[ nobody114048 @ 25.09.2006. 14:57 ] @
Mojoj baki su propisali ovaj lek, pa me zanima gde bi ovako nešto mogli da nabavimo(PRVENSTVENO MISLIM NA PROSTORE SRBIJE, CRNE GORE, BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE).Ime, ili oznaka ovog leka je: Risatarun(N LX 60) |
[ nobody114048 @ 25.09.2006. 14:57 ] @
[ andre2000 @ 25.09.2006. 15:01 ] @
[ nobody114048 @ 25.09.2006. 15:12 ] @
Nema na tom sajtu ništa o ovome.Gledao sam.
[ zraj @ 10.11.2006. 17:03 ] @
Risatarun ili:
deanol démanol (in F) CR 121 (acetylhydrogenglutamate) Description Considered to be a precursor of acetylcholine. Mild psychostimulating, antidepressive and anxiolytic properties reported. Possibly linked with the cerebral effects of meclofenoxate. Investigated in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia, Huntington's chorea, Gilles de 1a Tourette syndrome, behavioral disorders in children and cognitive malfunction in the elderly. Commercial Info Acti 5 Pierre Fabre, F: (pyroglutamate) ampoules buvables 100mg/5ml (with two additional drugs) Acticinco Robapharm, ESP: drink amps. 100mg + additives Antianorex triple Lesvi, ESP: oral sol. 500mg (aceglutamate) Astyl Laphal, F: caps. 200mg (bisorcate) Bimanol Polfa, PL: tabs.25mg, 100mg (acetamidobenzoate) Cervoxan S. M. B. , B: (p-acetamidobenzoate) tabs. 75mg (deleted) Clérégil Merck-Clévenot, F: (acetylglutamate = aceglumate) amps. buvables 500mg/5ml (children) and 2g/10ml (adults) (range deleted) Deaner Riker, USA: (p-acetamidobenzoate) tabs. 25, 100 and 250mg Deanol Kettelhack Riker, BRD: (p-acetamidobenzoate) tabs. 100mg (deleted) Débrumyl Pierre Fabre, F: (pyrrolidone carboxylate) Denubil Pierre Fabre, ESP: (pyrrolidone carboxylate) same comp. as Débrumyl Doprene Pierre Fabre, Niadas, GR: same composition Geriatric Pharmaton Bender, A, Pharmaton, BRD: caps.20mg (bitartrate) + add. (deleted in BRD) Geriavit Pharmaton, CH: caps.26mg+add. - effervescent tabs. 26mg+add. Geriavit Pharmaton, CH: caps.20mg bitartrate + 40mg Juniormen Retrain ESP: caps 5mg tartrate + additives Medacaps N Palmico, ITA, BRD: caps.25mg (bitartrate) (deleted in both countries) Pharmaton Boehringer Ingelheim, F - Fher, ESP: (bitartrate) caps. 26mg plus about 18 vitamins and trace elements (in NL ''over the counter'' product) Pharmaton Boehringer Ingelheim, NZ: Ginseng extract + Vitamins + minerals without deanol Risatarun Ravensberg, BRD: (aceglumate) solution 1g/20ml, 4g/20ml Rischiaril Piam, ITA: drink amps. 1 1/2 g/15 ml, 3 g/15 ml. Tonibral adultes GNR-Pharma, F: (hemisuccinate)drink amps. 200mg/10ml Tonuvital Synthélabo Delalande, F: (bitartrate) sachets 1g with 20mg ribonucleic acid (deleted) Vigoran Golaz, CH: caps.25mg hydrogenotartrate + 200mg Ginseng extract + 200mg magnseium orotate Vita Gerin Melisana, CH: caps.22mg orotate + vitamins Vita Gerin(e) Melisana, CH-Cassella, BRD - Chemomedica, Creutzberg, A: caps.22mg orotate+add. Vitasana Bendez, A: caps 20mg + additives References Whittaker VP: The contribution of drugs and toxins to understanding of cholinergic function. Trends Pharmacol Sci 11: 8-123, 1990 Robinson SE, Martin RM, Davis TR, et al: The effect of acetylcholine depletion on behavior following traumatic brain injury. Brain Research 509: 41-46, 1990 Vita JA, Treasure CB, Nabel EG, et al: Coronary vasomotor response to acetylcholine relates to risk factors for coronary artery disease. Circulation 81: 491-497, 1990. Chemical name 2-dimethylaminoethanol Pokusaj da dobijes vise informacija kod doktora koji je preporucio lek, jer zavisno od proizvodjaca isti lek se moze kupiti pod razlicitim nazivom, ali ono sto mora biti isto je osnovni hemijski sastav tog leka. Takodje pogledaj u nekoj od klinickih apoteka ili nekoj od privatnih koje se bave uvozom lekova. Risatarun se moze nabaviti i u Bugarskoj. [ zraj @ 12.11.2006. 07:58 ] @
deanol démanol (in F) CR 121 (acetylhydrogenglutamate) Description Considered to be a precursor of acetylcholine. Mild psychostimulating, antidepressive and anxiolytic properties reported. Possibly linked with the cerebral effects of meclofenoxate. Investigated in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia, Huntington's chorea, Gilles de 1a Tourette syndrome, behavioral disorders in children and cognitive malfunction in the elderly. Study concerning the bisorcate demanol effects upon quantified EEG, cortical vigilance and mood. ... Deanol acetamidobenzoate (DMAE) in tardive dyskinesia. Diseases of the Nervous System http://smart-drugs.net/info-DMAE.htm NEMOJTE UZIMATI BILO KOJI LEK BEZ PREDHODNE KONSULTACIJE SA SVOJIM DOKTOROM! Copyright (C) 2001-2025 by www.elitesecurity.org. All rights reserved.