[ Samotida @ 12.02.2004. 09:31 ] @
Koja je po vama najbolja pesma? |
[ Samotida @ 12.02.2004. 09:31 ] @
[ Ave @ 12.02.2004. 10:31 ] @
Ima stvarno mnogo dobrih pesama i tesko da covek
moze da izdvoji jednu pesmu i kaze ova je najbolja. [ Nemanja Dubravac @ 12.02.2004. 10:46 ] @
Charles Manson - Working Class Hero :)
ako se misli na tekst [ Go-Run The bLuE @ 12.02.2004. 12:41 ] @
Lou Reed - Perfect Day
Mada vecina tekstova Boba Marleya spada u sam vrh muzickih ostvarenja, prvenstveno po tekstovima! [ Conica @ 12.02.2004. 12:44 ] @
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
[ Mihailo @ 12.02.2004. 12:54 ] @
Sympathy for the devil
Mada, ima toliko dobrih tekstova da bih svaki dan mogao da kažem za drugi da je najbolji. [ RAIN--SONG @ 12.02.2004. 12:59 ] @
Stairway to Heaven . Zapravo sve od led zeppelin i yugo 45 od zabranjenog . Naravno jos mali milijun pjesama koje jos cekaju da budu poslusane :=)
[ Floyd @ 12.02.2004. 13:17 ] @
Ima ih previse, ali po mom (trenutnom) ukusu, najbolji su tekstovi tipa Pink Floyd - If, The Doors - The End, Jimi Hendrix - The Wind Cries Mary...
[ superbaka @ 12.02.2004. 13:19 ] @
The Smiths - There is a light that never goes out [ mish_mash @ 12.02.2004. 13:35 ] @
niko kao ja - sharlo akrobata!
[ Dr NIK @ 13.02.2004. 01:43 ] @
Ceca - Doktor, mada ima jedan paradox, ali ljudi sidjite sa nebesa!!!!
[ Simke @ 13.02.2004. 05:06 ] @
Malo je tesko izdvojiti jednu pesmu, tako da:
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven The Doors - The end The Doors - Riders on the storm U stvari sto se tice textova manje/vise sve od Doorsa, Jim Morrison je po meni bio odlican pesnik. A sto se tice same muzike Pink Floyd i Led Zeppelin. [ zombie @ 13.02.2004. 08:32 ] @
Ima ih vishe:
Metallica - Mama said Jimi Hendrix - Little wing Bob Dylan - Knockin' on the Heaven's Door ... [ superbaka @ 13.02.2004. 12:47 ] @
Citat: Simke: Malo je tesko izdvojiti jednu pesmu, tako da: Led Zeppelin - Stairway to heaven The Doors - The end The Doors - Riders on the storm ovako nesto moze da kaze samo neko ko postuje u sest sati izjutra.... :) sala, sala... nisu lose pesme [ BlueSoniq @ 13.02.2004. 13:41 ] @
Nekoliko odlicnih textova od "FAITH NO MORE" [ nenadned @ 13.02.2004. 20:16 ] @
1.)Slipknot-The heretic anthem
2.)Slipknot-My plague 3.)Korn - Here to stay 4.)Guano Apes -sve pesme su najbolje [ Corey @ 06.03.2004. 13:33 ] @
Da li si ti uopste slusao ostale pesme od SlipkNota>?
[ boki @ 06.03.2004. 14:11 ] @
Meni metallica ima najbolje textove....
[ maji @ 06.03.2004. 15:13 ] @
2.Led Zeppelin--Stairway to Heaven 3.Pink Floyd--Wish You Were Here 4.U2--One 5.Savage Garden--To the Moon and Back i....ma mogu ovako do sutra:) [ Djomloun @ 06.03.2004. 16:58 ] @
Pitanje je mnogo glupo, ima ih puno.
