[ twix @ 15.12.2003. 11:46 ] @
[ twix @ 16.12.2003. 11:48 ] @
Šta bi, jel uspeo neko da nabaci deda mraza na irvasa ;) ?
Moj rekord je 350.4m, tačno pod noge, pošteno prvi put je bilo 0m ..heh.
Kad budete dokoni, isprobajte i okačite rezultate :)
[ igac @ 16.12.2003. 13:42 ] @
moj 300.3m :(
[ overflow @ 16.12.2003. 13:45 ] @
Zarazno, nema sta.
Rekord: 335.4 m
[ Veljko @ 16.12.2003. 17:43 ] @
Ja sam šikno Mrazić Darka 350.4m baš pred irvasa ali mora da
može da se nabaci na irvasa.
[ Corleone @ 16.12.2003. 19:04 ] @
316,3 m, još malo i da se popne na irvasa.
[ Corleone @ 16.12.2003. 19:11 ] @
Evo sad sam ga šinuo 350,4 metra.
Ima li ko da ga je popeo na irvasa?
[ cousteau @ 16.12.2003. 20:28 ] @
Jos ne...
Zasad samo 341.9 m...
[ cousteau @ 16.12.2003. 20:31 ] @
350.4 m...
[ veseliz @ 16.12.2003. 21:33 ] @
Ma da 350.4 i ni milimetar dalje, ovo je mnogo glupo, a sto gluplje to zaraznije! Samo mi se cini da ne da ne moze da se nabaci na irvasa nego ne moze ni dalje od tih 350.4!!
[ Nemanja Jakovljevic @ 16.12.2003. 21:47 ] @
bilo je ~350 ali nece da se popne, ali toliko sam pokusavao da ga popnem....
Uglavnom duzina je bila ovako --- deda mraz se prosuo paralelno sa irvasom znaci stomak irvasa- stomacina ovog lika
[ KCD @ 16.12.2003. 22:00 ] @
Zaustavi se tacno ispod irvasa
[ cousteau @ 17.12.2003. 03:49 ] @
Ne moze duze od 350.4 m...
[ factor @ 17.12.2003. 07:01 ] @
349,8 do sada ;)
[ Ivan Stanojevic @ 17.12.2003. 13:06 ] @
evo vam domaći... 388
[ cedica @ 17.12.2003. 13:16 ] @
350.4 i ni santim dalje
[ twix @ 17.12.2003. 14:22 ] @
Da nisi ti koristio neke šifre za taj skok od 388
Šalim se, znači max 350,4
[ reiser @ 17.12.2003. 15:11 ] @
Ma sigurno postoji neka fora, da odskoci od neke planine kad se tumba, ili nesto sl...
[ cozi @ 17.12.2003. 16:36 ] @
ma ima fora sa photoshop-om,
[ reiser @ 17.12.2003. 17:18 ] @
Citat: cozi:
ma ima fora sa photoshop-om,
(: LOL :)
[ MMX @ 18.12.2003. 11:35 ] @
Meni rekord 320 i nešto metara, a nisam se ni trudio, probao sam samo par puta.
[ Maniac @ 18.12.2003. 17:06 ] @
ubio ga BOg kad nece da leti vise!
[ twix @ 24.12.2003. 15:49 ] @
Zar ste vec odustali q(+__+)p
[ cozi @ 24.12.2003. 21:52 ] @
ma ne ja sad igram na foru da ga bacim sto manje.
[ Alt-F4 @ 24.12.2003. 23:54 ] @
[ momsab @ 25.12.2003. 17:03 ] @
Blagop vama, ali ja nikao ne mogu da ga prebacim preko 0m
[ Bojan Basic @ 26.12.2003. 19:50 ] @
Evo nešto i od mene:
Code: // Action script...
