[ @ 12.03.2004. 23:04 ] @
Pokusavam da cekiram svoj Hotmail nalog, ali ne uspeva mi, tj. nemogu da otvorim Hotmail stranicu... tako da sam se dao u potragu, i izgleda da je ceo Hotmail puko...

Capping an already tough week for Microsoft, the company's MSN and Hotmail sites went down Friday.

Outages were reported starting Friday morning and as of 5:20 p.m. eastern, the sites were still out.

A company spokeswoman acknowledged that some customers started "experiencing issues" Friday morning eastern time. She said the team is looking into the cause and working on a fix although there is "no ETA yet."

It was unclear if the outages resulted from some sort of distributed denial of service (DDoS) or other attack.

The outages come on the heels of other bad news out of Redmond, Wash. On Wednesday, solution providers were advised that the long-awaited Yukon SQL Server release would slip from 2004 to 2005, as would the companion Visual Studio "Whidbey" offering.

Microsoft and its affiliated sites have been something of a bullseye for hackers and attackers of all kinds.
[ ban81yu @ 12.03.2004. 23:51 ] @
i meni vec 2 sata nece da otvori hotmail izglada da su dobro pukli. hahaha pa i ceo dan su nesto kocili. heh idem ja do dobro znanog starog yahoo naloga. p.s. da li zna neko kad ce da proradi )
[ Goran Mijailovic @ 13.03.2004. 02:11 ] @
Sad radi
[ @ 13.03.2004. 13:50 ] @
Sada radi, ali sta je bilo...

Microsoft trying to fix Hotmail problems

SEATTLE (The Associated Press) -- Microsoft Corp. said Friday that a "significant portion" of people who use the company's Hotmail e-mail system and other Internet-based products had trouble accessing the services for several hours.

The company said it was an internal problem rather than an attack on its system and that it had service restored by 5:15 p.m. PST.

The problem began about 8:30 a.m.

In addition to Hotmail, the popular Web-based e-mail service, Microsoft said people were having trouble accessing products such as company's MSN Messenger instant messaging program.

Malina Bragg, a spokeswoman with Microsoft's Waggener Edstrom public relations firm, said in an e-mail that the company did not know how many people were having trouble but that "it appears to affect a significant portion of our customers."

Bragg said problem appeared to be affecting people who were trying to log on to the system. Those that were able to get on the system did not appear to be having problems sending and receiving e-mail, she said.


Outage Hits Hotmail, MSN Messenger

'Internal issue' hampers logons for more than six hours Friday, Microsoft confirms.

Internal technical problems at Microsoft closed down access for many MSN Messenger and Hotmail users, as well as some MSN Internet Access customers, for about eight hours Friday.

Microsoft started receiving reports or problems with its instant messaging, Web based e-mail and dial-up Internet services at about 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time Friday, a company spokesperson says. The issue was identified at around 3 p.m. and solved an hour and a half later, she adds.

"The outage was pretty significant in terms of the number of customers it affected, but by now the services should be up and running for everybody," the Microsoft spokesperson confirmed late on Friday afternoon.

Details Withheld
Microsoft is not releasing details of the cause of the outage.

"It was a completely internal issue," the spokesperson says. The problem had nothing to do with hackers or the security patch for MSN Messenger that Microsoft released earlier this week, she adds.

Microsoft did not disclose how many customers were unable to connect to those services in the interim.

Service complaints came mostly from the U.S. and Canada, but users outside of North America may also have been affected, the spokesperson says. Users who were already connected to the services were for the most part able to continue using them, the issue primarily affected new log-ons, she says.


MSN Messenger, Hotmail on the fritz
CNET News.com

Microsoft is investigating customer complaints that both MSN Messenger and Hotmail have been intermittently inaccessible since Friday morning, a representative said.
Hotmail users complained to CNET News.com that the service could not be accessed several times during the day on Friday. Microsoft's instant-messaging application, MSN Messenger, also had connectivity problems.

