[ OCC78 @ 24.05.2009. 22:13 ] @

Common Features:
1. With remote controller
2. Water tank capacity: 2 L
3. Sophisticated, Space-Saving Design Ideal for Home or Office
4. Different colors
5. Easy to move to anywhere by six wheels

Notable features:
1. So small size that can be put on the table.
2. LCD display screen
3. Long timer for 12 hours
4. With the filter cloth in the back to fresh the air. And the cloth is also easy to be taken off for cleaned
5. Auto power off safe protection when be moved or lifted.
6. Far distance wind spread: 6 m

Da li hladi uopste sa vodom?Cuo sam da ima tank vode od 2 litre?Jel neko to ima?
[ ivan_sim @ 28.05.2009. 00:12 ] @
Mislim da je ovo samo jedan obican ventilator!!
[ OCC78 @ 28.05.2009. 14:02 ] @
Hvala na odgovoru!!!