[ Rukovodilac @ 11.12.2013. 20:41 ] @
Trebam prevesti listu predmeta na engleski jezik. S obzirom da imam više različitih prevoda na raspolaganju javljaju mi se nedoumice pa bih vas zamolio za pomoć. 1. Plan i program --- Curriculum ILI curriculum studiorum? 2. Građevinski materijali i fizika --- Construction Materials and Physics ILI Building materials and Physics (ILI with Physics)? 3. Arhitektonske konstrukcije --- Architectural Constructions ILI Architectural Structures 4. Razvoj arhitekture i naselja --- Architectural Development and Community ILI Development of Architecture and Community ILI Development of Architecture and Settlements? 5. Engleski jezik --- English ILI English language (ovlašteni prevodilac preveo samo kao ENGLISH pa se pitam da li je to u redu)? 6. Elementi projektovanja --- Elements of Architectural Design ILI Architectural Design Elements? 7. Elementi urbanizma --- Elements of Urban Design ILI Urban Design Elements ILI Elements of Urban Planning ILI...? 8. Perspektiva --- Perspective ILI Architectural perspective (ovlašteni prevodilac preveo kao ARHITEKTONSKA PERSPEKTIVA pa se pitam da li je to u redu)? 9. Računari u arhitekturi --- Computers in Architecture ILI Application of Computers in Architecture ILI Computer Software in Architecture? 10. Tehnička mehanika i otpornost materijala --- Engineering mechanics with Strength of Materials ILI Technical Mechanics and Resilience of Materials? ILI neka kombinacija svega toga? 11. Istorija umjetnosti --- Art History ILI History of Art? 12. Instalacije u zgradama --- Installations in buildings ILI Building installations? 13. Statika konstrukcija --- Static (ILI Statics) of Structures ILI Structure Statics ILI Statics and Construction? 14. Javne zgrade --- Public Buildings? Da li je takav naziv moguć na engleskom? To je predmet na kome smo projektovali školu, bolnicu, sportsku dvoranu, šoping centar i slično. 15. Drvene konstrukcije --- Wooden Structures ILI Wood Structures ILI Wooden Constructions ILI...? 16. Metalne konstrukcije --- Metal Structures ILI Metal Constructions? 17. Privredne zgrade --- Commercial Buildings ILI Industrial Buildings? To je predmet na kome smo projektovali javnu parking garažu, autobusku stanicu, željezničku stanicu i fabriku. 18. Zaštita i revitalizacija graditeljskog nasljeđa --- Protection and Revitalization of Architectural Heritage ILI Preservation and Revitalization of Architectural Heritage? 19. Enterijer --- Interior or Interiors. Da li je to ispravno ili bolje Interior Design? 20. Organizacija i tehnologija građenja --- Construction Management and Technology ILI Construction Organisation and Technology? 21. Diplomski rad --- Diploma work ILI Independent Thesis Project? Hvala svima na pomoći. |