[ bibby @ 20.05.2005. 11:28 ] @
| Film je fenomenalan, odusevljen sam! Premasio je sva ocekivanja!
Obavezno ga pogledajte, ako ste fan ili ne - nema veze, film je [napokon] zaista vredan paznje.
Gomila dobrih scena fajtova: Windu i Palpatin, Yoda i Palpatin; Obi-Wan Kenobi i Anakin...
Ocena: 9/10.
Pisite svoje utiske. |
[ x kepa x @ 20.05.2005. 11:51 ] @
Stvarno je opravdao brlje iz prva dva dela... oprashtam Lukasu... Najbolja scena mi je kada ustaje Vader i kada kaze "Yes, Master".... ironichno najgora scena je takodje ista ta, samo na kraju kada kaze "Noooooo". Takodje ima i gomila nebuloznih scena koje daju poseban shmek filmu i zbog kojih sam se odushevio... (yoda kada izbegne onaj laser i izmakne se onako - totalno nepotrebno a strava je... itd.) Odlichan film...
[ cicika @ 20.05.2005. 12:32 ] @
Jah, bolan, šta ćeš...
Apsolutno je neophodno zatvoriti krug i pogledati film... E sad, da je toliko dobar nije, nekoliko stvari nije uradjeno kako treba sa stanovišta samog scenarija, npr. Anakinov prelaz na Tamnu stranu Sile, onda ono davljenje na početku "Trči mali tamo, trči mali 'vamo", zatim paradoks sa tim da niko ne zna za to da su Anakin i Padne u braku a oni se žvalave u holu Hrama...
Kao i u prethodnicima dimenzije su ostale problem - u "masovnim" scenama borbi izmedju brodova nema dovoljno dubine pa neki brodovi bivaju manji nego što bi trebalo da budu a u stvari su na većoj udaljenosti koja nije dobro dočarana...
Tehnički gledano... efekti su vrh! Ako ni zbog čeg drugog to je dovoljno velik razlog da se film pogleda.
Na kraju sam fight Vadera i Kenobija - zašto je, dodjavola, baš morao da ga nadskoči....
Mada scena se, da nije bilo toga, nikad ne bi završila...
[ -sfx- @ 20.05.2005. 12:40 ] @
A gde je Jar Jar?!?! Salu na stranu, film je odlican, ali se Lukas nikad nece oprati od prva dva. I ti dijalozi:
- Prelepa si.
- To je zato sto sam zaljubljena.
- Ne, to je zato sto sam ja zaljubljen u tebe.
Ili tako nesto. Moglo je biti i bolje.
[ biotech @ 20.05.2005. 12:52 ] @
pa dobar je film,ima stvarno dobrih fazona a nije pretrpan patetikom izmedju anakina i padme sto mi je mnoooogo smetalo u epizodi II..mnogo je mracniji...morao sam to da dozivim da vidim kako vejder udise prvi put kroz masku...wow.....
vader rulez!
[ Tyler Durden @ 20.05.2005. 14:04 ] @
Film je zakon!
Jutros sam na hiljadu foruma komentarisao i stvarno mi se vise ne da pisati bilo sta, ali hvala lucasu na svemu. Mnogo toga je brljavio, ali ipak
Izabrani koji pada na mracnu stranu i postaje najveci zlikovac u galaksiji, da bi ga kasnije sin iskupio... velika je to prica..
Svi su bili makar vrlo dobri u ep3 pa cak i christiansen. Mnogo nezaboravnih scena. Muzika odlicna.
yoda i obi-wan  
najdrazi likovi u SW univerzumu.
[ abishai @ 20.05.2005. 14:55 ] @
Jos ga nisam gledao (razocarao sam se u prva dva dela) i ne gleda mi se zbog onog pe*era sto glumi Dart Vader-a....
Dart Vader mi je bio omiljeni lik i gde nadjose onu pi*ki*u da ga glumi.... u prva dva dela....
[ SmilieBG @ 20.05.2005. 22:08 ] @
Evo sad se i ja vratih iz Bioskopa i ne znam kako je u Jugi, ali ovde u NL sam bio NAJmladji od cele publike (ne racunajuci roditelje koji su doveli <10 godina decu da gledaju). Odjednom se osetih matorim :'( I za sve je kriv Lukas... Aca, da ne bude sporazuma, da nije bilo njega, ne bi se ni propio...
