[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 27.03.2015. 10:32 ] @


US drug agents 'went to sex parties funded by cartels' - report

Released on Thursday, the federal report details a number of cases of inappropriate behaviour at the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and other federal law enforcement agencies.

The report did not disclose where the parties took place, but a federal law enforcement official told the Associated Press the parties occurred in Colombia.

According to the report, the parties were held at government-leased quarters where agents' phones and laptops were present.

Ali, bez brige:


The seven agents who admitted to attending the sex parties were given suspensions ranging from two to 10 days. One was cleared of wrongdoing.

Teska kazna ce ih nauciti pameti, oh wait...

War on Drugs(TM) - redjaju se pobede svaki dan.


Other allegations included unwanted advances, sex between training instructors and students, and relationships between a supervisor and subordinate.

:-) Fin neki svet ovi DEA agenti, sta sve rade za obrazovanje novih generacija i za lepse sutra. Zasluzuju beneficirani radni staz za sve muke.
[ Machiavelli... @ 30.03.2015. 12:43 ] @
Ma... "War on drugs" obicna sharada, kao i War on Terror i ostale USA budalastine. Pa oni direktno finansiraju kartel u Meksiku da se bori protiv ostalih kartela. Kada je ubijen americki pogranicni policajac izbila je afera "Fast and Furious", dokazano da su direktno naoruzavali jedan od kartela (mrzi me tacno da pogledam ime kartela) da bi se borili protiv ostalih...

DEA je glavni finansijer i kontrolor za promet kokaina u USA, samo lud covek moze da pomisli da se pored profita koji se meri milijardama dolara godisnje oni nece ugraditi. Isto i sa Avganistanom, udvostrucila se proizvodnja maka posle invazije, sto da Talibani prave pare kad mogu DEA.