[ iNCUBUs @ 07.03.2004. 02:02 ] @
ne, pitanje je glupo zato što NE POSTOJi najbolja pesma :)
[Ovu poruku je menjao Bojan Basic dana 02.10.2004. u 12:37 GMT+1] [ Dr_Hardware @ 02.10.2004. 00:14 ] @
jest potesko odluciti. ima finih prijedloga od ljubitelja starijeg rocka... moje misljenje: Jethro Tull- Thick as a brick
[ Mitrović Srđan @ 02.10.2004. 00:23 ] @
Stairway to Heaven od stranih ....mada vecinom picim narodnjake :))) mislim nemogu da verujem da 99% su nabrojane strane pesme
...a inace Ova pesma moj je oprostaj (Bane Bojanic)..tuzna,autobiografska pesma bana b :) [ Ni ten ichi ryu @ 02.10.2004. 00:43 ] @
vrati se neno vrati, mojne srce da pati.
[ random @ 02.10.2004. 01:22 ] @
Citat: Nemanja Dubravac: Charles Manson - Working Class Hero :) ako se misli na tekst Pesmu Working Class Hero je napisao John Lennon. Obrađivali su je mnogi, između ostalog Marianne Faithful, Richie Havens, Cyndi Lauper i Marylin Manson. [edit] Vidim da mi je neko od moderatora cenzurisao poruku. Uglavnom, raspitaj se ko je bio Charles Manson. [ kirka @ 07.04.2005. 10:51 ] @
lepa protina kci ( balasevic ) sevdalinka slovenska sve ce to mila moja... kad zabravis juli ako ima boga ( b.dugme ) volim te jos ( valentino ) ain't no sunshine ( bill withers ) road to hell ( chris rea ) me amore ( los lobos ) no woman no cry ( bob marlie ) i jos brdo............ ![]() [ kirka @ 07.04.2005. 10:54 ] @
a pesma -pesma --- prava pesma !
anton gustav matos ---utjeha kose---- [ Silenoz @ 07.04.2005. 12:33 ] @
Slayer - Hell Awaits
Metallica - The Four Horsemen Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name Anihillator - Welcome To Your Death AC/DC - Thunderstruck Deep Purple - Child In Time [ tigrica @ 07.04.2005. 13:31 ] @
yesterday-beatles po meni :)
[ WlayCo @ 07.04.2005. 13:37 ] @
ej ,bre, Joe! -J.H.
[ tigrica @ 07.04.2005. 14:20 ] @
Recorded: 14th, 17th June 1965. Location: Abbey Road 2
Producer: George Martin. Engineer: Norman Smith Musicians: Paul McCartney - lead vocal, acoustic guitar; Tony Gilbert and Sidney Sax - violins; Kenneth Essex - viola; Francisco Gabarro - cello toliko o tvom J.H. :) poz [ WlayCo @ 07.04.2005. 14:44 ] @
:)Dobro tigrice nemoj odmah da grebesh pa ljudi imaju razlicita misljenja zar ne?
Vidim da si dobro i upucena u sve detalje...Iskreno ja nemam nista protiv buba ali sta cu kad volim coveka malo vise... [ vertex @ 22.04.2005. 23:22 ] @
2pac - Changes
[ IvanaZR @ 23.04.2005. 00:24 ] @
Andjela, Jednom su sadili lipu, Sevdalinka, Drevna pesma, Dodjoska.... i Djole Balasevic...sta reci.....vise... [ Nabukodonosor @ 23.04.2005. 00:48 ] @
Where do I take this pain of mine
I run, but it stays right by my side So tear me open, pour me out There's things inside that scream and shout And the pain still hates me So hold me, until it sleeps Just like the curse, just like the stray You feed it once, and now it stays So tear me open, but beware There's things inside without a care And the dirt still stains me So wash me, until I'm clean It grips you, so hold me It stains you, so hold me It hates you, so hold me It holds you, so hold me Until it sleeps... So tell me why you've chosen me Don't want your grip, don't want your greed I'll tear me open, make you gone No more can you hurt anyone And the fear still shakes me So hold me, until it sleeps It grips you, so hold me It stains you, so hold me It hates you, so hold me It holds you, so hold me Until it sleeps... I don't want it So tear me open, but beware The things inside without a care And the dirt still stains me So wash me, 'till I'm clean... I'll tear me open, make you gone No longer will you hurt anyone And the fear still shapes me So hold me, until it sleeps... Until it sleeps... [ superbaka @ 24.04.2005. 21:13 ] @
Take me out tonight
Where there’s music and there’s people And they’re young and alive Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven’t got one Anymore Take me out tonight Because I want to see people and i Want to see life Driving in your car Oh, please don’t drop me home Because it’s not my home, it’s their Home, and I’m welcome no more And if a double-decker bus Crashes into us To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die And if a ten-ton truck Kills the both of us To die by your side Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine Take me out tonight Take me anywhere, I don’t care I don’t care, I don’t care And in the darkened underpass I thought oh god, my chance has come at last (but then a strange fear gripped me and i Just couldn’t ask) Take me out tonight Oh, take me anywhere, I don’t care I don’t care, I don’t care Driving in your car I never never want to go home Because I haven’t got one, da ... Oh, I haven’t got one And if a double-decker bus Crashes into us To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die And if a ten-ton truck Kills the both of us To die by your side Well, the pleasure - the privilege is mine Oh, there is a light and it never goes out There is a light and it never goes out There is a light and it never goes out There is a light and it never goes out There is a light and it never goes out There is a light and it never goes out There is a light and it never goes out There is a light and it never goes out There is a light and it never goes out [ shumar @ 26.04.2005. 11:49 ] @
@Conica: Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows - odlicna pesma, pogotovu se slaze uz njegov dubok glas.
