I am sorry for writing in English, I do not speak Serbian. My name is Pete and I'm from England, I found your forum through google. I am sorry for writing a swear word in your language I hope I am not breaking any rules. I would just like to understand it, I do not want to offend anyone here in the least.
I'm hoping some of you who speak English might be able to help me understand a Serbian swear word. I have met some Serbian people and through them heard the swear word "y-e*b*e-m ti mater". I know what it literally means, it sounds quite crass, is it really one of the most common swear words in Serbian?
If you could please from your knowledge of English give me what is the equivalent swear word in my language?
[ dukanizi @ 20.04.2014. 22:44 ] @
I love your mom.
[Ovu poruku je menjao dukanizi dana 20.04.2014. u 23:55 GMT+1]
[ anon142305 @ 20.04.2014. 23:00 ] @
Ako bi hteli da prevedemo smisao psovke, onda bi valjda odgovaralo:
son of a bitch
Ako sve ovo nije neka sprdnja... :)
[ mozdasamjaamozdainisam @ 20.04.2014. 23:02 ] @
Pete (Dutch name) - from Dutch IP, from England... Ok.
Word you have heard is somewhat common in Serbian language. As any other language it is undergoing constant change and youth is yet again coming with new phrases.
One thing Serbian language is rich of are swear words, dunno why that is - it just is.
There is no real equivalent to English word I believe. As you said that you do understand the literal meaning of the word, I would just add that is most commonly used among friends / acquaintances and is not such a strong swear word that would be found in really bad and / or mean situation. It's more something like you would say being pissed off, just to let some steam out. As swear words go in Serbian, this one would come somewhere on a scale 4 out of 10.
Meni je sumnjivije sto je ubo adekvatan forum, jer i dobar deo domacih ne uspe u tome :)
[ dukanizi @ 20.04.2014. 23:11 ] @
Ako sve ovo nije neka sprdnja... :)
Ma gde bre sprdnja :) (Ajde ovo prevedi)
[ anon142305 @ 20.04.2014. 23:13 ] @
Ma gde bre sprdnja :) (Ajde ovo prevedi)
farce; mockery;
[ bakara @ 20.04.2014. 23:14 ] @
Pre ce biti da mu je to neko onako iz miloste opsovao...
e, sta ti je bogatstvo srpskog recnika
[ PeteAlone @ 20.04.2014. 23:17 ] @
Hi All,
Pete is a common English name, it's short for Peter. I am using a proxy service so my IP doesn't appear from the UK, but I am indeed English.
I would like to ask you all to please consider my original question and if you could answer in English that would be superb. Thank you all.
[ dukanizi @ 20.04.2014. 23:22 ] @
E moj Petre, imas srece sto je kasno inace bi te ovi nasi ...
[ anon70939 @ 20.04.2014. 23:28 ] @
Mozda se neko ovako poigrao s njim.
A istina, stvarno čudno da je pogodio ovaj forum... Što ne ode na burek recimo
A i sklop posta je kao da sam ga ja pisao na engleskom. Sto puta napisao "I'm" and "I".
Treba mu pustiti Stoleta da prostudira malo :-)
Većina psovki odatle ni meni dan danas nije jasno.
Poput one "***em ti dete gumeno" O_o
[ anon142305 @ 20.04.2014. 23:32 ] @
A istina, stvarno čudno da je pogodio ovaj forum... Što ne ode na burek recimo
Mislio sam sto je ubo bas MZ, a ne neki drugi (pod)forum na ES-u.
A i sklop posta je kao da sam ga ja pisao na engleskom. Sto puta napisao "I'm" and "I".
Da, lici.
[ anon70939 @ 20.04.2014. 23:39 ] @
Snalazim se na engleskom taman dovoljno za sporazumevanje :-). Ništa preko toga. Nemam dovoljno prakse za neku literarniju pisaniju.
Kad sam to rekao mislio sam na to da mu je post totalno školski napisan, jednostavnim rečima, nimalo iskomplikovanim rečenicama. Lakše je bilo njega razumeti nego @mozdajesam, iako je i on skroz razumljiv
[ KrkaCiC @ 20.04.2014. 23:40 ] @
Verovatno ga je privuklo ono "MAD"
[ anon142305 @ 20.04.2014. 23:45 ] @
Ako se gugluje "Serbian swear word", ES nije ni u 50 prvih rezultata...