A sto se tice filma, nije los. Fino je, kao sto neko rece, da se zatvori krug. Efekti su malo 1999, ali dobro sad, bitnija mi je bila prica. I sve se bash uklopilo kako i treba... Dijalozi su totalna glupost, kao da je 'pozurio' da sto pre zavrsi film, pa nije 2 x procitao sta je napisao :S Sto se tice glume i ostalog - nista posebno, ali bash nista... Samo ga prica jos izvlaci i eto ta ideja koju je imao za tu seriju filmova...
U svakom slucaju, ko je gledao ostale delove, vredi i ovaj pogledati... Ko nije, neka ni ne pocinje :)
[ VRKY @ 20.05.2005. 22:16 ] @
Gledao sam male isječke na satelitu, i komentare (premjera u Berlinu), veli da je film ludilo, jedva čekam da se sam uvjerim. Zna li ko kad će bit u HR kinima?
[ JimRainor @ 21.05.2005. 18:16 ] @
Matrix je gotov, LOTR je gotov a sada i Star Wars. Ajd da proglasimo KRAJ SVETA. I mean seriously sta cemo sada da ocekujemo??
[ markom @ 21.05.2005. 18:18 ] @
Nešto novo i originalno, za promenu? :-)
[ Shadowed @ 21.05.2005. 18:21 ] @
[ rebalza @ 22.05.2005. 10:51 ] @
evo odgledah sinoc film ..... Svi nastavci su naravno drugaciji od epizoda 4,5 i 6. Ali ovaj je nekako najpriblizniji njima i stvarno je karika koja nedostaje a ujedno i pravi spoj. Nije to film koji me je ne znam cime iznenadio i odusevio ali od prosecnih ostvarenja 1 i 2. epizode on je dakako odskocio i samim tim premasio ocekivanja moja i na pravi nacin zavrsio serijal. Pun utisaka ja sam
[ biotech @ 22.05.2005. 11:03 ] @
Citat: rebalza: Pun utisaka ja sam
he he,to JODA govori iz tebe....? :)
[ operacija @ 22.05.2005. 12:29 ] @
Palpatine was the supreme ruler of the most powerful tyrannical regime the galaxy had ever witnessed, yet his roots are extremely humble, traced back to the peaceful world of Naboo.
Before his rise to power, Palpatine was an unassuming yet ambitious Senator in the Galactic Republic. Palpatine saw the Republic crumbling about him, torn apart by partisan bickering and corruption. All too common were those unscrupulous Senators taking advantage of the system, growing fat and wealthy on a bureaucracy too slow to catch them.
Palpatine's moment of opportunity came as a result of a trade embargo. The Trade Federation, in protest of government measures that would tax their outlying trade routes, blockaded and invaded Naboo. Naboo's planetary leader, Queen Amidala, rushed to Coruscant for Palpatine's aid. Together, the two pleaded to the Senate for intervention, only to see their request stalemated by Trade Federation filibustering. Frustrated by the government's inability to do anything, Queen Amidala acted upon Palpatine's suggestion, and called for a Vote of No Confidence in the Republic's leadership.
Chancellor Valorum was voted out of office, and Palpatine was soon nominated to succeed him. The crisis on Naboo prompted a strong sympathy vote, and Palpatine became Chancellor. He promised to reunite the disaffected, and bring order and justice to the government.
Despite his promises, the Republic continued to be mired in strife and chaos. A decade after his nomination, Palpatine's Chancellery was faced with the challenge of a popular Separatist movement led by the charismatic leader, Count Dooku. Many in the galaxy feared that the conflict would escalate to full-scale warfare, but Palpatine was adamant that the crisis could be resolved by negotiation.
[ Palpatine ]
The Separatists didn't agree. Upon the discovery of a secret army of droids, it became apparent that the Separatists were on the verge of declaring war against the Republic. To counter this, the Republic needed a military, and Palpatine required the authority to activate the Republic's newly forged army of clones. To that end, Senators loyal to Palpatine motioned that the Chancellor be given emergency powers to deal with the Separatist threat.
