[ Hltman @ 29.11.2012. 23:02 ] @
Google traffic graph: https://www.google.com/transpa...97700482&ced=1354205460000 |
[ Hltman @ 29.11.2012. 23:02 ] @
[ cyBerManIA @ 30.11.2012. 01:34 ] @
Oni su povezani na net preko 4 fizickih linkova. Tri su kroz more, i jedan na kopno. Sva 4 su presecena u istom trenutku.
A njihov neki zvanicnik rekao da nisu iskljucili internet u zemlji. E sad, ili on laze, ili je neko na 4 lokacije u istom trenutku presekao kablove.. :) Mada, mozda je neko i na glavnim ruterima pocukao konfiguracije.. [ su27killeryu @ 30.11.2012. 01:50 ] @
hoce da prekinu linije komunikacije pobunjenicima jer se pretpostavlja da su koristili Net za to(naravno ne oni alahakbar drekavci vec njihovi nadredjeni koji imaju zrno soli u glavi)
[ Homer J. Simpson @ 30.11.2012. 02:19 ] @
Sta, kao ti organizatori pobunjenika nemaju neke wireless i gsm mobilne bazne stanice, satelitsku opremu i ostale novotarije ? Da ne chat-uju preko skype i fb ?
[ mmix @ 30.11.2012. 09:17 ] @
Mislim da je pre u pitanju kontra-propagandna odluka nego operativna sabotaza borbenih komunikacija. Siguran sam da su pobunjenici opremljeni adekvatnom opremom za terensku komunikaciju.
[ Aleksandar Đokić @ 30.11.2012. 09:56 ] @
interesantan video na temu:
[ Igor Gajic @ 30.11.2012. 13:46 ] @
Spookie [ Mefisto_soad @ 30.11.2012. 14:07 ] @
Izgleda da ipak ima neki nacin za komunikaciju :).
Citat: A little less than two years ago, when Internet access was cut off in Egypt, we worked with Twitter to launch Speak2Tweet, giving the ability for anyone to tweet using just a voice connection. In the last day, Internet access has been completely cut off in Syria. Unfortunately we are hearing reports that mobile phones and landlines aren’t working properly either. But those who might be lucky enough to have a voice connection can still use Speak2Tweet by simply leaving a voicemail on one of these international phone numbers (+90 212 339 1447 or +30 21 1 198 2716 or +39 06 62207294 or +1 650 419 4196), and the service will tweet the message. No Internet connection is required, and people can listen to the messages by dialing the same phone numbers or going to twitter.com/speak2tweet. https://plus.google.com/+google/posts/dKiBsQq6nxw Poz. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 by www.elitesecurity.org. All rights reserved.