@Go-Run The bLuE: Lou Reed - Perfect Day - takodje jako dobra pesma Po meni najbolje tekstove pishu Bob Dylan (Like a Rolling Sone, Highway 61, etc.), Van Morrison (Dweller On The Threshold, etc.), Pink Floyd (njihove takstove mozete slobodno citati, bez muzike, specially sa albuma The Wall, po kome je uradjen istoimeni film, jedan od najboljih filmova koje sam gledao), JJ Cale, Lynyrd Skynyrd (Sweet Home Alabama, Tuesday's Gone, Free Bird, etc.), Neil Young (Over And Over, Helpless, etc.), The Who (Pinball Wizard, ...). [ forgotten @ 26.04.2005. 14:51 ] @
Fade to black - Metallica
Life it seems, will fade away Drifting further every day Getting lost whitin myself Nothing matters no one else I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give There is nothing more for me Need the end to set me free Things not what they used to be missing one inside of me Deathly lost,this can't be real cannot stand this hell I feel Emptiness is filling me to the point of agony Growing darkness taking dawn I was me, but now he's gone No one but me can save myself, but it's too late Now I can't think, think why I should even try Yesterday seems as though it never existed Death greets me warm, no I will just say goodbye ima i rammstein neke dobre textove: They stand, hugging each other tightly A mixture of flesh so rich these days Where the sea meets the land She is willing to tell him the truth But her words are eaten by the wind Where the sea comes to an end She shakingly holds his hand And kissed him on the forehead She carries the evening in the breast And knows that she must die She lays her head in his lap And asks for a last kiss And then he kissed her Where the sea comes to an end Her lips are weak and pale And her eyes become wet The last kiss Was so long ago The last kiss That he no longer remembers it [ BytEfLUSh @ 26.04.2005. 14:57 ] @
Aaa misliš na Nebel... Jaka pesma (5. na mojoj Audioscrobbler listi)... :)
Rammstein - Nebel Sie stehen eng umschlungen ein Fleischgemisch so reich an Tagen wo das Meer das Land berührt will sie ihm die Wahrheit sagen Doch ihre Worte frisst der Wind wo das Meer zu Ende ist hält sie zitternd seine Hand und hat ihn auf die Stirn geküsst sie trägt den Abend in der Brust und weiß dass sie verleben muss sie legt den Kopf in seinen Schoß und bittet einen letzten Kuss und dann hat er sie geküsst wo das Meer zu Ende ist ihre Lippen schwach und blass und seine Augen werden nass Der letzte Kuss ist so lang her der letzte Kuss er erinnert sich nicht mehr [ forgotten @ 27.04.2005. 14:47 ] @
Jest Nebel, iliti Mist na engleski
[ SZDZ @ 12.12.2006. 20:07 ] @
Travolta iz Borce Grede: "Ja sam Travolta iz Borce Grede"
[ anon75319 @ 12.12.2006. 20:39 ] @
Iron Maiden - Strange World
Jedan od najljepših sola na gitari koje sam čul Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven Lijepa pjesma [ plava_motorola @ 12.12.2006. 23:47 ] @
A sad adio,
a sad adio, i ko zna gde, i ko zna kad Nema vise druga mog, moga druga jedinog, nema vise uzeo ga Bog [ Darko Prelic @ 12.12.2006. 23:58 ] @
Dean Martin - Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime
[ Marko Medojević @ 13.12.2006. 00:12 ] @
Šta kažete na kaletove stihove? Meni je najbolji onaj:"Napravio sam ručak u pola tri i tada su srećni sada svi".