"This morning, MSN customers began experiencing issues accessing various services, such as Messenger (and) Hotmail," a Microsoft representative said. "Microsoft is currently determining the cause and is taking appropriate steps to remedy the situation as quickly as possible."

The Hotmail Web site and other Passport-powered sites could only be successfully accessed 50 percent of the time, according to Internet performance measurement service Keynote Systems. Usually, the sites can be accessed 100 percent of the time.

Although Microsoft did not finger Passport as the cause of the issues, a hiccup in the affected services could be explained by problems in the company's Internet identity service, said Roopak Patel, senior analyst at Keynote.

"If there is an issue, it is causing the same effects across different (Microsoft) domains," Patel said, adding, "It's not impacting the Internet as a whole."

Microsoft's identity service has been stable in recent history, but Passport has had its share of troubles.

Almost a year ago, a flaw in the system could have allowed an attacker to access customer information using only the victim's e-mail address. Software flaws in the system's security also left consumers' financial data vulnerable, forcing Microsoft to shut down its Wallet service to protect people from having their data stolen.

Microsoft does not believe that the current issue could affect customer data, the representative said.

[ Gojko Vujovic @ 13.03.2004. 13:57 ] @
Pa je l ih terao neko da prelaze na windoze servere sa freebsdja koji je godinama radio tako dobro posao? Mada nikad ne znamo šta još uvek koriste "unutra", ali verujem da su i tamo zamenili freebsd nečim drugim.
[ bravo1 @ 21.06.2011. 04:32 ] @
Stare dobre stvari ne treba menjati,zlatno pravilo.Cekamo da poprave,do sada imam preko 90 poruka,stizu ali ne mogu ni da otvorim ni da obrisem.pozz!
[ bojan_bozovic @ 21.06.2011. 04:41 ] @
Bravo bravo1, uskrsnuo si temu staru više od sedam godina! Evo kad je Gojko Vujović napisao poruku iznad tvoje 13.03.2004. u 14:57 !

[ a1200 @ 21.06.2011. 05:34 ] @
Vidis bre da je isti bug jos uvek tu :). A kako i ne bi bio... ipak treba pronaci nesto u nekom "legacy" dll-u, koji je napisao tim iz bangladesa pre 8 godina cisto kao privremeni deo koda, da bi stigli da isporuce projekat "po planu". Prema prepametnom time schedule-u nekog prepametnog menadzera, koji je realno izgubio kontakt sa tehnologijom pre ~10 godina, i misli da postavljanjem nerealnih rokova i pritiskom moze da napreduje... a onda im se office zatvorio pre 7 (nasli $u jeftiniji "tim")... a SP nikad nije izasao... :)
... i to sve je naravno napisano u microsoftovim ultra-dobro smisljenim API-jima, koji imaju vek trajanja od par godina, dok se ne ukapira da to bas ne radi onako kao su oni zamisli - i kupi neka druga firma i tehnologija, koju ce opet da uniste "nadogradnjom" u svom specificnom bloatware stilu...
[ bravo1 @ 21.06.2011. 23:50 ] @
Video sam ja to druze,ali sad upadoh u taj problem pa sam se nadao da ce neko primetiti moj vapaj za pomoc,xexe.Ako neko zna resenje molio bih za pomoc.Hvala!
P.S.Ne radi mi samo posta,primam postu ali ne mogu ni da je otvorim ni da je izbrisem.Obarao sam sistem,sta sve nisam radio i nisam uspeo da pokrenem.Konstantno izbacuje "Messenger isn't available now."Postavljao sam pitanje na forumu help centra ali vidim da ima samo mnogo ljudi koji imaju isti problem a neki likovi iz administracije pisu stvari koje nemaju veze.Neki koriste firefox neki IE, ali svi imaju isti problem i nema resenja.Ako neko zna bilo sta o tome jos jednom bih zamolio za pomoc???!!!
[ a1200 @ 22.06.2011. 00:05 ] @
Pomoc se zove gmail :). Ja sam progledao kad sam, onomad, sa hotmail-a presao na gmail. POP3 radi, imas i enkriptovan pristup... listu IP adresa sa kojih pristupljeno u poslednje vreme (ako imas neku nedoumicu, ko i kada...), brzo radi, brz search poruka, preview dokumenata u browseru (recimo dobijes doc i zelis da ga gledas na uredjaju koji nema word instaliran), google documents za sharovne dokumente itd.

