Krim i tkz. "Kosovo" nisu isto, i nikad nece biti. Tj. Rusija nece priznati Kosovo isto kao sto ni zapad nece priznati Krim... sto sejes to i zanjes -> svako ce od sada da ima svoje "specijalne slucajeve", opravdanja i interese koje ce stiti po svaku cenu (kad vec to ustanovljen nacin ponasanja zapada... valjda je red da se i drugi drze novonastalih pravila igre).
Jbg. ekipa zapadnih licemera i osvajaca se upustila u igru ko ima vecu toljagu, po sistemu moze nam se, i gle cuda, sad neko drugi ima vecu toljagu na odredjenom prostoru, uz naravno novonastale "realnosti na terenu" -> i to je odjednom "problem". Mislim, nije nego. Uostalom, videli smo koju smejuriju od sankcija su im "uveli" :). Znaju oni s'kim mogu da treniraju strogocu/duple standarde i da mu bacaju bombe na glavu, a gde to nece moci...
Svaka cast za Putina i Ruski narod koji je konacno u istoj drzavi. Mogu samo da ih mrze :D
U svetu gde ne postoji medjunarodno pravo, gde se UN ignorishe, ovo je izgleda jednini nacin. Ucili su od "najboljih" na tom polju.
Treaty to accept Crimea, Sevastopol to Russian Federation signed
Btw. 'ocel' Venecija da se odcepi od Italije ili ne? Ili eto, to nije na "dnevnom redu" CNN-a, pa da se o tome prica...
Venice prepares for referendum on secession from Italy
Campaigners calling for the independence of Venice and the surrounding Veneto region look to Scotland and Catalonia as examples
Around 3.8 million people in the Veneto are eligible to vote and campaigners hope to achieve a majority in favour of independence
Voting will begin on Sunday in a referendum on whether Venice and its surrounding region should secede from the rest of Italy, in a bid to restore its 1,000-year history as a sovereign republic.
"La Serenissima" – or the Most Serene Republic of Venice – was an independent trading power for a millennium before the last doge, or leader, was deposed by Napoleon in 1797.
The republic encompassed not just Venice but what is now the surrounding region of Veneto and it is there that the vote will take place from Sunday until Friday.
Following in the footsteps of Scotland and Catalonia, Venice – the capital of the Italian region of Veneto – will be holding a referendum to form an independent republic. About 3.8 million people in the region are eligible to vote in the referendum, which runs through Friday.
Leaders of the independence movement say they are not going to wait for Rome’s approval, and if the population votes in favor they will begin the separation process. The latest polls carried out by the independence movement show that over 60 percent of the population is in favor of becoming independent.
"If there is a majority yes vote, we have scholars drawing up a declaration of independence and there are businesses in the region who say they will begin paying taxes to local authorities instead of to Rome," Lodovico Pizzati, the spokesman for the independence movement, told the Telegraph newspaper.
Neka igre pocnu... ili ti, sto sejes to na kraju i zanjes.