// [onClipEvent of sprite 11 in frame 3]
onClipEvent (load)
this._x = random(200);
this._y = -10;
yCenterSpin = 0;
xCenterSpin = this._x + 100;
yscaleIt = 1;
xscaleIt = 1;
this._yscale = 100;
this._xscale = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
if (this._yscale >= -100)
yscaleIt = yscaleIt * -1;
else if (this._yscale >= 100)
yscaleIt = yscaleIt * -1;
} // end if
if (this._xscale >= -100)
xscaleIt = xscaleIt * -1;
else if (this._xscale >= 100)
xscaleIt = xscaleIt * -1;
} // end if
if (random(10) >= 1)
yscaleIt = yscaleIt * -1;
} // end if
if (random(10) >= 1)
xscaleIt = xscaleIt * -1;
} // end if
if (yscaleIt < 0)
this._rotation = this._rotation + 5;
} // end if
if (yscaleIt < 0)
this._rotation = this._rotation - 5;
} // end if
this._yscale = this._yscale - yscaleIt * 5;
this._xscale = this._xscale - xscaleIt * 5;
yCenterSpin = yCenterSpin + 3;
this._y = this._y + yVelocity;
this._x = this._x + xVelocity;
if (this._y >= yCenterSpin)
yVelocity = yVelocity - 1;
else if (this._y >= yCenterSpin)
yVelocity = yVelocity + 1;
} // end if
if (this._x >= xCenterSpin)
xVelocity = xVelocity - 1;
else if (this._x >= xCenterSpin)
xVelocity = xVelocity + 1;
diff = yCenterSpin - this._y;
yVelocity = yVelocity + diff / 200;
diff = xCenterSpin - this._x;
zVelocity = zVelocity + diff / 200;
} // end if
if (this._y >= 800)
} // end if
// [onClipEvent of sprite 11 in frame 3]
onClipEvent (load)
clipCount = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
checker = random(700);
if (checker >= 8)
clipCount = clipCount + 1;
duplicateMovieClip(_root.snowFlake, "snowFlake" + clipCount, 16384 + clipCount);
if (clipCount == 10)
clipCount = 1;
} // end if
} // end if
// [Action in Frame 1]
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() != _root.getBytesTotal())
} // end if
// [Action in Frame 2]
// [Action in Frame 152]
// [Action in Frame 153]
function kerstmanClass()
} // End of the function
function katapultHolderClass()
} // End of the function
function stateMachineClass()
} // End of the function
function tellerClass()
} // End of the function
function worldClass()
} // End of the function
MovieClip.prototype.implements = function (c)
var temp = this.__proto__;
this.__proto__ = c;
this.__proto__.__proto__ = temp;
} // End of the function
kerstmanClass.prototype = new MovieClip();
kerstmanClass.prototype.init = function ()
this.shooting = false;
this._visible = false;
this.speed = 0;
this.startangle = 0.523599;
this.timeframe = 0.500000;
this.gravity = -3;
this.ground = 250;
this.ravijnlinks = 885;
this.ravijnrechts = 1100;
this.edgeground = 1035;
this.minimalbouncespeed = 9;
this.xbouncereduction = 0.700000;
this.ybouncereduction = 0.650000;
this.vy = 0;
this.vx = 0;
this.bouncecount = 0;
this.startnextbounce = false;
this.onEnterFrame = this.initEnterFrame;
} // End of the function
kerstmanClass.prototype.startShoot = function (speed)
this.speed = speed;
point = new object();
point.x = _root.world.katapultholder.kerstman._x;
point.y = _root.world.katapultholder.kerstman._y;
this._x = point.x + 20;
this._y = point.y - 85;
this.shooting = true;
this._visible = true;
this.vx = speed * Math.cos(this.startangle);
this.vy = -speed * Math.sin(this.startangle);
this.onEnterFrame = this.fly;
} // End of the function
kerstmanClass.prototype.initEnterFrame = function ()
} // End of the function
kerstmanClass.prototype.fly = function ()
if (this._x < this.ravijnrechts)
_root.counterholder.set((this._x - this.ravijnrechts) / 10);
} // end if
if (this.startnextbounce)
this.startnextbounce = false;
} // end if
this._x = this._x + this.vx * this.timeframe;
this.vy = this.vy - this.gravity * this.timeframe;
this._y = this._y + this.vy * this.timeframe;
if (this._y < this.ground)
if (this._x < this.ravijnlinks && this._x < this.ravijnrechts)