http://youtube.com/watch?v=C0R9BRqrszA http://youtube.com/watch?v=djUMElqFAqY http://youtube.com/watch?v=KxH0ZwCDSkE [ Mefisto_soad @ 13.12.2006. 15:10 ] @
The Bloodhound Gang - I Hope You Die
The Bloodhound Gang - Hell Yeah Poz. [ RAMBRAKER @ 13.12.2006. 17:26 ] @
Aerosmith - Crazy
The Scorpions - Wind of Change Lynyard Skynard - Sweet Home Alabama ma ima jos ali ne mogu sad ........ [ Vole Domu @ 13.12.2006. 20:46 ] @
Citat: yesterday-beatles po meni :) Citat: ej ,bre, Joe! -J.H. Citat: Recorded: 14th, 17th June 1965. Location: Abbey Road 2 Producer: George Martin. Engineer: Norman Smith Musicians: Paul McCartney - lead vocal, acoustic guitar; Tony Gilbert and Sidney Sax - violins; Kenneth Essex - viola; Francisco Gabarro - cello toliko o tvom J.H. :) poz jel moze neko da mi objasni sta se ovde desilo? mislim da je on rekao da mu je omiljena pesma Hey Joe od Jimi Hendrixa.... a onda mu ona rekla da su tu pesmu ustvari snimili beatlesi.... ako jeste ovako onda mogu reci da to uopste nije tacno.... "Hey Joe" was registered for copyright in the USA in 1962 by Billy Roberts (William Moses Roberts Jr.) izvor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hey_Joe [ Vole Domu @ 14.12.2006. 21:18 ] @
Leningrad - Laйf iz fak
Složno bыtь poэtom, No pesnя ne ob эtom Davno izvestno nauke, čto babы - эto suki Vrode, kak bы po žizni lučše bez babы no bez nikak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Nervы u bab, kak iz metalla Ne mogut oni ni dnя bez skandala Vrode, kak bы po žizni lučše bez babы no bez nikak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Babы lюbogo s uma svedut Čto dlя nih otdыh, to dlя nas trud Vrode, kak bы po žizni lučše bez babы Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak U! A! U! V pizdu! V pizdu! Vrode, kak bы po žizni lučše bez babы no bez nikak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak Laйf iz fak [ LOW @ 14.12.2006. 21:56 ] @
The Doors - The End !
[ Floyd @ 14.12.2006. 23:58 ] @
Bilja Krstic - Ma fakut mu ma frumose :)
Da li neko zna sta znaci tekst te pesme!? [ damirh @ 15.12.2006. 10:39 ] @
Mouse T - Horny
tacno me oslikava u svakm trenutku i pesma je savrsena za zurke:)) [ svetlanalane @ 15.12.2006. 11:51 ] @
O neko je izvukao ovu temu iz rasola.
Elem, svako može da kaže koja je njegova najomiljenija pesma (a teško da baš ima samo jednu), a pogotovu kompletna mislim na tekst, muziku, izvođenje, aranžman...) Vidim da većina ovde navodi strane izvođače pa i pesme. Moji favoriti su: Righteous brothers - Unchained melody, Josipa Lisac - Kapetane moj (izuzetno dobar tekst), Već krenule su lađe, O jednoj mladosti i joššš The Beatles - Yesterday, i još....puno Đorđe Balašević - Pevajte mi jesen stiše dunjo moja, Priča o Vasi Ladačkom i još ..... Edith Piaf - Ne me quitte pas Moody Blues - Nights in White satin JOJ pa ima još mnooogooooo! ! ! ! ! [Ovu poruku je menjao svetlanalane dana 15.12.2006. u 14:37 GMT+1] [ BillyTheKid_79 @ 15.12.2006. 13:10 ] @
....ostavilo na mene jak utisak!
