[ Machiavelli... @ 12.05.2010. 16:07 ] @
[ Machiavelli... @ 12.05.2010. 16:07 ] @
[ Machiavelli... @ 12.05.2010. 17:32 ] @
I ovaj video lepo objasnjava. Ovo je najcudniji pridodni fenomen koji sam do sada cuo.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BQdyHj66wE [ Igor Gajic @ 12.05.2010. 17:41 ] @
Citat: A 2008 quantum physics experiment performed in Geneva, Switzerland has determined that the "speed" of the quantum non-local connection (what Einstein called spooky action at a distance) has a minimum lower bound of 10,000 times the speed of light.[13] However, modern quantum physics cannot expect to determine the maximum given that we do not know the sufficient causal condition of the system we are proposing. Ipak postoji nesto sto se krece brze od svetlosti... Warp brzina nije nemoguca ? Copyright (C) 2001-2025 by www.elitesecurity.org. All rights reserved.