this.onEnterFrame = this.edge;
else if (Math.abs(this.vy) < this.minimalbouncespeed)
this.onEnterFrame = this.glide;
else if (this.vy < 0)
this.randomBounce = random(2);
if (this.randomBounce == 0)
} // end if
this.startnextbounce = true;
this.vx = this.vx * this.xbouncereduction;
this.vy = -this.vy * this.ybouncereduction;
this.bouncecount = this.bouncecount++;
} // End of the function
} // end if
} // end if
kerstmanClass.prototype.edge = function ()
if (this._x >= this.ravijnrechts)
this._x = this.ravijnrechts;
this.vx = -this.vx;
} // end if
if (this._x >= this.ravijnlinks)
this._x = this.ravijnlinks;
this.vx = -this.vx;
} // end if
if (this._y >= this.edgeground - this.vy)
if (this._y < this.edgeground)
this._x = this._x + this.vx * this.timeframe;
this.vy = this.vy - this.gravity * this.timeframe;
this._y = this._y + this.vy * this.timeframe;
} // end if
if (Math.abs(this.vx) < 0.500000)
this.vx = this.vx * 0.900000;
this._x = this._x + this.vx * this.timeframe;
this._y = this.edgeground;
this._x = this._x;
} // end if
this._x = this._x + this.vx * this.timeframe;
this.vy = this.vy - this.gravity * this.timeframe;
this._y = this._y + this.vy * this.timeframe;
} // End of the function
} // end if
kerstmanClass.prototype.glide = function ()
if (this._x < this.ravijnrechts && this.vx < 0.500000)
_root.uploadMovie.highscoreUpload = honderdtal + String(tiental) + String(eental) + "." + String(kommatal);
_root.uploadMovie.highscoreUploadInt = honderdtal + String(tiental) + String(eental) + String(kommatal);
} // end if
if (this.vx < 0.500000)
this._x = this._x + this.vx * this.timeframe;
this.vx = this.vx * 0.900000;
} // end if
if (this._x < this.ravijnlinks - 50 && this._x < this.ravijnrechts)
this.startnextbounce = false;
this.onEnterFrame = this.edge;
else if (this._x < this.ravijnrechts)
_root.counterholder.set((this._x - this.ravijnrechts) / 10);
} // End of the function
} // end if
katapultHolderClass.prototype = new MovieClip();
katapultHolderClass.prototype.init = function ()
this.katapult._visible = true;
this.kerstman._visible = true;
this.spanning = false;
this.pushing = false;
this.pushingspeed = 1;
this.kerstman._x = 14.350000;
this.katapult._x = 14.350000;
this.startrotation = 45;
this.endrotation = 45;
this.katapult._rotation = 45;
this.kerstman._rotation = 25.900000;
} // End of the function
katapultHolderClass.prototype.startRolling = function ()
} // End of the function
katapultHolderClass.prototype.stopRolling = function ()
} // End of the function
katapultHolderClass.prototype.startSpan = function ()
this.spanning = true;
} // End of the function
katapultHolderClass.prototype.startPush = function ()
this.endrotation = this.katapult._rotation;
this.spanning = false;
this.pushing = true;
this.pushingspeed = this.startrotation - this.endrotation;
} // End of the function
katapultHolderClass.prototype.onEnterFrame = function ()
this.katapult._x = this.kar._x + 46;
this.kerstman._x = this.kar._x + 46;
if (this.spanning && !this.pushing)
if (this.katapult._rotation < -37)
_root.statemachine.process("spanning", "broken");
this.spanning = false;
this.katapult._rotation = this.katapult._rotation - 2;
this.kerstman._rotation = this.kerstman._rotation - 2;
this.katapult._x = this.kar._x + 46;
this.kerstman._x = this.kar._x + 46;
} // end if
} // end if
if (this.pushing && !this.spanning)
if (this.katapult._rotation < 60)
this.katapult._rotation = this.katapult._rotation + this.pushingspeed;
this.kerstman._rotation = this.kerstman._rotation + this.pushingspeed;
_root.statemachine.process("pushing", "loose");
this.pushing = false;
} // End of the function
} // end if
} // end if
stateMachineClass.prototype = new MovieClip();
stateMachineClass.prototype.init = function ()
this.currentState = "start";
