[ [P]owerman @ 16.04.2004. 09:41 ] @
what is parkour?

Parkour or 'le parkour' is an extreme street-sport created primarily by Frenchman David Belle (b. 1974).

David Belle in Rush Hour

Around the end of the 1980s, David Belle, son of a professional soldier, sowed the seeds of what was to become a international phenomenon. Struck by a desire for complete freedom, a young Belle began to develop his skills in a forest, while still living in the countryside.

Subsequently when Belle's father relocated to the Paris suburb of Lisses, he was forced to adapt his skills to an urban environment.

Belle describes the sport as "a way of using the obstacles found in one's path to perform jumps and acrobatics... everything must combine speed, fluidity, aesthetics and originality." Others see parkour as more than just as sport, embracing the freedom realised by the activity as part of a wider lifestyle and philosophy.

It is also sometimes referred to as 'urban obstacle-coursing' or 'free-running'.

The key objective of parkour is to create a 'run' where a series of obstacles are overcome in a creative, athletic, fluid and acrobatic manner. The runs are typically composed of jumps, vaults, aerial spins, and wall runs, but the only real limit is the ability and creativity of the person undertaking the run (the traceur).

www.le-parkour.com (sajt David Belle-a)
www.parkour.com (sajt Seb..)
www.urbanfreeflow.com (mesto gde se okupljaju svi traceurs...)
www.keill.tk (slike)
[ dejan @ 16.04.2004. 19:54 ] @
Gledao sam ja svojevremeno neku emisiju o njima na tv-u... Nesto kao sto smo mi kao klinci radili u kraju, samo su oni, eto, matori i uvezbaniji, a i setili su se da to nazovu sportom.
[ InsurrectoR @ 25.04.2004. 13:50 ] @
posto nisam stekao najbolju sliku o cemu se radi iz gore navedenih sajtova
a trenutno skidam neki njihov filmic

da to nisu one fore i tripovi iz francuskih filmova 'Yamakasi' odnosno 'Taxi 2 '
pa one ninje sto beze po zidovima, skacu sa krovova ...

jel se o tome radi?
[ @ 25.11.2004. 20:55 ] @
ima u hrvatskoj, bosni i drugdje.
Pogledati na www.pkcro.com.

[ naughty_boy @ 29.04.2005. 19:39 ] @
da to su oni iz filma Yamakasi i iz Taxi 2 postoje ljudi i u srbiji koji se bave tim sportom. Vise informacija nadjite na www.pksrbija.co.sr