[ anon28907 @ 24.12.2006. 20:40 ] @
![]() ![]() Aj posto vidim da ima sve vise tema u fudbalu, zanima me da li na [es] - u ima navijaca ovog kluba ![]() |
[ anon28907 @ 24.12.2006. 20:40 ] @
[ Omnicali @ 24.12.2006. 20:46 ] @
Eh,gde nadje st. pauli?Mislim sto bi neko i Srbiji navijao za njih.Pa jedva da je ko cuo za njih van kladionice.U svakom slucaju,navijati za njih na osnovu,ne znam,njihovog sajta,boje dresa i pricice o navijacima nije bas izbazdareno.
[ anon28907 @ 24.12.2006. 20:56 ] @
Pa pazi, tesko da ti mogu biti na prvom mestu bas zato ali nikad se ne zna ...
A i primetio sam da ima puno gasterbajtera odavde koji su zgotivili St. Pauli. Takodje, bas zbog toga sto mnogi ne cuju za njih "van kladionice" ova tema ima itekako smisao - da kacimo infose, mozda snimke itd. [ Omnicali @ 24.12.2006. 20:58 ] @
Pa dobro onda
[ misteryh @ 24.12.2006. 21:02 ] @
E Igore zamisli sad da svaki clan [es]-a nadje tako neki tim i otvori novu temu: "Navijaci *shnj tima*" cisto tako da kace infose, snimke i slicno. Na sta bi ovaj forum licio ?
[ anon28907 @ 24.12.2006. 21:04 ] @
Citat: E Igore zamisli sad da svaki clan [es]-a nadje tako neki tim i otvori novu temu: "Navijaci *shnj tima*" cisto tako da kace infose, snimke i slicno. Na sta bi ovaj forum licio ? Jeste da je ovo IT forum, ali u MZ sekciji ovakvih tema i ima puno. I to nije zabranjeno. elem Full name: FC Sankt Pauli e.V. Nickname(s): The Anarchists, Totenkopf Citat: It was in the mid-80's that St. Pauli's transition from a traditional club into a "Kult" club began. The club was also able to turn the location of its home field in the dock area part of town St. Pauli near Hamburg's famous Reeperbahn - centre of the city's nightlife and its red-light district - to its advantage. An alternative fan scene emerged built around left-leaning politics and the "event" and party atmosphere of the club's matches. Supporters adopted the skull and crossbones as their own unofficial emblem. Importantly, St. Pauli became the first team in Germany to officially ban rightwing, nationalist activities and displays in its stadium in an era when fascist inspired football hooliganism threatened the game across Europe. Citat: The club prides itself on having have the largest number of female fans in all of German football. In 2002, advertisements for the men's magazine Maxim were removed from the team's stadium in response to fan protests over the sexist depictions of women in the ads. Citat: St. Pauli is also a worldwide symbol for punk and related subcultures. [1] The unofficial Totenkopf logo and the team's brown and white football jerseys have often been worn by international artists such as Asian Dub Foundation. Turbonegro recorded a special version of their song "I Got Erection" with re-worked German lyrics for St Pauli. KMFDM frontman and Hamburg native Sascha Konietzko is a recognizable St. Pauli fan, even at one point placing a huge picture of a fist smashing a swastika on his band's main page with the caption St. Pauli Fans gegen Rechts! (St. Pauli fans against Nazis) underneath it. One of the most notable supporters and sponsors is Andrew Eldritch, lead singer of band The Sisters of Mercy. On his latest tour, Sisters Bite The Silver Bullet in 2006, Eldritch wore the famous Totenkopf shirt. German musicians: Fettes Brot, Die Ärzte singer Bela B, Kettcar, Tomte and many other bands, most of them underground. Citat: * St. Pauli opens its home matches with AC/DC's Hells' Bells, and after every home goal Song 2 by Blur is played, turning the stadium into a giant mosh pit. * A rivalry developed between St. Pauli and Hansa Rostock in the early 90's because of the number of neo-Nazis among Hansa supporters at that time. As Hansa brought these groups under control and eventually banned them, the rivalry faded and died. * The club's "hereditary enemy," is Hamburger SV, the city of Hamburg's largest and most successful football club. Past derby matches have taken