[ anon7994 @ 29.12.2006. 19:03 ] @
Evo ko postaje clan Evropske unije...

£565 for a Forged Passport

By Oliver Harvey, Chief Feature Writer,
December 29, 2006

The Sun proves today how easily a forged passport can be bought in corruption-plagued Bulgaria "which joins the EU on New Year's Day.

Our undercover reporter obtained impressive false papers for just £565" in the name of Home Secretary John Reid.

Criminals could get into the UK using similar fakes. Even worse, terrorists could pass through Bulgaria's leaky borders en route to Britain.

From January 1, Bulgaria will be the south-eastern border of the whole EU. The Balkan state's neighbours include Serbia and Turkey, which in turn borders Iraq, Iran and Syria.

We asked ID theft expert Tom Craig, 56, to conduct laboratory tests on the papers we obtained.

The former Scotland Yard fraud detective said: "This is a good counterfeit. It would fool most people most of the time, probably including a cop.

"If it wasn't examined properly as they sometimes are not; it could be used to gain entry to the UK. Once here, you could use it as proof of ID, to board a plane, get a bank account and credit card and apply for a job."

The ease with which forged documents can be obtained is especially alarming in the light of a Cabinet memo leaked in November.

It warned of soaring crime when Bulgaria and Romania become full EU members and their citizens get visa-free travel to other member states.

Street violence, people-trafficking, prostitution, tax dodges and cash card offences look set to rise. The memo added: "Bulgarian and Romanian travel documents will be increasingly targeted for fraudulent use."

The Sun man did a passport deal in Bulgaria after receiving a tip from an underworld contact.

It led him to a night-time meeting with gang member Bodin outside the Hotel Princess Casino on Maria Luisa Street in the capital Sofia. Crooks there also offer to trade in women, heroin and counterfeit euros.

Menacing Bodin, thick set and in his 40s, boasted that he could get us stolen passports from Italy, Greece and Denmark, or we could have counterfeit Bulgarian papers.

He grunted: "The papers are good to get you into Britain, no problem. Once there, you can make a new identity for yourself.

"You can have it in whatever name you like. We can make up a Bulgarian identity for you. And we can sell you an ID card and driving licence.

"I can get you a British passport in ten days. They are very popular."

At a second meeting in a café on a seedy Communist-era housing project, Bodin asked for our reporter's height, hair and eye colour and date of birth.

We handed over a deposit for half the fee of 844 euros, capturing the moment on a hidden camera. Bodin then laughed and said: "I think you will make a lot of money from this name John Reid."

Five days later The Sun met Bodin outside the Central Park Hotel off Sofia's bustling Vitosha Boulevard tourist thoroughfare.

Backed by a bulky lieutenant, he led our undercover man down a deserted side street.

It was a tense moment. This year an undercover BBC reporter was robbed at knifepoint while trying to buy false papers. Bodin nodded at the window ledge of a shuttered cafe. There a white envelope was waiting.

Inside it was a brand new passport …quot; a whole new identity.
It bore the name John Reid and a false date of birth of April 6, 1968. The passport was issued in September this year and marked as valid for five years.

It had water-marked pages, a scanned photo and hologram images on the cellophane.
Satisfied, we handed over the remainder of the fee. When our man made a scanning gesture across the passport ID page, Bodin nodded enthusiastically.

He insisted: "Yes, yes. You have no problem for passport control. You try. This is good. It's the best.

"We do more business. Next time a British passport is possible."

Back in the UK, we were assured the Bulgarian document could be used at passport control.

A security source said: "If people were being waved through, they would get through on this and smugglers know the best places to get in. The value of these papers is for people from neighbouring countries. Once in Bulgaria, their next stop is the English Channel or a UK airport."

Bulgaria is already becoming a people and drugs trafficking hub.

Its border police can be corrupt and at least 28 have been sacked or transferred this year.

Most were taking bribes from travellers with irregular documents trying to enter Bulgaria …quot; £5million is officially estimated to have been pocketed in the past two years. Bulgaria is also a gateway into Europe for heroin from Afghanistan and cocaine from Colombia.

Commander David Johnston, of London's Metropolitan Police, has been working with Bulgarian cops for two years. He also fears the state will be used as a staging post through which to reach the West from other countries.

And he warned: "The Mafia is operational in Bulgaria. We will see these people over here."

Source: http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=74712
[ caiser @ 29.12.2006. 19:14 ] @
[email protected]:
The Balkan state's neighbours include Serbia and Turkey, which in turn borders Iraq, Iran and Syria.

Vidi se da dobro poznaju geografiju. :)
[ Machiavelli... @ 29.12.2006. 20:19 ] @
Ma sto se tice Bugara u pravu su! Oni zaista imaju veliki problem za organizpvanim kriminalom, posebno na primorju. Ali iz nekog razloga i svi zatvaraju oci pred tom cinjenicom pa i sami Bugari.
[ dadazmaj @ 29.12.2006. 21:26 ] @
cuo sam da ima sad nekih kombinacija sa africkim pasosom,, kao das 2 soma evra i sve regularno,, jel zna neko nesto vise o tome ?
[ ton_majstor @ 29.12.2006. 21:29 ] @
Meni se više nimalo ne žuri u tu EU otkada oni postadoše (tj. za par dana postanu) članovi. Mislim, nije mi se ni dosada žurilo, ali sada više nema nikakve potrebe za tim...

