[ boxxter @ 15.03.2010. 19:43 ] @
U duhu nominacije interneta za nobelovu nagradu, zbog slobode izrazavanja, i slobode uopste, a internet smo svi mi, jelte, da zdruzimo ove teme :).

There are arguments on both sides. From the pro-Nobel side, there's the conviction that more communication is better for us all; that it helps erase differences and challenge authoritarianism; and that the network is more important, in a global sense, than the work of individuals – however great it may be.

I'm not sure whether giving the internet a Nobel would be an interesting twist, or estimate the net's capacity to solve problems - but if Barack Obama can win the prize without really doing anything, it's surely up for grabs.



http://www.elitemadzone.org/t394570 ( disconnect people from the internet because of illegal downloads)

[ Horvat @ 15.03.2010. 20:08 ] @