Arsen Dedić Sve te vodilo k meni Sve te vodilo k meni, iz daljine, iz mraka, Sve te vodilo k meni vec od prvih koraka. Mada nista nisi rekla, ja Sam znao, Ja Sam znao, iz tih kretnji i porijekla, Sve je isto, sve je kao. Sve te vodilo k meni, sve sto rode samoce, Mala primorska mjesta, isti pisci i ploce, Kad te baci kao ladu nocni val do moga praga, Nije bilo tesko znati da mi moras biti draga, Da mi moras biti draga. Sve te vodilo k meni, tvoje oci i usta, Tvoje ljubavi mrtve, moja losa iskustva, Mi smo bili na pocetku istim vinom opijeni, I kad si isla krivim putem, sve te vodilo k meni, Sve te vodilo k meni. Mi smo bili na pocetku istim vinom opijeni, I kad si isla krivim putem, sve te vodilo k meni, Sve te vodilo k meni. i nikad ne prevazidjena....od Laze K. Santa Maria della Salute Oprosti, majko sveta, oprosti, sto nasih gora pozalih bor, na kom se, ustuk svakoj zlosti, blazenoj tebi podize dvor; prezri, nebesnice, vrelo milosti, sto ti zemaljski sagresi stvor: Kajan ti ljubim preciste skute, Santa Maria della Salute. http://www.yurope.com/people/n.../Santa_Maria_della_salute.html [ svetlanalane @ 15.12.2006. 13:35 ] @
Citat: i nikad ne prevazidjena.... Slažem se da je divna pesma ali mi je zaparalo uši nepravilno upotrebljeno: "nikad ne" znači da je prevaziđena a valjda si mislio da je neprevaziđena ili nikad prevaziđena? [ Paragon_of_virtue @ 16.12.2006. 12:29 ] @
Paco de Lucia i Manitas de Plata - skoro sve pesme
[ kelja @ 17.12.2006. 22:13 ] @
Citat: BillyTheKid_79: ....ostavilo na mene jak utisak! Arsen Dedić Sve te vodilo k meni Sve te vodilo k meni, iz daljine, iz mraka, Sve te vodilo k meni vec od prvih koraka. Mada nista nisi rekla, ja Sam znao, Ja Sam znao, iz tih kretnji i porijekla, Sve je isto, sve je kao. Sve te vodilo k meni, sve sto rode samoce, Mala primorska mjesta, isti pisci i ploce, Kad te baci kao ladu nocni val do moga praga, Nije bilo tesko znati da mi moras biti draga, Da mi moras biti draga. Sve te vodilo k meni, tvoje oci i usta, Tvoje ljubavi mrtve, moja losa iskustva, Mi smo bili na pocetku istim vinom opijeni, I kad si isla krivim putem, sve te vodilo k meni, Sve te vodilo k meni. Mi smo bili na pocetku istim vinom opijeni, I kad si isla krivim putem, sve te vodilo k meni, Sve te vodilo k meni. i nikad ne prevazidjena....od Laze K. Santa Maria della Salute Oprosti, majko sveta, oprosti, sto nasih gora pozalih bor, na kom se, ustuk svakoj zlosti, blazenoj tebi podize dvor; prezri, nebesnice, vrelo milosti, sto ti zemaljski sagresi stvor: Kajan ti ljubim preciste skute, Santa Maria della Salute. http://www.yurope.com/people/n.../Santa_Maria_della_salute.html Lepo,Billy,lepo... Mada ni "Mozda spava" ne smemo zaboraviti,a o "Uzalud je budim" da i ne govorimo... Nego,posto je vec pomenut Dedic...ima jedna genijalna stvar na albumu "Ministarstvo straha" mislim... Pocinje ovako: "Zamisljam je nagu sa tijelom decaka u kome je zena usnula i spava..." Nisam siguran kako se pesma zove i da li je uopste Arsenova,ali je zaista malo remek-delo. [ svetlanalane @ 23.12.2006. 17:46 ] @
A Desanka Maksimović
Ne, nemoj mi prići..... Kako je to dobra pesma Tin Ujević, Laza Kostić........ [ milke @ 23.12.2006. 18:26 ] @
Citat: [ svetlanalane @ 23.12.2006. 18:39 ] @
De gustibus non disputandum est !!!!!