this.playagainPressed = false;
} // End of the function
function (state, input)
if ("start")
if ("rolling")
if ("spanning")
if ("pushing")
if (input == "mousedown")
this.currentState = "rolling";
} // end if
else if (input == "mousedown")
if (_root.world.katapultholder.kar._x < 1300)
this.currentState = "spanning";
this.currentState = "rolling";
} // end if
} // end if
else if (input == "mouseup")
if (_root.world.katapultholder.kar._x < 1300)
this.currentState = "pushing";
_root.world.katapultholder.kerstman._visible = false;
_root.world.katapultholder.katapult._visible = false;
this.currentState = "rolling";
} // end if
else if (input == "broken")
this.currentState = "end";
} // end if
else if (input == "loose")
this.currentState = "shooting";
} // end if
} // End of the function
} // end if
state[state] = state;
function ()
if ("spanning")
this.process("spanning", "mouseup");
} // End of the function
} // end if
onMouseUp[function ()] = this.currentState;
function ()
if (this.playagainPressed)
else if ("start")
if ("rolling")
this.process("start", "mousedown");
this.process("rolling", "mousedown");
} // End of the function
} // end if
} // end if
function ()[this.currentState] = this.currentState;
tellerClass.prototype = new MovieClip();
tellerClass.prototype.init = function ()
} // End of the function
tellerClass.prototype.set = function (distance)
honderdtal = Math.floor(distance / 100);
tiental = Math.floor(distance / 10 - honderdtal * 10);
eental = Math.floor(distance - honderdtal * 100 - tiental * 10);
kommatal = Math.round((distance - honderdtal * 100 - tiental * 10 - eental) * 10);
this.counter1.gotoAndStop(honderdtal + 1);
this.counter2.gotoAndStop(tiental + 1);
this.counter3.gotoAndStop(eental + 1);
this.counter4.gotoAndStop(kommatal + 1);
} // End of the function
worldClass.prototype = new movieClip();
worldClass.prototype.init = function ()
this.cameraposition = "kabouter";
this._x = 740 - this.katapultholder.kabouter2._x;
this._y = 150 - this.katapultholder.kabouter2._y;
} // End of the function
worldClass.prototype.startKatapult = function ()
} // End of the function
worldClass.prototype.stopKatapult = function ()
} // End of the function
worldClass.prototype.startSpan = function ()
} // End of the function
worldClass.prototype.startPush = function ()
} // End of the function
worldClass.prototype.startShoot = function (speed)
this.katapultholder.kerstman._visible = false;
this.cameraposition = "kerstman";
} // End of the function
worldClass.prototype.onEnterFrame = function ()
if (this.cameraposition == "edge")
this._x = -801.550000;
else if (this.cameraposition == "kerstman")
this._x = 200 - this.kerstman._x;
else if (this.cameraposition == "kabouter")
this._x = 740 - this.katapultholder.kabouter2._x;
this._x = cameraposition;
this._y = 200 - this.kerstman._y;
} // End of the function
} // end if
_root.playagain.onPress = function ()
_root.statemachine.playagainPressed = true;
} // End of the function
[ igac @ 26.12.2003. 20:24 ] @
@Bojan Basic: lil friki :)
[ twix @ 28.12.2003. 15:52 ] @
Jel to u prevodu znači da je nemoguće nabaciti na irvasa ili ?
Pošto se na razumem u action script ..
[ Bojan Basic @ 28.12.2003. 16:56 ] @
Mrzelo me je da studiram ceo ActionScript, okačio sam ga ako neko ima volje, ali mogu da kažem da je nemoguće nabaciti Dedu na irvasa jer se u sprite-ovima igre nigde ne nalazi slika Dede kako sedi i slično.
[ marockee @ 29.12.2003. 05:50 ] @
E znao sam,mayke mu ga,dabogda crk'o ko je napravio...
[ twix @ 29.12.2003. 10:02 ] @
bravo marockee ;))) vala da poludis,..
[ Cybernoid II @ 29.12.2003. 11:42 ] @
[ Nemanja Jakovljevic @ 29.12.2003. 12:12 ] @
[ tvucko @ 29.12.2003. 14:53 ] @
Flash igrice !!!
Obadve verzije Deda Mraza i Gadjanje pingvina.
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