[ Stefano @ 20.10.2006. 22:24 ] @
| Vino mi je omiljeno alkoholno pice, ali nazalost ne vazim za poznavaoca vina. Siguran sam da ovde postoje clanovi koji su poznavaoci vina pa sigurno mogu da se ukljuce u ovu diskusiju. Zanima me koje vino uz koje jelo ide? koje vino se kupuje za poklon? kakva su domaca vina? voleo bih da kad sam u restoranu ne narucujem vino samo gledajuci cenu vec da zaista naucim da narucim dobro vino. Da li postoji neki domaci site o vinima i uopste o alkoholnim picima?
[ braker @ 20.10.2006. 23:33 ] @
Najskuplje nije ujedno i najbolje.Uz istanchan ukus,to je stvar lichnog utiska.
[ ventura @ 20.10.2006. 23:37 ] @
Da bi naučio kako razlikovati dobro od lošeg vina treba da konzumiraš obe vrste... Tek nakon konzumiranja oporog, kiselog, bezmirisnog i bezukusnog vina ćeš ceniti ukus, miris i buke nekog dobrog vina...
Ako hoćeš da poručiš dobro vino, u restoranu uvek treba da gledaš cenu :)
Postoji ona izreka da ne postoji dobro a jeftino vino, a lošeg i skupog ima kolko hočeš... Dakle ako odabereš jeftino, ono će sigurno bili loše, a ako odabereš skupo, postoji verovatnoća da ćeš odabrati dobro...
Evo i jedan interesantant tekst za početak:
Wine tasting for beginners
'How to tell good
wine from bad'
Oh sure, I'm never going to be a wine judge you say. So why should I worry about learning what to look for in a good wine?
Just like anything else, if you understand something you will appreciate it more. Think about the first time you heard the story behind how a piece of music was composed, or understood the method used by a great artist. Or even when you realised the amount of technique needed to make a perfect hollandaise sauce. Suddenly it made sense and you appreciated the finished product so much more.
So it is with wine. Once you learn to pick out the subtle flavours, and store them in your memory, it will bring a whole dimension to your enjoyment of wine, and you will be more confident when choosing wines.
Basic Rule Number One: The most important person to please is yourself. Just as not everyone likes the same foods, so people differ in their appreciation of wines. If you like it, drink it. If you like it with a particular food, go on, enjoy. Don't be fazed because others tell you it doesn't 'go' with that dish. You be the judge.
You can taste wines with a bunch or friends or alone - the process is the same, although it may be more fun with several others and they can share the cost of the wine, because you will not be drinking it - you will be spitting it.
What to do first
Do not to wear perfume or aftershave, so you can smell the wines and do not smoke while you are tasting.
- Select your wines, maybe six chardonnays of the same age, but from different regions, or several from the one maker, but from different years, or a selection of reds and whites made from different grape varieties.
- Have a table set with a white tablecloth and a clean wine glass (with a bowl of at least 7.5cm by 7.5cm) for each wine to be tasted. If you like you can cover the labels and number the wines. This is called blind tasting.
- Have purified water, some crackers and apples or pears for cleansing the palate between wines, and a container for spitting the wine into after tasting.
- Make sure the wines are at the right temperature - room temperature for red, slightly chilled for whites. Some reds may need to be opened or even decanted to 'breathe' or interact with the oxygen in the air, before you taste them. For interest keep a note of how long the wine was open for, and your impressions of it at different stages as it 'opened up'.
The tasting
- Pour a third of a glass of the wine to be tasted for each person. If you are tasting a variety of wines, begin with lighter, simpler ones, and move on to drier, heavier ones, then dessert wines.
- Taste the wine with your eyes. Look at its colour in the glass, hold it up to the light and look at it against the background of the white tablecloth. Look at the texture of the wine - clear or cloudy. Tip red wine back and forth and watch how it runs down the sides of the glass. These tiny trickles are called 'legs' and are a good sign.
- Taste the wine with your nose by swirling it gently close to your nose to release more aroma. Breathe in and think about the scents you are noticing. Remember what you call grass, some one else could call fruit. Just make your own observations.
- Taste the wine with your mouth. Once you have thoroughly noted the nose, take a small mouthful of wine into the front of your mouth and inhale sharply through your teeth. This is not always an attractive action, and is one that takes some practice. Swill the wine around your mouth as if you were chewing it. This allows all parts of your tongue to taste the wine while the vapours are being sensed by your nose as well. Don't be surprised if you find yourself changing your mental notes at this stage. The first flavour may differ from one seconds later, and many wines have several parts to them like a chord in music. Spit out the wine into the container and take note of the aroma and flavour left in your mouth and nose. This is called the aftertaste, or finish, and when it lingers, people say it is long on the palate.
- Make a note of your impressions - not just great! or fantastic! - but say if the wine reminded you of any particular food, whether it was spicy or dry, for instance, and if you could taste the oak from the barrels in which it had been fermented.
Before continuing with your wine tasting, take a moment to cleanse your palate - swill your mouth with water, and have a few bites of apple or a cracker.
- If you've been drinking and you intend to drive then you must stay under the 0.05% limit. This means that men can have two standard drinks in the first hour, and women just one. After that, it's one drink per hour for both men and women. More information on Driving and alcohol...
[ su27killeryu @ 20.10.2006. 23:48 ] @
Sta znam o vinu?! Znam da ga pijem, i to mi je sasvim dovoljno

[ Stefano @ 21.10.2006. 02:02 ] @
Tek nakon konzumiranja oporog, kiselog, bezmirisnog i bezukusnog vina ćeš ceniti ukus, miris i buke nekog dobrog vina
Pio sam sa devojkom vino cini mi se Vranac na splavu Cruise, bilo je kiselo, odvratno zaista, dok s'druge strane u italiji sam pio vina koja su bila zaista prelepa, ali je i cena bila "lepa".
[ ventura @ 21.10.2006. 09:50 ] @
Vranac je katastrofa... Ne znam zbog čega je to vino toliko izvikano..
[ Fuzz @ 24.10.2006. 13:56 ] @
ventura: Vranac je katastrofa... Ne znam zbog čega je to vino toliko izvikano..
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