[ Nemanja Avramović @ 20.07.2006. 00:48 ] @
Čisto da Vas podsetim, danas je World Jump Day. Svi treba da počnemo da skačemo (u ovoj našoj vremenskoj zoni) u 12:39:13 i to skakanje treba da traje oko dva (2) minuta. http://www.worldjumpday.org/ |
[ Nemanja Avramović @ 20.07.2006. 00:48 ] @
[ zaraza @ 20.07.2006. 01:01 ] @
ih, kakva ce to kolekcija budala da bude :)
[ Nemanja Avramović @ 20.07.2006. 01:16 ] @
Pa bili budale ili ne, oni će skakati, a verovatno i ja sa njima, čisto radi fore. Bitno je da nas ima više nego što je potrebno (još kad bi svi koji su se prijavili zaista skakali)...
[ sasa022 @ 20.07.2006. 01:26 ] @
E ovo je stvarno za Mad Zone
![]() ![]() ![]() A kako ce da skace od srece onaj ko bude imao bazu od 600.xxx.xxx e-mail adresa prijavljenih ucesnika ![]() [ zaraza @ 20.07.2006. 01:34 ] @
ne mislim ja nista pogrdno kad kazem - budale :)
cisto zamisljam scenu, setam se gradom, a pojedinci skacu u mestu :) [ Nemanja Avramović @ 20.07.2006. 01:36 ] @
Ja sam se prijavio još prošle godine i nije mi stigao ni jedan spam od njih, jedina poruka od njih mi je stigla prekjuče sa potsetnikom za WJD. A i adresa koju sam im dao je [email protected]
![]() @zaraza: Pa dobro, to će trajati samo par minuta ![]() [ sasa022 @ 20.07.2006. 03:03 ] @
Pa kome se skace neka skace.... Nemam nista protiv... A sto se tice broja prikupljenih e-mail adresa - Stvarno ne bi bilo lepo da ih iko zloupotrebi,ali nikad se nezna.... Preuranjen spam bi im bio zestoka antireklama,ali kad ovo danasnje skakanje prodje - ko zna.... [ Not now, John! @ 20.07.2006. 09:08 ] @
E, nemojte daleko da gurnete planetu, dogovorio sam se za kupanje u petak. ;)
[ Atos @ 20.07.2006. 09:31 ] @
Ja skacem sigurno, a vi ostali nemojte da kasnite :)
[ Nemanja Avramović @ 20.07.2006. 11:21 ] @
Dobro, svi znamo da ne možemo pomeriti planetu, ali je lepo kad se ljudi organizuju
![]() [ Boki4u @ 20.07.2006. 11:28 ] @
A sta bi bilo kada bi svi skocili i dotakli tlo u isto vreme?
![]() Jel bi se stvorio barem neki mali zemljotres ili slicno???? [ mkdsl @ 20.07.2006. 11:53 ] @
Evo, prošlo je i skakanje. Ja sam doduše jeo i totalno zaboravio, mada bih voleo da sam izašao na ulicu da snimam ima li ludaka koji su stvarno skakali :))). Ko je skakao? :)))
[ Bojan Basic @ 20.07.2006. 11:54 ] @
Rezultat bi bio isti kao kad bi ti povukao svoju kosu u pokušaju da se odvojiš od zemlje (ali baš jako
![]() [ mkdsl @ 20.07.2006. 11:55 ] @
A da, i sajt je nedostupan sad, verovatno su ga ugasili i slade se slatkom bazom od 6 miliona obranih email adresa... Ili već jure kupca :)
[ Slobodan Milivojevic @ 20.07.2006. 12:48 ] @
Nisam skakao
![]() ![]() ![]() btw. mozda prodaju email adrese nekom udruzenju skakaca, ili nesto slicno ![]() [ Boki4u @ 20.07.2006. 13:00 ] @
Sajt je nedostupan zbog preopterecenosti......
E, otvorio sam ga upravo ![]() [ su27killeryu @ 20.07.2006. 14:23 ] @
Da su otvorili sajt da se pomogne nekome (a da se utrosi ista ili manja energija nego pri skakanju) ne bi se javilo 6 ljudi a ne 6 miliona.