[ milke @ 23.12.2006. 18:47 ] @
Citat: svetlanalane: De gustibus non disputandum est !!!!! [ night-shift @ 23.12.2006. 18:51 ] @
Neđo Kostić - Gazdarica
![]() [ Blue^demoN @ 25.12.2006. 21:12 ] @
Tool - Parabol & Parabola
Najsavrshenija pesma ikada napisana. I muzika, i tekst, i kako je sve to ukomponovano i sve je savrsheno. [ braker @ 25.12.2006. 21:45 ] @
nije loshe:) [ Floyd @ 26.12.2006. 01:54 ] @
Guns N' Roses - Civil War , tekst jak a aksel rouz ga je otpevao maksimum iz srca
(Slash / McKagan / Rose) Special Thanks Niven / James "What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach... So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it! Well, he gets it! N' I don't like it any more than you men." * Look at your young men fighting Look at your women crying Look at your young men dying The way they've always done before Look at the hate we're breeding Look at the fear we're feeding Look at the lives we're leading The way we've always done before My hands are tied The billions shift from side to side And the wars go on with brainwashed pride For the love of God and our human rights And all these things are swept aside By bloody hands time can't deny And are washed away by your genocide And history hides the lies of our civil wars D'you wear a black armband When they shot the man Who said "Peace could last forever" And in my first memories They shot Kennedy I went numb when I learned to see So I never fell for Vietnam We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all That you can't trust freedom When it's not in your hands When everybody's fightin' For their promised land And I don't need your civil war It feeds the rich while it buries the poor Your power hungry sellin' soldiers In a human grocery store Ain't that fresh I don't need your civil war Look at the shoes your filling Look at the blood we're spilling Look at the world we're killing The way we've always done before Look in the doubt we've wallowed Look at the leaders we've followed Look at the lies we've swallowed And I don't want to hear no more My hands are tied For all I've seen has changed my mind But still the wars go on as the years go by With no love of God or human rights 'Cause all these dreams are swept aside By bloody hands of the hypnotized Who carry the cross of homicide And history bears the scars of our civil wars "We practice selective annihilation of mayors And government officials For example to create a vacuum Then we fill that vacuum As popular war advances Peace is closer" ** I don't need your civil war It feeds the rich while it buries the poor Your power hungry sellin' soldiers In a human grocery store Ain't that fresh And I don't need your civil war I don't need your civil war I don't need your civil war Your power hungry sellin' soldiers In a human grocery store Ain't that fresh I don't need your civil war I don't need one more war I don't need one more war Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway [ mcrory @ 26.12.2006. 10:43 ] @
Definitivno Dzoni Stulic
Ako iko ikada, spjeva pjesmu nad pjesmama ako iko ikada to ucini... [ solarko @ 26.12.2006. 21:40 ] @
- Civil War - Guns n Roses
- Samo da rata ne bude - Djordje Balasevic - Bob-ovi (Dylan & Marley) [ svetlanalane @ 27.12.2006. 21:32 ] @
A Moody Blues - Nights in white satin?
Možda navodim sve stare pesme, ali nove još nisu dokazale svoju postojanost i trajnost. Bar za sada. [ loonies @ 28.12.2006. 10:13 ] @
Teško za to, najbolja pesma ikada napisana.
Gledajući to kao celokupan doživljaj i utisak (muzika, tekst, povezanost, koncept) Pink Floyd je moj favorit, po albumima. neko je omenuo Nemoj mi prići - Desanka Maksimović [ maj1991 @ 28.12.2006. 20:27 ] @
Aaa, vidim Civil War ima dva glasa. Pridruzujem se
![]() [ fanfon @ 30.06.2007. 21:06 ] @
Ne mogu reci da je najbolja ikada, jer nikad necu preslusati sve dobre sto postoje, ali od svih pomenutih ovde je bolja po meni:
Nightwish-Ghost Love Score Savrsenstvo skladnosti glasa, teksta i melodije, a narocito prelaza... P.S. Nema dobre pesme ispod bar 5, 6 minuta. Jednostavno nije dovoljno vremena... [ zeleni_prst @ 30.06.2007. 23:41 ] @
za mene je najbolja pesma Stranglers - Golden Brown
[ ovojeadresa @ 01.07.2007. 01:06 ] @
Što se tiče domaće (Ex Yu) muzike, jedna od meni najboljih je Mačka od Ibrice Jusića. Takođe, Dado Topić je u svojoj solo karijeri imao fenomenalnih tekstova (primer: Konji neosedlani sa istoimenog albuma). Da se ne bih nastavio u nedogled, pomenuću još samo S vremena na vreme, kao i Drugi način.
