[ Deluxer330 @ 15.12.2006. 13:21 ] @
Znaci ovako , naso sam jedan veoma povoljan automobil u Nemackoj uzeo bih ga ali mi prodavac bas nije jasan, posto je ostavio sam adresu gde se nalazai automobil bez broja telefona a nije mi ni dao broj telefona kad sam mu trazio u mailu , a on kao nije trenutno u Nemackoj nego u Skotskoj i da bi on bio siguran da sam ja ozbiljan kupac , moram da uradim sledece(ono sto mi je poslao u mail-u) : As i already told you , the car is located in Germany . The only problem is that for the moment i am out of country and I have no one in Germany that could show you the car, that is why I have a proposal for you so you can see the car. Two weeks ago a buyer told me that he'll buy the car , so we must meet in germany . In that time i was working in Scotland . I came to germany because i trusted his word , but when i arrived i called him and no answer , so i lost money , and precious time on his promisse . I will not ask you any money in advance , i just want to see that you are a serious buyer . Thie service name that we'll use is western union transfers . You must find the nearest western union office ( click here to find a local western union office ) . After that you'll ask a friend or a relative of yours to go there and put 2000 EUR on your name and the address where the car is . He just has to go there with cash money and tell to the western union agent that he wants a western union formular to send money to a friend or relative , for personal use . He complets the formular with his name and address , your name and the address i provide you and gives the cash to the agent in order to complete the payment . Simple , fast and to the object . Your relative or your friend will be the sender and the receiver is you in Germany (your name with this address : ******* , Germany because the car is located here ) . After that you have to send me the scanned paper of the transfer . Like this i can call to western union or check on their web page to verify and see that you are a trust buyer . Also you have 100 % control on your money because the money will be available on your name and only you can pick up the money . As soon as i have the confirmation from western union I will take the first flight to Germany and in max 3 days I will be there to meet you , we will verify the car with a mechanical service and police . If you like it we will find the nearest western union office and you will pick-up the money to give it to me and you'll also give me the rest of the money in cash or through bank account . I know that western union is kind of expensive but is the only way that I can check you are for real and you have the money so I will cover all the expenses for this money transfer once I`m in Germany. All the taxes will be deducted from the price of the car . If you find something wrong with this car then i will give you back the money you spent on your trip , and you'll also go to the western union office and you'll take back the money sent on your name . Any way i am sure that you'll buy it because it is 100 % in perfect condition . If you are not interested in respecting my kind of deal, please don't reply , and don't try to convince me because I'm not going to accept any other transaction . I have several people interest in my offer and i don't want to lose and time . a ako ne preko WESTER UNIONA onda preko nekog MONEY GRAM .. Sta mislite da li je ovo neki prevarant ili istina ? I da li postoji mogucnost da mi pare budu ukradne ? |