No, to nije cool za razliku od skakanja. [ Boki4u @ 20.07.2006. 15:27 ] @
Citat: su27killeryu: Da su otvorili sajt da se pomogne nekome (a da se utrosi ista ili manja energija nego pri skakanju) ne bi se javilo 6 ljudi a ne 6 miliona. No, to nije cool za razliku od skakanja. Da stvari budu jos gore, nije 6 miliona, nego preko 600 mil... [ blaza @ 20.07.2006. 19:52 ] @
Citat: World Jump Day was a hoax[1] global flash mob event scheduled for July 20, 2006 at 11:39.13 UTC, at which time the organization claimed to have 600 million people from the western hemisphere jump simultaneously. They claimed this would move the Earth out of its orbit, and into a new one, one that would not cause global warming. The site was an art installation by Torsten Lauschmann (claiming to be a Professor Hans Peter Niesward from the Institute for Gravitational Physics in Munich), and in no way serious. Still, it was probably the largest (and first?) worldwide flash mob project ever, although by including only the western hemisphere it can not claim to be truly worldwide. Origins and Participation According to DNS lookup information, the site http://www.worldjumpday.org is hosted in UK, on http://uk2.net/ [2]. Before that, it was registered to Torsten Lauschmann. Lauschman is a German artist currently living in Glasgow. His website, http://www.lauschmann.com, links to the World Jump Day website and a tour where he travelled under the name "Slender Whiteman" (http://www.slenderwhiteman.com). This hoax has been put forth in the "media" before, as an item in the Weekly World News in 1993, according to this link http://www.subgenius.com/subg-digest/v4/0069.html. The counter for the site, measuring registered jumpers, was also fake. It seemed to go both up and down. For a point of reference, at 21:37 on 18th July 2006, it was at 598,196,296 but just 15 minutes later it had dropped to around 598,106,000. [3] Less than 12 hours before the event the site's counter read that there were 600,256,820 registered jumpers, almost 50% of all internet users[4]. Science Even if it were to be taken seriously, World Jump Day's claim was completely unscientific and was widely discredited[5][6]. There are a number of reasons to reject the thesis: * It is impossible to permanently change the Earth's orbit using the planet's own mass (which includes that of the world's population) unless such mass is ejected from the Earth at escape velocity (see Newton's third law of motion). The center of gravity of the system containing the earth and its population of humans will remain in the exact same orbit it was always in throughout the jump. However, for the very brief moment when the jumpers were in the air, the Earth's orbit would have been moved a tiny bit - only to be restored to its exact same location by the force of gravity acting between the jumpers and the planet while they were in the air. * Even ejecting such mass from the Earth (or colliding to it from outer space), the resulting energy would be equivalent to only 2% of the energy released by a modern hydrogen bomb, shifting the Earth's orbit just a small fraction of the radius of a single atom [7]. * Since the Earth's orbit is elliptic, there are already great variations in its distance from the Sun (about 5,000,000 km) with no generally noticeable changes in temperature. Applying a brief force to the surface of the earth would not move its orbit further from the sun - it would merely change the shape of the ellipse - so at some times of year the earth would actually be closer to the sun whilst at others it would be further away. * A simplistic way of showing that you cannot change the earth's orbit with more people jumping: If the population of the earth massed the same as the Earth without its population, and the population jumped upwards at 1 m/sec (which we will assume is less than escape velocity), Newton's third law would cause the earth to move down at 1m/sec. The gravity between the people and the earth would then suck the people and the earth together again at 1m/sec. They would then collide, and cancel each other's momentum, having no net effect, except possibly causing an earthquake, which would have no effect on the earth's orbit. This is an extreme example, but demonstrates the basic principles of why such a jump would not work. Timing The World Jump Day website gave the jump time as 11:39:13 GMT, but the countdown on the same site was (as of May 6 2006) counting down to 10:39:13 GMT. There seemed to have been a confusion between the GMT or UTC time and the UK legal time 11:39:13 which takes into account daylight savings time. Recently the countdown was adjusted to reach zero at 11:39:13 GMT. * As of 11:47 GMT, the project seems to have failed and was in no way serious. * At 11:20 GMT, the website server crashed; although it is now back online, the results of the jump will not be published for a few days, according to the website. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Jump_Day [ Nemanja Avramović @ 20.07.2006. 19:58 ] @
Naravno da je hoax, pa ko je normalan mislio da možemo da pomerimo zemlju? Lepo je neko rekao, kao kad bi uhvatio sebe za kosu i vukao, sa ciljem da sebe podigneš od tla...
[ Shadowed @ 20.07.2006. 20:34 ] @
Pa, da ste se potrudili i skocili drugom kosmickom brzinom... mogli ste i da je pomerite. :o)
[ Slobodan Milivojevic @ 21.07.2006. 00:29 ] @
he he, ali bi morali posle nekako da se vratite na zemlju
![]() [ sasa022 @ 21.07.2006. 00:41 ] @
E da je Tesla ziv.....
Pa da samo za pocetak recimo demonstrira kako se pravi zemljotres :D :D :D [ Nemanja Avramović @ 21.07.2006. 11:17 ] @
[ Atos @ 21.07.2006. 11:57 ] @
A, pa ja se zacudio sto juce nismo nista uradili :)
[ Nemanja Avramović @ 21.07.2006. 18:02 ] @
Hehehe, pazi sad kad kažu na worldjumpday.com da zbog ovih drugih nismo uspeli
![]() [ yooyo @ 21.07.2006. 22:56 ] @
Nisu pomerili planetu ali su zato napravili zemljotres i tsunami u Indijskom okeanu.
[ su27killeryu @ 22.07.2006. 10:49 ] @
To je bas super.
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