With spoken regrets, Palpatine accepted the new mantle of power. He promised to return his absolute authority to the Senate after emergency subsided. What no one realized was that the galaxy would undergo further upheaval, and that a state of crisis would ensure Palpatine's authority for decades.
The indications of his future regime were subtle at first. Palpatine's term as Chancellor ended during the rise of the Separatists, but that crisis allowed him to extend his stay in office. Once the Clone Wars erupted, the Senate's inability to efficiently wage war on scattered fronts forced him to enact executive decree after executive decree. He added amendments to the constitution funneling more power to him, effectively circumventing the bureaucracy of the Senate.
The public and the Senate willingly gave up their rights and freedoms in the name of security. Under Palpatine's guidance, the war would be won, and the Republic would be safe. The monstrous specter of General Grievous leading an assault ensured that few questioned Palpatine's growing authority.
The Jedi Council was among the wary. As an instrument of the Senate and the people, the Jedi order resisted Palpatine's direct control. This tension grew as the war escalated. Some in the Senate also quietly whispered their misgiving. Palpatine knew of a delegation of concerned Senators, and he would deal with them in time.
[ Palpatine ] Palpatine instituted a military build-up unprecedented in galactic history. He created the New Order, a Galactic Empire that ruled by tyranny. The Jedi Knights, his biggest threat, were extinguished by his greatest dark side pupil: Anakin Skywalker, who had become Darth Vader.
During the Galactic Civil War, Palpatine ruled with an iron fist. He disbanded the Imperial Senate, and passed control down to the regional governors and the military. During the Hoth campaign, Palpatine expressed to Vader his concerns over Luke Skywalker, a young Rebel powerful in the Force. Vader suggested that the two convert the youth to the dark side of the Force, an idea the Emperor seconded.
The Emperor was a scheming ruler, planning events far in the future, using the Force to foresee the results. Palpatine allowed Rebel spies to learn of the location of the second Death Star, and foresaw their strike team and fleet assault. Palpatine crafted an elaborate trap that was to be the end of the Rebellion. He also concentrated on converting Luke Skywalker to the dark side of the Force, even at the expense of sacrificing Vader. In the Death Star, high above the Battle of Endor, Luke refused the Emperor's newfound dark side power, and so Palpatine used his deadly Force lightning to attack the young Jedi. Luke almost died in the assault, but his father, Darth Vader, returned to the light side of the Force, and hurled the Emperor into the Death Star's reactor core, killing him.
Palpatine was a gnarled, old man. An ancient-looking human, he had pale skin, and searing, sickly yellow eyes. He wore a heavy dark cloak, and carried a glossy black cane.
[ operacija @ 22.05.2005. 13:18 ] @
Ako vas interesuje ko su Siti, evo odgovora.
An ancient order of Force-practitioners devoted to the dark side and determined to destroy the Jedi, the Sith were a menace long thought extinct. The current incarnation of the Sith is the result of a rogue Jedi dissident from the order. Two thousand years ago, this Jedi had come to the understanding that the true power of the Force lay not through contemplation and passivity. Only by tapping its dark side could its true potential be gained. The Jedi Council at the time balked at this new direction. The Dark Jedi was outcast, but he eventually gained followers to his new order. Awakening beliefs from the dark past, the new Sith cult continued to grow. With the promise of new powers attainable by tapping into the hateful energies of the dark side, it was only a matter of time before the order self-destructed. Internecine struggle by power-hungry Sith practioners dwindled their numbers.
One Sith had the cunning to survive. Darth Bane restructured the cult, so that there could only be two -- no more, no less -- a master, and an apprentice. Bane adopted cunning, subterfuge, and stealth as the fundamental tenets of the Sith order. Bane took an apprentice. When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice.
Thus, the Sith quietly continued for centuries, until the time of Darth Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Maul. By that time, the galaxy at large had believed the Sith to be extinct, a fabled threat from the past. Qui-Gon Jinn's report of a Sith attack on Tatooine was met by the Jedi Council with hesitation and skepticism. Surely if the Sith had returned, the Jedi would have detected it, they reasoned.
The dark side, for all its power, is ultimately hard to detect when required. A shadowy master like Darth Sidious was able to keep his presence a secret, even when sharing a world with the Jedi Temple.
