[ erngab @ 05.03.2011. 21:27 ] @
U Operi browseru sam pokrenuo widget za slusanje muzike Seesu (You can find & get any music you need. Type in an artist or genre.)

Ovaj Seesu widget nesto raducka ali trazi - To get mp3 files you need to sign in to vk.com (vkontakte.ru). You may create new account (it's free).

E sad kada odem na http://vk.com/ trazi registraciju, a za registraciju mi je potrebno - When one of your friends invites you, a message with the login and password will be sent to your mobile phone. No additional actions are required – you can start using your new page right away by entering your login and password.

Pitanje ima li neko tu pozivnicu.

Kakva je stranica http://vk.com/ - nesto sam nasao da je za mp3 OK (In VKontakte social network you will find multi-million library containing free mp3 files, you can listen on-line to whatever you feel like without any limitations, and believe me, there is plenty to listen to ... )