Naravno, pojam "najbolja" predstavlja subjektivan stav pojedinaca i njihove (trenutne) preferencije ka određenim pravcima ili grupama, ali u svakom slučaju, tema je korisna i pruža mi inspiraciju da čujem neke pesme na koje nisam obratio pažnju ili nisam imao prilike da ih čujem. Samo nastavite. [ jonniebravo @ 01.07.2007. 14:59 ] @
Ne kazem da je najbolja, ali lud je tekst skroz:
Artist: The Roots Lyrics Song: The Seed Lyrics (feat. Cody Chesnutt) [Verse 1: Black Thought] Knocked up 9 months ago And what she finna have she don't know She want neo-soul, this hip-hop is old She don't want no rock-n-roll She want platinum or ice or gold She want a whole lotta somethin' to fold If you a obstacle she just drop ya cold Cuz one monkey don't stop the show Little Mary is bad In these streets she done ran E'er since when the heat began I told the girl look here Calm down I'ma hold your hand To enable you to peep the plan Cuz you is quick to learn And we can make money to burn If you allow me the latest game I don't ask for much, but enough room to spread my wings And the world finna know my name [Verse 2: Cody Chesnutt] I don't ask, for much these days And I don't bitch, and whine, if I don't get my way I only wanna fertilize another behind my lover's back I sit and watch it grow standin' where I'm at Fertilize another behind my lover's back And I'm keepin' my secrets mine I push my seed in her push for life Its gonna work because I'm pushin' it right If Mary drops my baby girl tonight I would name her Rock-N-Roll [Verse 3: Black Thought] Uh-huh Cadillac need space to roam Where we headin for she don't know We in the city where the pros shake rattle and roll And I'm a gaddang rollin' stone I don't beg I can hold my own I don't break I can hold the chrome And this weighin' a ton and I'm a son of a gun My code name is The Only One and Black Thought is bad These streets he done ran ever since when the game began I never played the fool Matta fact I be keepin' it cool Since money been changing hands And I'm left to shine, but the legacy that I leave behind be the seed that'll keep the flame I don't ask for much but enough room to spread these wings And the world finna know my name [Verse 4: Cody Chesnutt] I don't beg For no rich man And I don't scream, and kick, when his shit don't fall in my hands, man Cuz I know how to still Fertilize another against my lover's will I lick the opposition cuz she don't take no pill Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-no dear You'll be keeping my legend alive I push my seed in her push for life Its gonna work because I'm pushin' it right If Mary drops my baby girl tonight I would name her Rock-N-Roll Oh-ooh break it down, break it down, break down beat [break] I push my seed somewhere deep in her chest I push it naked cuz I've takin my test Deliverin' Mary it don't matter the sex I'm gon' name it rock and roll I push my seed in my push for life It's gonna work becuz I'm pushin it right If Mary drop my baby girl, tonight I would name her Rock-N-Roll I would name her Rock-N-Roll I would name her Rock-N-Roll yeah I would name it Rock-N-Roll [ despotbg @ 01.07.2007. 16:40 ] @
Jesenjin - dovidjenja prijatelju
[ ad0lf @ 01.07.2007. 22:36 ] @
SHIVAREE- kill bill 2
Goodnight moon There's a nail in the door And there's glass on the lawn Tacks on the floor And the TV is on And I always sleep with my guns When you're gone There's a blade by the bed And a phone in my hand A dog on the floor And some cash on the nightstand When I'm all alone the dreaming stops And I just can't stand What should I do I'm just a little baby What if the lights go out and maybe And then the wind just starts to moan Outside the door he followed me home Well goodnight moon I want the sun If it's not here soon I might be done No it won't be too soon 'til I say Goodnight moon There's a shark in the pool And a witch in the tree A crazy old neighbour and he's been watching me And there's footsteps loud and strong coming down the hall Something's under the bed Now it's out in the hedge There's a big black crow sitting on my window ledge And I hear something scratching through the wall Oh what should I do