With the death of Darth Maul at Naboo, the Jedi Council realized that the Sith menace was true. What they hadn't puzzled was whether Maul was the master, or the apprentice. Years would pass before the Sith menace arose once more, a menace that would eventually come to engulf the entire galaxy.
[ VinDiesel @ 22.05.2005. 14:00 ] @
Film je dobro uradjen (animacije, efekti i sl).
Sto se tice price (tj scenarija) - FUJ FUJ FUJ!!!
Glupavi dijalozi, ponavljanja recenica iz prethodih delova...
PADME: Anakin, all I want is your love.
ANAKIN: Love won't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that.
(bravo, ziveli mocni rendzeri :P)
uostalom, evo linka do kompletnog scenarija pa se uverite i sami :)
[ McKracken @ 22.05.2005. 14:10 ] @
Sad je vreme da se okranizuje Dina (malo bolje od Lincovog pokusaja) , a nakon nje The Black company (i to kao serijal od 20 filmova :)
[ Milan Andjelkovic @ 22.05.2005. 14:45 ] @
Ja znam za dve ekranizacije Dine, od kojih je jedna Linčova jelte. a druga je neki serijal u Hallmark-ovoj produkciji (koji je, čini mi se, obuhvatio svih 9 knjiga).
[ mrkidivx @ 22.05.2005. 15:40 ] @
Citat: Matrix je gotov, LOTR je gotov a sada i Star Wars. Ajd da proglasimo KRAJ SVETA. I mean seriously sta cemo sada da ocekujemo??
I STAR TREK serijali i filmovi su gotovi.U Americi prikazana zadnja epizoda serije enterprise-a.Više se neće snimati.
[ flylord @ 22.05.2005. 15:46 ] @
Ma ima mnogo stosta da se ekranizuje: Tomas Covenant, Teri Pracet, Isaac Asimov .... Bice jos dosta dobrih stvari:) , samo da ne glume: Van Damm, Tom Cruise i sl. Pojma nemaju
[ Downforce @ 22.05.2005. 16:25 ] @
mrkidivx i ostali ne brinite nista smislice oni nesto novo.Videcemo da li ce ti novi filmovi biti toliko dobri kao ovi do sada.Zivo me zanima sta je sledece?
[ biotech @ 22.05.2005. 20:26 ] @
pa sledece je rat svetova a zavrsen je mislim i autostoperski vodic
prvi je sa tomom kruzicem
[ zus @ 22.05.2005. 20:59 ] @
Gledao sam zurnal "rat svetova", film izgleda obecava.
[ --SOULMaTe-- @ 23.05.2005. 14:02 ] @
Da i ja kazem.... Flim je jaaako dobar. Meni se bas svideo.
Isto tako moram da kazem da je Anakin najgluplji Dzedaj(ili mozda bice) u celom univerzumu. On je jedan izfrustrirani retard. Kladim se da Jar Jar ima veci IQ od njega. :)
[ AGUSTA @ 23.05.2005. 14:15 ] @
ja sinoc skoro zaspah u kinu 3 puta. eto toliko o tome koliko mi je dobar 
[ boccio @ 27.05.2005. 17:20 ] @
Ma film se moralo pogledati...a to je i deda-Lucas znao :))
ko razume, shvatice...
Dijalozi - infantilni
Fabula - plitka ko potok
Efekti - pa nisam dosao da gledam igricu za XBOX-2, dosao sam da gledam fuckin film!!
Elem, setite se epizode 4. Glavni momenti cele sage su zapravo masakr svih dzedaja i prelazak "onog koji treba da donese ravnotezu blabla" na mracnu stranu...
I kako je to na kraju odradjeno? Onu secu knezova necu ni da komentarisem, toliko plitko je napravljena da apsolutno nikakve emocije prema tome nisam osetio, a to je, jel'te, trebalo da bude vrhunac svega...
A prelazak darta vejdera posebno. 427 puta je ponovljeno kako "on samo zeli sa spasi voljenu zenu od smrti" za slucaj da neki gledalac sa IQ < 40 nije skapirao prvih 426 puta da je on dobar cikica i da ustvari samo hoce da zastiti voljene (barf, dajte kofu, opet mi se povraca)...
Bottom line, ovaj deo jeste odlicno uradjen u poredjenju sa prva 2, ali krucijalni momenti filma su tako plitki i jednoslojni da nemam reci...
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