Izbegavam mesta na kojima se mogu sresti genuine Rumuni i Bugari. Dosada sam bio u pravu, što se toga tiče.

Ma, neka su oni lopovi kod sebe u državi, nego što su i ovde kod nas notorni kriminalci u pograničnim područjima, ubice-gastarbajteri, siledžije i šverceri narkotika!

Zvučaće kao da sam zavidljiv, ali sam samo srećan što sam Srbin. I neka ne znaju "europejci" gde je Srbija na mapi, mi znamo!

Mada, nisi razumeo prevod.
[ RAMBRAKER @ 29.12.2006. 22:05 ] @
Slazem se , samo neka oni uzivaju u EU !
[ Vole Domu @ 29.12.2006. 22:16 ] @
caiser: The Balkan state's neighbours include Serbia and Turkey, which in turn borders Iraq, Iran and Syria.

Vidi se da dobro poznaju geografiju. :)

pa sta fali ovome? balkan state se odnosi na Bulgariju, a ona se koliko znam granici sa Srbijom i Turskom, koja se dalje granichi sa Iranom i Sirijom.
Ono shto mene brine je sto su njima kao krizna mesta navedena Srbija i Turska.
kao oni se granice sa Srbijom znaci prljavi i zli srbi bi lako mogli da stignu u EU preko brace bugara,,,
[ Bananaman @ 30.12.2006. 00:30 ] @

Da, odlicno znaju geografiju, za razliku od tvog poznavanja engleskog...

@vecina ponositih Srbalja

Gadite se Rumuna i Bugara, a da mrdnete malo dalje od svog grada/sela, videli biste da mnogi Evropljani imaju mozda i gore misljenje o Srbima -
i to sa pravom. Bas kao sto su ovde Bugari ili Rumuni "sinonimi" za sitan (individualne prevare) i krupan kriminal (sverc droge, ljudi i sl.), 'prijatno' biste se iznenadili da su pripadnici drage srpske nacije vrlo specijalizovani u Austriji i Nemackoj, na primer, za oblasti placenih ubistava, tranzit u trgovini ljudima, prevare, falsifikovanje i rasturanje laznog novca i ID...

Da budem precizniji, cesto se moze cuti lepa odrednica "balkanska g****", pod koju se svrstavaju, pored Rumuna, Bugara i Srba jos i Crnogorci, Albanci, Bosanci, Kosovari i Hrvati.

[ Vole Domu @ 30.12.2006. 00:57 ] @
a gde su te okupirane teritorije?
[ caiser @ 30.12.2006. 14:59 ] @

Lako je praviti se pametan kada znas geografiju, ali kad ovo procita neko ko nema pojma gde je Srbija shvati da se ona nalazi tamo negde kod Sadama. Testirao ja na svojim kolegama. :)
[ Bananaman @ 30.12.2006. 23:41 ] @
Eh... Nemoj da smo pored Sadama

Kosovari su poprilicno drugaciji Albanci od onih iz maticne im drzave, pa se uobicajeno pravi terminoloska razlika...

Okupirane teritorije? Krenes od Vuka dvojkom prema Kalemegdanu, nastavis pravo i...
[ Fuzz @ 31.12.2006. 00:21 ] @
Bananaman: Kosovari su poprilicno drugaciji Albanci od onih iz maticne im drzave, pa se uobicajeno pravi terminoloska razlika...

Tako je, samo se ne zovu Kosovari nego Siptari. Mislim Kosovari, Kosovijanci, Kosnjaci....
[ caiser @ 31.12.2006. 09:26 ] @
Tehnicki je Erik, ovaaj Bananaman :) u pravu. Siptari se oni zovu izmedju sebe, a kada ih neko sa strane tako zove to je onda uvredljivo. Pojma nemam zasto, nisam pitao. :) A da se razlikuju od albanaca iz Albanije, razlikuju se i to dosta. Oni tamo su divljaci totalni. Dok su ovi nasi fini i kultivisani. :)
[ ton_majstor @ 31.12.2006. 10:55 ] @
Hmmm, izraz "Kosovari" je termin za Srbe sa Kosova, ne za Šiptare...

Dalje, to što Srbi u CH, D, A ili NL mahom važe za opasne, divlje i kriminogene... posledica je poznatih okolnosti iz devedesetih godina XX veka. Naravno, ima gomila krimosa Srba po EU, ali je poenta ovo:

Povika na vuka, a lisice meso jedu!

Bugari i Rumuni su ipak zamenili mesta Srbima i Hrvatima (Bošnjacima?) prilikom pridruženja EU. Tj. da nije bilo ratova ovde, mi bi svi već bili tamo kao i Slovenci, a ovi naši dragi, bogati i prefinjeni istočni "susedi" bi čekali Tursku da uđu u EU. Ili barem Albaniju.

Ustvari, 'ajde mi ovde u Srbiji... i Bog je dig'o ruke od nas. Ali Hrvati su baš imali priliku, pa im se omaklo.

Inače, pre bih uzeo pravi hrvatski pasoš nego "lažni" bugarski ili rumunski. To se već graniči sa granicom dobrog ukusa...