Ovo je sumnjivo!!!
[ PeteAlone @ 20.04.2014. 23:53 ] @
Anyone please?
[ plus_minus @ 21.04.2014. 00:12 ] @
PeteAlone, take a look at the fourth post of this topic.
User mozdasamjamozdanisam has provided decent answer.
However, the equivalent literal 'expression' would be -> " I f*** Your Mother".
When people with native english swear, instead of Y*e*b*em ti mater .. they would simply say " I've been with your mommy, you dirty prick!" .. something like that.
If I understood well, if You actually wanted to compare the -weight- of those, well.. words.
[ sasa022 @ 21.04.2014. 00:15 ] @
Come to the Balkans , you quickly learn curses ( curse word - swearword )
[ anon70939 @ 21.04.2014. 00:19 ] @
I'll try, with my bad english :-)
Like @mozdajesam... said
That swear does not to have offensive meaning. We use it in diferent situations...
And maybe "Son of a bitch" is the best to explain
1. When you are pissed off
- You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!!!
- *bem ti mater, ubicu te
2. When you are sticking a nail into wooden plate, and hit your finger :-)
- Aaaahhhh, you son of a bitch, fu*king hammer...
- Aaahhhh *bem ti mater, i cekicu ko ga izmisli...
3. When you are happy, and congratulate yours playmate for wining 3 points in last second
- You son of a bitch, you did it!!!
- Aaaaaaa, kretenu, ebem ti mater, ipak si uspeo!!!
Nadam se da sam dočarao :-)
[ 3way @ 21.04.2014. 00:27 ] @
Ili, na primer, "Opalim te kurcom".....
[ plus_minus @ 21.04.2014. 00:27 ] @
You son of a bitch! == Kučkin/kurvin sine!
[ anon70939 @ 21.04.2014. 00:31 ] @
Kapiram, ali nije tražio bukvalan prevod, nego smisao...
I "son of a bitch" ne mora uvek da bude uvredljivo, kao što eto ni ebem ti mater ne mora...
Nego ajd cik sa translate da prevede ovo što je 3way napisao :-P
[ Exodusbgd @ 21.04.2014. 01:33 ] @
[ etjen @ 21.04.2014. 08:08 ] @
neko vas loži, bre
[ Odzaklijevski @ 21.04.2014. 10:21 ] @
ES/EMZ - forum inteligentnih ljudi.
[ Marko_L @ 21.04.2014. 15:16 ] @
1. When you are pissed off
- You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!!!
- *bem ti mater, ubicu te
2. When you are sticking a nail into wooden plate, and hit your finger :-)
- Aaaahhhh, you son of a bitch, fu*king hammer...
- Aaahhhh *bem ti mater, i cekicu ko ga izmisli...
3. When you are happy, and congratulate yours playmate for wining 3 points in last second
- You son of a bitch, you did it!!!
- Aaaaaaa, kretenu, ebem ti mater, ipak si uspeo!!!
Mislim da mešaš "je*em ti mater" sa "pi*kom materinom". To šti si ti nabrojao nisam čuo nikada ni od koga. Sa druge strane, vrlo često sam čuo da se u tim situacijama koristi ovo drugo:
Inače slažem se da u engleskom ne postoji ništa slično tome, a približno jeste u rangu sa son of a bitch... samo mislim da je 'bem ti mater malo blaža varijanta od SOB. To je više kao kad nekome kažeš asshole, you idiot, drop dead, itd.
Prevedite kolezi Petru, mene mrzi :)
[ fanfon @ 21.04.2014. 15:46 ] @
Psovka "Je*em ti majku" se u srpskom jeziku koristi u vise vremenskih oblika zavisno od vremena, osobe ili regiona. Tako imamo psovke: "je*o sam ti mamu", "je*em ti mamu" i "je*acu ti mamu". Sve oznacavaju "mamojebca" u proslosti, sadasnjosti i buducnosti. Ostale psovke se uglavnom koriste u sadasnjem ili buducem vremenu, ali ova koristi sva tri