[ filip_caca @ 04.12.2009. 15:15 ] @
Vidjam reklamu za ovaj sajt zadnjih mesec dana...znam da su gluposti,ali reko da kliknem jednom da vidim kolike :)
kad okolovim sokolovim primetim:
Hey there, I'm David from Belgrade , and I decided to spread the word about this new way to build more muscle, and shed flab fast. I've seriously tried just about everything to get in perfect shape, and I finally found what actually works.

mora da je neki rodjak sa zarkom radosavljevicem ili onim stankovicem :)
[ etjen @ 04.12.2009. 16:14 ] @
a da, taj ide sa mnom u teretanu
[ zxstole @ 04.12.2009. 16:23 ] @
Hey guys, my name's David from Banja Luka, Republika Srpska. I'm writing this blog to tell you guys how I finally got shredded after years of trying. I've tried every supplement known to man.

kod mene pise ovo.
[ night-shift @ 04.12.2009. 16:49 ] @
Isključite JavaScript i neće pisati ništa ;)

Na osnovu IP-a utvrđuje lokaciju i ispisuje ima najbližeg grada.
[ Lacika.1991 @ 04.12.2009. 18:31 ] @
Hey guys, my name's David from , . I'm writing this blog to tell you guys how I finally got shredded after years of trying.

e jbg,ne zna da kaže odakle sam ja xD
[ filip_caca @ 05.12.2009. 11:42 ] @
dobra ta fora preko javascripta :) sta sve ljudima padne napamet da bi prevarili...
[ gajo2 @ 05.12.2009. 20:09 ] @
Hey guys, my name's David from Ljubljana, Bohinj. I'm writing this blog to tell you guys how I finally got shredded after years of trying. I've tried every supplement known to man.

Pa jel iz Ljubljane ili iz Bohinja? Ne moze da bude iz dva mesta u isto vreme!
[ BuzzLightyear @ 13.10.2021. 19:36 ] @