I'm just a little baby What if the lights go out and maybe I just hate to be all alone Outside the door he followed me home Now goodnight moon I want the sun If it's not here soon I might be done No it won't be too soon 'til I say Goodnight moon Well you're up so high How can you save me When the dark comes here Tonight to take me up To my front walk And into bed where it kisses my face And eats my head Oh what should I do I'm just a little baby What if the lights go out and maybe And then the wind just starts to moan Outside the door he followed me home Now goodnight moon I want the sun If it's not here soon I might be done No it won't be too soon 'til I say Goodnight moon No it won't be too soon 'til I say Goodnight moon [ ar nogard @ 02.07.2007. 00:52 ] @
[ bojan21 @ 28.07.2007. 21:22 ] @
Citat: jonniebravo: Ne kazem da je najbolja, ali lud je tekst skroz: Artist: The Roots Lyrics Song: The Seed Lyrics (feat. Cody Chesnutt) [Verse 1: Black Thought] Knocked up 9 months ago And what she finna have she don't know She want neo-soul, this hip-hop is old She don't want no rock-n-roll She want platinum or ice or gold She want a whole lotta somethin' to fold If you a obstacle she just drop ya cold Cuz one monkey don't stop the show Little Mary is bad In these streets she done ran E'er since when the heat began I told the girl look here Calm down I'ma hold your hand To enable you to peep the plan Cuz you is quick to learn And we can make money to burn If you allow me the latest game I don't ask for much, but enough room to spread my wings And the world finna know my name [Verse 2: Cody Chesnutt] I don't ask, for much these days And I don't bitch, and whine, if I don't get my way I only wanna fertilize another behind my lover's back I sit and watch it grow standin' where I'm at Fertilize another behind my lover's back And I'm keepin' my secrets mine I push my seed in her push for life Its gonna work because I'm pushin' it right If Mary drops my baby girl tonight I would name her Rock-N-Roll [Verse 3: Black Thought] Uh-huh Cadillac need space to roam Where we headin for she don't know We in the city where the pros shake rattle and roll And I'm a gaddang rollin' stone I don't beg I can hold my own I don't break I can hold the chrome And this weighin' a ton and I'm a son of a gun My code name is The Only One and Black Thought is bad These streets he done ran ever since when the game began I never played the fool Matta fact I be keepin' it cool Since money been changing hands And I'm left to shine, but the legacy that I leave behind be the seed that'll keep the flame I don't ask for much but enough room to spread these wings And the world finna know my name [Verse 4: Cody Chesnutt] I don't beg For no rich man And I don't scream, and kick, when his shit don't fall in my hands, man Cuz I know how to still Fertilize another against my lover's will I lick the opposition cuz she don't take no pill Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-no dear You'll be keeping my legend alive I push my seed in her push for life Its gonna work because I'm pushin' it right If Mary drops my baby girl tonight I would name her Rock-N-Roll Oh-ooh break it down, break it down, break down beat [break] I push my seed somewhere deep in her chest I push it naked cuz I've takin my test Deliverin' Mary it don't matter the sex I'm gon' name it rock and roll I push my seed in my push for life It's gonna work becuz I'm pushin it right If Mary drop my baby girl, tonight I would name her Rock-N-Roll I would name her Rock-N-Roll I would name her Rock-N-Roll yeah I would name it Rock-N-Roll Axa, tekst je lud, ali ritam je nevidjen0 dobar! Sve u svemu, extra pesma ![]() [ snidz @ 06.08.2008. 00:25 ] @
Tin Ujević:
Duša je strasna u dubini Ona je zublja u dnu noći Plačimo, plačimo u tišini Umrimo, umrimo u samoći! (pure metanoya...) Kostić, Dis, Vojislav, i normalno princ Momčilo! Mora da dodam i ovo: Sade- Like a Tatto (ne zamerite, upravo slušam i pretvorio se u veliku vaginu...:(....) [ p_dragan @ 06.08.2008. 10:08 ] @
Urge Overkill – Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon
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