[ Blue^demoN @ 12.10.2005. 20:30 ] @
http://www.gnaa.us Pogledajte link...... Jel se ovi zezaju ili su ozbiljni???? |
[ Blue^demoN @ 12.10.2005. 20:30 ] @
[ Blue^demoN @ 12.10.2005. 20:35 ] @
Da, definitivno se zezaju :)
[ Corey @ 12.10.2005. 20:51 ] @
sam sebi odgovara :))
[ Blue^demoN @ 12.10.2005. 21:14 ] @
Citat: Corey: sam sebi odgovara ) ma nisam ni chitao sve na sajtu samo sam pogledao i odmah morao da stavim ovde [ KnightOfDoom @ 12.10.2005. 22:45 ] @
Glavno pitanje je kako si ti dosao do gay nigger sajta?!
[ djordje @ 12.10.2005. 23:28 ] @
ali nigger...
[ `and @ 13.10.2005. 00:01 ] @
nemanja sigurno je ivana otisla kuci ... opet si gay ?
[ Java Beograd @ 13.10.2005. 08:08 ] @
Meni deluju ozbiljno.
[ Blue^demoN @ 13.10.2005. 15:36 ] @
GNAA Announces Immediate Release of OSX_x86_YHBT GNAA Announces Immediate Release of OSX_x86_YHBT Ich Bindawalross (London) - GNAA (NYSE: GNAA) President timecop released a statement today regarding the immediate Internet release of MacOS X for the x86 architecture, available on many BitTorrent networks. After making the statement, timecop yielded the stage to a second speaker at the press conference, Apple Computer co-Founder and CEO, Steve "Rim" Jobs, now fully recovered from his recent gender reassignment surgery to field questions from attending press members. "We here at Apple Computerth [sic] have decided on a slightly different path for the upcoming version of the MacOS X," Jobs states before bursting out into high pitched giggles. "We have replaced our overpriced and bloated software with an efficient and easy-to-use interface. I would like to take this opportunity to announce a merger larger than a Zimbabwe nigger cock: GNAA and Apple Computer." Returning to the podium, timecop began speaking again, while Steve Jobs submitted to orally pleasuring his ten inch nigger cock. "Dedicated faggots have been loyally purchasing the homosexual software and hardware abomination that is Macintosh computers. Apple has been striving to provide software customers with the most flambouyantly homosexual combination available. However, in recent days, this hasn't been enough. BTW. moj post No. 100 [Ovu poruku je menjao Blue^demoN dana 13.10.2005. u 16:37 GMT+1] Copyright (C) 2001-2025 by www.elitesecurity.org. All rights reserved.