place under close police watch to keep the supporters of the two sides separated, as HSV has a small, but visible group of neo-fascist fans. During derbies, HSV supporters have held up banners reading "HASS" (hate), or chanted "Zecke verrecke!" ("Ticks, croak it!"), while St.Pauli fans often answer, in allusion to the Italian leftist Ultra scene, "Amburgo, Amburgo: Vaffanculo!" (Hamburg, Hamburg: go fuck off!). As HSV's stadium lies on the outskirts of Hamburg, many St. Pauli fans see their club as the only "true" football club in the city. * St. Pauli is very proud of having what is probably the last non-electronic scoreboard in the upper leagues. After every goal, a worker manually updates the scoreboard by taking down and then replacing a number placard. The club's home is the Millerntor-Stadion. Players Current squad No. Position Player 1 Germany GK Patrik Borger 2 Germany DF Florian Lechner 3 United States DF Ian Joy 4 Germany DF Fabio Morena 5 Germany MF Hauke Brückner 6 Democratic Republic of the Congo MF Michél Mazingu-Dinzey 7 Germany MF Marvin Braun 8 Germany MF Florian Bruns 9 Germany FW Daniel Stendel 10 Germany MF Thomas Meggle 11 Germany FW Jens Scharping 12 Germany MF Timo Schultz No. Position Player 13 Germany MF Charles Takyi 14 Germany DF Marcel Eger 15 Senegal DF Abdou Sall 17 Germany MF Fabian Boll 19 Germany MF Dirk Prediger 20 Canada MF Jonathan Beaulieu-Bourgault 22 Germany FW Felix Luz 24 Germany DF Carsten Rothenbach 27 Germany DF Jeton Arifi 28 Germany MF Lukas Sosnowski 31 Germany GK Benedikt Pliquett 32 Germany GK Timo Reus 33 Germany GK Lennart Rotetzki Notable players Notable former or current players of St. Pauli include: Ivo Knoflicek, Jan Kocian, Ivan Klasnić, Cory Gibbs, Zlatan Bajramović, Thomas Meggle, Klaus Thomforde, Walther Frosch, Volker Ippig, Ronald Karp, Martin Driller, Bernd Hollerbach, Fabian Boll, Morten Berre, Yang Chen, Deniz Baris, Christian Rahn, Franz Gerber, Jürgen Gronau, Carsten Pröpper, André Trulsen, Leo Manzi, Holger Stanislawski, Paul Caligiuri and Dieter Schlindwein. ![]() As well, St. Pauli are also known for their close links with many other foreign clubs, and enjoy a particularly close friendship with Celtic with St. Pauli fans attending Celtic games on the continent when Celtic play UEFA competitions. pesme http://www.drangduewels.de/drangduewels/html/musik/pauli.mp3 http://www.schnarchschnecken.de/mp3/live/St.%20Pauli.mp3 http://www.menvafan.net/fotboll/pauli/song...auli%20Song.mp3 http://www.fc-st-pauli.ch/_pics/Downloads/...%20St.Pauli.mp3 http://www.fc-st-pauli.ch/_pics/Downloads/...auli%20Fans.mp3 Sajtovi http://www.myspace.com/fcsanktpauli http://www.fcstpauli.de http://www.ultra-stpauli.com/ FC St. Pauli fans from Serbia (uskoro i sajt) [ Mitrović Srđan @ 24.12.2006. 22:29 ] @
St Pauli? ;-) De to nadje.
Ako treba neki info o OFK Majur tu sam :) [ misteryh @ 24.12.2006. 23:06 ] @
Blood pa ne moze to tako...moras novu temu da otvoris za OFK Majur
[ anon28907 @ 24.12.2006. 23:22 ] @
dajte bre ljudi
![]() ![]() [ Omnicali @ 25.12.2006. 00:40 ] @
Citat: igor@44: da nece mozda forum da postane nepregledan? pa bolje to nego "gde mogu da nadjem himnu mancester junajteda" ;) ejeejej ne diraj man utd bre [ Deda_Mraz @ 25.12.2006. 01:47 ] @
Daj'e neki tim iz trd divižn što se bodu s noževi na tribinu u onu englesku na ostrvo :)
Šala mala :D Čuo sam za ovaj tim, ali ne vidim ništa spektakularno vezano za njega da bi se otvorila nova tema. Poz [ anon153982 @ 13.08.2007. 19:33 ] @
Ne diraj te Sankt Pauli..... imaju prejak kult oko kluba i naj naj najbolje navijace na svijetu....
Aux Armes! Aux Armes! Nous sommes Sankt Pauli! Et nous allons gagner! Allez braun-weiß ! Allez braun-weiß ! Transparente hängen am Zaun, schwenk' die Fahnen weiß und braun. Ja, dass diese Farben magisch sind, wußte ich auch schon als kleines Kind! Voran FC Sankt Pauli, Sankt Pauli, Sankt Pauli ... Copyright (C) 2001-2025 by www.elitesecurity.org. All rights reserved.