[ Ivan Dimkovic @ 25.06.2010. 23:01 ] @
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science_and_environment/10419711.stm Citat: Norwegian animal welfare organisations have been accused of misleading the public over the "cruelty" of whaling. Activists recently released a video that they said showed a harpooned whale possibly taking two hours to die. Ljubitelji tofua su se malo igrali sa Adobe Premiere-om i naspinovali video da odgovara njihovoj agendi... Nije da im je prvi put... Ali - imaju i lepo objasnjenje: Citat: "We think the whale was probably hit, given the consultations we have had with independent veterinarians," she told BBC News. "But whether we're right or whether the delegation is right, what the film illustrates is that under perfect weather conditions, an experienced whaler could not hit what he was aiming for. Nije bitno da li smo malo editovali film, izmislili par "cinjenica"... ali nasa poenta je jasna :) Hehehe - vidi se ideoloska srodnost zelenih i njihovih predaka komunista :) Cisto for the record - doticna vrsta kita NIJE ugrozena vrsta... |