Dobar primer kako sa apsolutno liderskog mesta u pruzanju mail usluge, moze da se padne u zaborav po kvalitetu i fukcionalnosti... IMHO :)
[ bravo1 @ 22.06.2011. 00:20 ] @
pa sve je to u redu,ali imam mnogo postova odakle primam odgovore sa ovom adresom,nrvo moram to da resim pa onda da predjem lagano.U svakom slucaju hvala na savetu...
[ a1200 @ 22.06.2011. 00:28 ] @
To mozes da resis tako sto neces gasiti hotmail nalog (ionako je besplatan :)), vec ces setovati "mail forwarding" - tj. da ti kopija svih mailova koji stignu bude upucena i na drugu adresu, recimo novi gmail nalog (gmail ima tu opciju, verujem i hotmail). Takodje setujes, ako ne zelis da ih cuvas na hotmailu, da se automatski brisu posle recimo 30 dana... i resen problem (svim bitnijim kontaktima posaljes lepo obavestenje, ili ce oni sami da vide da imas novi mail kad im odgovor upucen na hotmail stigne sa gmail-a). Takodje, imas opciju u gmail-u da importujes kontakte sa hotmaila...
[ bravo1 @ 22.06.2011. 00:34 ] @
Svaka ti cast,skinucu g mail pa cu da instaliram.Moram da nadjem tu opciju ali snaci cu se nekako.Nisam totalni laik ali za tebe sam boranija,xexe.Hvala jos jednom
[ a1200 @ 22.06.2011. 00:37 ] @
Gmail se ne skida, pristupa mu se sa pocetne google stranice (www.google.com - imas gore opciju gmail). U svakom slucaju probaj... nista ne kosta :)
[ bravo1 @ 22.06.2011. 00:40 ] @
Hocu,sad cu da pokucam
[ bravo1 @ 22.06.2011. 01:07 ] @
Pristupio sam ali imam problem,trebam da verifikujem adresu ma hotmailu a ne mogu da udjem.Propast...
[ a1200 @ 22.06.2011. 01:45 ] @
Mora da proradi hotmail... da bi mogao da vidis pismo za verifkaciju sa gmail-a, i setujes forwarding :). U svakom slucaju ne moze nista pre nego sto proradi hotmail... ali barem si resio problem za kasnije.

Moj ortak je recimo setovao da mu se svi mail nalozi (ima ih kod razinih provdera) forwarduju na gmail, a posle mali skida preko POP3 iz thunderbirda... iskljucivo zato sto je bio zadovoljan nacinom na koji gmail filtrira spam :)
[ sasa022 @ 22.06.2011. 01:54 ] @

"Messenger isn't available now."

Zaobidji Messenger - loguj se direktno - https://login.live.com/
[ bravo1 @ 23.06.2011. 04:42 ] @
a1200' Uspeo sam da se registrujem na Gmail,promenio sam adresu za verifikaciju i posle nasetovao da primam postu sa Hotmaila.Dokle ce se skidati ne znam,do sada tamo imam 162poruke koje ne mogu da brisem ali preko Gmaila bar vidim sta je.Cini mi se samo da sporije skida ali videcu ovih dana.hvala
sasa022' Sto se tice direktnog ulaska preko: https://login.live.com/ ista stvar,ne da mi ni odatle za postu otvaranje ni brisanje ali ipak hvala na zelji da pomognes.