begin I suggest learning how the deep web works and what you can do to better protect yourself against intruders and anything that can compromise your true anonymity

Here, you can read up more about the deep web: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_web

This has information on what the .onion network is and how it works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.onion

Here is where you can read up on TOR: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(anonymity_network)


If you don't have already, download firefox at www.getfirefox.com and once installed, search for the tor extension for Firefox.

From there, you can get the tor bundle at http://torproject.org

Click Start Tor Browser once you have completed the steps.

Firefox will open up with this as the main page

From there, you are now somewhat anonymous and can now access .onion and the hidden web.

Keep in mind that Tor is not 100% anonymous...multiple proxies are needed in addition to tor, of course a firewall and Antivirus as well. I'd disconnect or put tape over my webcam , disable javascript cookies, temp data, use ccleaner...

Izvor: TheBotNet.org

Wikipedia o Deep Web-u: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_Web
[ misko81 @ 27.02.2012. 11:54 ] @
· The deep Web contains 7,500 terabytes of information compared to 19 terabytes of information in the surface Web.

LOL, iz koje godine je ovo?
[ mulaz @ 27.02.2012. 12:36 ] @
Pa imas freenet i sl. sisteme, gde mogu ljudi anonimno da rade sta hocu.

Sa plus strane, mozes da pises i pristupas informacijama iz opresivnih rezima (kina,. iran,...), a sa slabe strane imas sve puno nelegalnih sadrzaja (pored piraterije je tu i ogromno raznorazne nenormalne pornografije, nacrta za razna oruzja ('pravi' nacrti, a i oni koji mogu da ubiju onog koji pokusava to da napravi),.....)

Naravno kolicina informacija je daleko manja nego na "obicnom" internetu :) (a o brzini ni da ne pricam)

[ cika dacha @ 27.02.2012. 21:07 ] @
vrlo zanimljivo :-)
[ bachi @ 27.02.2012. 21:32 ] @
Da, raj za pedofile... :( Sad bejah na tom hidden wikiju, svaki drugi link je child porn. :(
[ djyova @ 27.02.2012. 22:05 ] @
Pa kako je onda moguce da se takav sadrzaj ne blokira a odgovorni pohapse?

Ne znam iz koje je godine, ali mene je licno iznenadilo da cak i ovolike kolicine mogu da budu "nevidljive".
[ Nabukodonosor @ 28.02.2012. 01:38 ] @
bachi: Da, raj za pedofile... :( Sad bejah na tom hidden wikiju, svaki drugi link je child porn. :(

Kakav je to hidden wiki kad si ga ti tek tako nasao?!
[ New Village DC @ 28.02.2012. 01:56 ] @
Ja sam proletos sa nekim ortacima sa solfedja haknuo ceo taj deepweb i oborio im sistem. Al sta ces, to nije moglo da se vidi na www.
[ tahuti @ 28.02.2012. 02:19 ] @
Sve je prepuno sa 4 jahaca infokalipse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Horsemen_of_the_Infocalypse
[ bachi @ 28.02.2012. 05:19 ] @
Nabukodonosor: Kakav je to hidden wiki kad si ga ti tek tako nasao?!

:) Hidden je zato što ne možeš da mu pristupiš preko klasične mreže, već preko Tor-a.
[ Nabukodonosor @ 28.02.2012. 08:04 ] @
Ma kapiram, nego samo kazem mnogo je hidden do zla boga.
[ superbaka @ 28.02.2012. 14:27 ] @
ako je stvarno decija pornografija, onda to nema veze sa anonimnoscu vec garant iza stoji neko za borbu protiv toga... ako neko sumnja u moje tvrdnje, neka proba da skine to, pa ce javiti kako je prosao... ako uvedu internet u celijama Padinske skele :)
[ mulaz @ 28.02.2012. 14:53 ] @
Freenet radi anonimno, slicno kao tor, pa se nezna ni ko stavlja to, ni ko skida.
[ djyova @ 28.02.2012. 15:07 ] @
superbaka: ako je stvarno decija pornografija, onda to nema veze sa anonimnoscu vec garant iza stoji neko za borbu protiv toga... ako neko sumnja u moje tvrdnje, neka proba da skine to, pa ce javiti kako je prosao... ako uvedu internet u celijama Padinske skele :)

