[ NikolaVeber @ 09.07.2005. 23:56 ] @
/. pise:
Jason Siegel writes "The New York Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) has approved the Clean Air Taxicabs Pilot Program Act, paving way for a hybrid car to be approved for NY taxi service by this fall. Soon, a large portion of New York's yellow cars will also be "green." According to the Coalition Advocating for Smart Transportation (CAST) poll, seven out of ten of the state's citizens support a switch to hybrids." New York might also reduce car pollution by loosening the rules for running a taxi, in order to reduce the need for private cars.


Sta mislite o tome? Koliko sam uspeo da procitam vec postoje modeli Honde (i Tojote?) sa ovakvim pogonom... Da li su dostupni na evropskom (domacem) trzistu i koliko su zapravo ekonomicniji od "obicnih"?
[ StORM48 @ 10.07.2005. 01:27 ] @
Pa i naši taksisti imaju automobile na hibridni pogon.

Malo idu na benzin, malo na dizel, malo na plin, a više na gurku. ;)
