[ BuzzLightyear @ 14.10.2021. 18:18 ] @
Uzmeš 98-procentni koncentrat pušljive azotne kiseline i sipaš je u triput toliko sumporne kiseline. To uradiš u ledenoj kadi. Onda pipetom kap po kap dodaš glicerin. Imaš nitroglicerin.
To znam zato što Tajler to zna.
Pomešaš nitroglicerin sa piljevinom i dobiješ lep plastični eksploziv. Mnogi mešaju nitroglicerin sa pamukom i dodaju epsomit kao sulfat. Može i tako. Neki drugi mešaju parafin s nitroglicerinom. Meni s parafinom nikada, ali nikada nije uspelo.

Borilački klub, Čak Palahnjuk

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[ MajorFatal @ 14.10.2021. 18:49 ] @
How to make bomb in 3 easy steps:

Type a bomb symbol in Microsoft Word

BY DAYLIGHTSPOOL 06/18/2010 12:51 AM

This video will show you how you can simply type a symbol of a bomb in Microsoft Word. Using three easy steps, the symbol can be simply inserted into a word document. After opening up the Microsoft Word program, the user should then change the font type to a font which is called "Wingdings". This font will create symbols in the place of the regularly typed letters. In order to obtain the bomb symbol, simply type "M" (capital m) and the symbol will appear. The symbol should appear as a simple round figure with a long fuse and spark marks, a symbol which can be used to add some excitement to your word documents.

[ niki212 @ 16.10.2021. 06:51 ] @
Making nitroglycerin:
1.Fill a xxxx beaker to the xxxx. Level with fumi xxxxxx, of x% pure concentration.
2.Place the beaker in an ice bath and allow to cool below room temp.
3.After it has cooled, add to it three times the amount of fuming xxxxx. In other words, add to the now -cool fuming xxxx. Of fuming xx acid. When mixing any acids, always do it slowly and carefully to avoid splattering.
4.When the two are mixed, lower their temp. By adding more ice to the bath, about xxøC. (Use a mercury-operated thermometer)
5.When the acid solution has cooled to the desired temperature, it is ready for the xxxx. The xxxx must be added in small amounts using a medicine dropper. (Read this step about 10 times!) xxxx is added slowly and carefully (I mean careful!) Until the entire surface of the acid it covered with it.
6.This is a dangerous point since the nitration will take place as soon as the xxxx is added. The xxxx will produce heat, so the solution must be kept below xxøC! If the solution should go above xxøC, immediately dump the solution into the ice bath! This will insure that it does not go off in your face!
7.For the first xx minutes of nitration, the mixture should be gently stirred. In a normal reaction the nitroglycerin will form as a layer on top of the acid solution, while the xxx acid will absorb the excess water.
8.After the nitration has taken place, and the nitroglycerin has formed on the top of the solution, the entire beaker should be transferred slowly and carefully to another beaker of water. When this is done the nitroglycerin will settle at the bottom so the other acids can be drained away.
9.After removing as much acid as possible without disturbing the nitroglycerin, remove the nitroglycerin with an eyedropper and place it in a xxxx (xxxx in case you didn't know) solution. The xxxx is an alkali and will neutralize much of the acid remaining. This process should be repeated as much as necessary using blue litmus paper to check for the presence of acid. The remaining acid only makes the nitroglycerin more unstable than it already is.
10.Finally! The final step is to remove the nitroglycerin from the xxxx. His is done with and eye- dropper, slowly and carefully. The usual test to see if nitration has been successful is to place one drop of the nitroglycerin on metal and ignite it. If it is true nitroglycerin it will burn with a clear blue flame.

** Caution **
Nitro is very sensitive to decomposition, heating dropping, or jarring, and may explode if left undisturbed and cool.
[ BuzzLightyear @ 16.10.2021. 09:08 ] @
Ovo već nije književnost, i ima mnogo xxx. Sa knjiženosti prelazimo na video:

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