Ali zar to onda nije malo radikalan pristup problematici? Ako stvarno postavljaju pedofiliju kako bi navukli pedofile, u cemu je onda razlika izmedju tih koji treba da sprovode zakon i onih koji zele da ga krse. Meni to lici na Minority Report, gde se ljudi hapse za dela koja ce mozda pociniti, a u vom slucaju je pitanje da li bi to delo pocinili da taj materijal nije tamo postavljen!?

U svakom slucaju, cini mi se da je ipak bolje ostati u matriksu (na vidljivom web-u), nego kako je neko napisao za deep web "Izadjite iz Matriksa".
[ bachi @ 28.02.2012. 20:02 ] @
superbaka: ako je stvarno decija pornografija, onda to nema veze sa anonimnoscu vec garant iza stoji neko za borbu protiv toga... ako neko sumnja u moje tvrdnje, neka proba da skine to, pa ce javiti kako je prosao... ako uvedu internet u celijama Padinske skele :)
Pa anoniman si tamo. Ne kažem da ne mogu da te nađu, mogu, ali treba puuuuuuno vremena. I sam po novinama čitaš oko anti-pedo akcija čije je prikupljanje dokaza trajalo više meseci... E pa to je to, a obično se radi infiltracijom u tu grupu i forume gde se razmenjuje pedo materijal i mišljenja i onda se čeka da neko naleti na penal. :)

Na stranu tog skrivenog weba, emule je prepun pedo "materijala". Sećam se ranije još dok je emule bio popularan i dok nisu roknuli onaj razorback server, skidaš nešto što po nazivu fajla deluje kao klasičan porn, pokreneš, kad ono ti se život zgadi. :(

No, ako usvoje ACTA i stvarno krenu sa zavrtanjem piraterije, nećeš ni imati nekog izbora da ili ideš na taj deep web (nije tamo samo pedo sadržaj, ima i warez i raznoraznih foruma, wikileaks), ili zakupljuješ vpn server/seedbox koji se nalazi u onoj zemlji koja nije potpisnica acta.
[ Otto23 @ 28.02.2012. 20:11 ] @
To get a more precise idea of the nature of this “˜Dark Continent’ involving the invisible and web search engines, read what Wikipedia has to say about the Deep Web. The figures are attention grabbers ““ the size of the open web is 167 terabytes. The Invisible Web is estimated at 91,000 terabytes. Check this out – the Library of Congress, in 1997, was figured to have close to 3,000 terabytes!


Prvi put cujem za ovo, a izgleda da na deep web-u postoji solidan broj informacija. Sto se pedofilicara tice, treba ih hapsiti samo tako, ali to ne znaci da zbog toga generalno treba zabraniti slobodno koriscenje interneta.
[ djyova @ 29.02.2012. 00:02 ] @
Mene jedino sa deep web-a zanima skidanje filmova i serija, pa ako neko zna da li tako nesto postoji tamo i ako ima link neka okaci ovde ili nek posalje na PP.

I jos jedna stvar. Da li se nekoj lokaciji na Deep Web-u moze pristupiti, a da se ne dolazi u kontakt sa tim kriminalnim materijalima?
[ bachi @ 29.02.2012. 07:56 ] @
Pa skidanje filmova i serija je isto kriminalni materijal i kriminalno delo. :) Niko tebe ne tera da klikćeš na linkove koje vode do pedo materijala.

E sad, brzina preko torra je jezivo spora, u poređenju sa javnim netom, ali ako se ne bude imalo kud, šta je, tu je. :D

E neko od vas probao ovo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMule i kakva je brzina, kakvi su utisci?